All Chapters of I Became His Sweetheart: Chapter 771 - Chapter 780
874 Chapters
Chapter 771 Caught in the Act
"Let's begin the surgery!" Professor Marshall avoided Melanie's question. He took the scalpel from the nurse and made an incision in one of the patient's calves. The patient on his left needed a bullet extracted from his calf, while the patient on his right required a spleen suturing surgery. Professor Marshall stood in the middle, looking back and forth, as both surgeries proceeded. Melanie, acting as his assistant and apprentice, was completely focused, amazed by Professor Marshall's medical skills and concentration. "Professor Marshall!" A nurse monitoring the equipment suddenly exclaimed, "The patient undergoing spleen suturing is having difficulty breathing! His blood oxygen saturation is rapidly dropping!" At that moment, Professor Marshall was extracting a bullet from the leg of the gunshot victim and cleaning the wound track. He quickly glanced at the monitor and said to Melanie, "Go check on him." "Okay." Melanie knew the situation was urgent and hurriedly
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Chapter 772 I Would Rather Die Than Cut Off My Legs
Although Melanie didn't do it on purpose, she still said, "Sorry..." before turning off her flashlight. She thought to herself that all the residents here were hospital staff who had been as busy as bees all day. Her own hands were trembling even when she tried to eat, yet these people still had the energy to foster relationships. Impressive! Melanie smiled wryly and lay on her own bed, falling asleep the moment she closed her eyes. - Melanie thought she had slept for a long time. However, when she was awakened by a loud commotion outside and looked at her watch, she realized that she had only been asleep for half an hour. Deep sleep really was restorative. Stretching, Melanie noticed that the neighboring bed was empty. She left the tent and, hearing the distant noise, asked a nurse who was passing by, "What's going on?" "A patient is arguing with a doctor," the nurse replied. Rubbing her sore arm, Melanie nodded and followed the crowd toward the noise. Everyone spoke Ver
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Chapter 773 They are Assassins
Caleb was stunned for a moment. He suddenly became agitated and said, "Dr. Jones, you are brought here by Professor Marshall, and perhaps you have a broader perspective than us, but I can guarantee that this person's leg must be amputated!" "His leg muscles have just begun to atrophy, and they haven't completely necrotized yet. If we perform trauma surgery quickly to control the spread of inflammation, we can save his leg," Melanie argued with reason. "Even if the surgery goes smoothly, he won’t be able to feel his legs! He would have two useless limbs attached to his body and we can't guarantee they won't cause an inflammation outbreak at any time, so they still need to be amputated! We would be leaving behind a disaster!" Caleb disagreed. "I understand your concerns. You're judging based on your extensive clinical experience, but if you can operate on him quickly, and the surgery is successful, I can use acupuncture therapy post-surgery to help his legs regain sensation, and th
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Chapter 774 She’s Here to Seduce Men
"What important things?" Melanie was puzzled. "What do you mean?" "That depends on your understanding," Professor Marshall answered vaguely, avoiding a direct answer. "Some people think that territorial issues are a big deal, some believe that trade secrets are a big deal, and others think that keeping their family safe is a big deal, isn’t it?" After speaking, Professor Marshall stretched lazily and rubbed his back, saying, "I’ll go back to sleep while it’s quiet. I’ll be busy after dawn." With that, he turned and left. Melanie stood still for a moment. There were many secrets hidden in this hospital, and Professor Marshall was tight-lipped about them. The more secretive he was, the more curious she became. As night fell, the hospital enjoyed a rare moment of tranquility. Melanie gazed at the distant horizon, thinking. The patients here indeed came in large batches and not sporadically, which suggested that they were on a mission. And all of them were on different miss
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Chapter 775 I'm Here to Find Someone
This comment immediately made the other nurses burst into laughter. "Maybe there's no need to seduce anyone? Have you heard? Some say that Dr. Jones and Professor Marshall have a special relationship..." Suddenly, someone steered the conversation even further off course. "Really? Is that true?" "There’s quite an age difference between her and Professor Marshall, isn’t there?" "Professor Marshall is so refined and elegant, always dressed in a suit underneath his lab coat. He’s also charming and educated, and not too old either. There’s plenty of such May-December romances!" Melanie halted in her steps, then turned around and walked directly to the table where they were sitting. She did not want to cause trouble, but she wouldn’t let the nurses here think that she was an easy target either. At that moment, several other medical staff had arrived in the cafeteria, and seeing a spectacle to behold, they stopped getting their food and started to crowd around to watch. Seeing
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Chapter 776 Mr. Castillo
Hank raised his hand. He didn't want to say another word. The bodyguard behind him hurriedly spoke on his behalf. "Our second young master is missing. The information we've gotten suggests that he has joined the organization and is participating in activities, but we've checked everyone involved and he's not among them. “It is very likely that he has disguised himself and is using an alias to participate in the activities, but now he's here because he’s injured." "What's his name?" the dean asked cautiously. "His real name is Alex, but he definitely has an alias... Do you have anyone named Alex here?" the head of the bodyguards asked. The dean instructed the staff to check the recent records of patients who had come for treatment, carefully looked through them, and shook his head. "No, there's no one named Alex..." "You're right. Most of the patients who come to this hospital use aliases, not their real names..." the dean explained nervously, afraid that Hank might become
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Chapter 777 You Can't Take Her Away
"Did you stop his legs from being amputated?" Hank stared at Melanie, his gaze flickering. "Yes," Melanie took a deep breath and replied. "How confident are you in helping his legs regain sensation with acupuncture?" Hank continued to stare at her, his voice cold. "Any doctor would say 50 percent at most, no matter what kind of surgery it was," Melanie paused and explained. "Fifty percent?" Hank coldly chuckled and walked up to Melanie with his hands behind his back. Looking down at her, he said, "Is this a joke?" Although he was smiling, his voice sounded like he was about to kill someone. Everyone fell silent. "Hank!" Behind them, Alex quickly intervened, "She's my benefactor! She told me before that she's confident, but she's saying 50 percent now because you scare her!" "Oh?" Hank glanced at Alex, then turned to Melanie. "Is that so?" Melanie wasn't familiar with Hank's tactics, so she could only nod, trusting Alex. "Since you trust each other so much, why did
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Chapter 778 Extraordinary Relationship
Hank turned back and walked up to Professor Marshall. They faced each other. Others held their breath, afraid of being caught in the crossfire. Yet, Professor Marshall remained calm amid the confrontation and spoke firmly. "I won’t let anyone take away someone I brought here, unless I myself leave." Hank's expression remained unchanged, but his eye twitched. It was visibly clear that he was very angry, especially since Professor Marshall didn't care about his pride in front of so many people. However, after a few moments of silence, Hank sneered, "This hospital needs you, Professor Marshall. How can you leave?" After saying that, Hank's gaze suddenly turned cold and terrifying. "You there, come with me! The rest stay here to take care of Mr. Alex. Don't let him escape again! If his condition worsens, you will all be held accountable!" Hank left with his henchmen, leaving behind his chilling words which were still echoing in the ward. Melanie knew that not only was Han
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Chapter 779 Twenty-Four Hours
Melanie’s first day at the hospital was tough, but she knew she had to quickly adapt to the rhythm here. She rested briefly. After that, she started to perform surgeries with Professor Marshall. For routine surgeries that were easy to perform, Professor Marshall trusted her enough to let her handle them herself. Melanie was fully focused, not daring to slack off in the slightest. She handled each wound with utmost care, striving for perfection. She didn’t want to leave any patients with regret. During another round of wound suturing, Professor Marshall looked at Melanie who was fully concentrated while suppressing an affectionate smile. "What's wrong? Feeling pressured?" "Huh?" Melanie didn't lift her head, still focused on suturing the surgery wound. "No." "I can tell you're tense all over. You can't fool anyone... Is it because you're not confident about healing Alex's leg? Are you afraid that Hank will hold you responsible?" Professor Marshall asked with concern again.
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Chapter 780 Cobra Venom
Professor Marshall had solved Professor Turner’s problems, and there was positive feedback from Professor Turner's side, which should have been great news. Melanie thought she would be able to sleep soundly, but unexpectedly, she heard news that Nathan intended to harm Ermin and Eliza... Even if she trusted Annie and William, how could she not worry? Nathan... She never forgot about seeking revenge on him. It was evident that although Nathan had not taken any action for a long time, he still remembered. As long as she was alive, he would never stop targeting her... The current passive situation was very unfavorable to Melanie. She needed to come up with a solution to turn the tables as soon as possible and be on the offensive. - Melanie didn't sleep much that night and woke up early in the morning. She had breakfast alone and went to the ward alone. Everyone was extremely polite to her, but she wasn’t bothered. After all, she was just a newcomer, and she didn't plan to
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