All Chapters of His Beta's Daughter: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
139 Chapters
C H A P T E R 60 - Gwen.
"Well, well, well. Look who the cat dragged in. I was starting to think that you weren't going to show up." I knew that Alpha Elijah would easily be able to pick up on the fact that this was nothing more than playful banter, but I did know that I needed to thread lightly, because I could tell by the expression on his face, that he wasn't happy. There was clearly something that was bothering him, and if I had to take a guess, I would pin the blame on no one other than Samantha. She was the only person who could get under his skin in the particular way that she managed to, and I didn't even think that she realised that she was doing it. It was one of the many things that led me to believe that the two of them were destined to be mates. There was still a chance that I was going to be wrong, but I doubted that it would be the case. He didn't even acknowledge my statement, and instead, walked directly past me. I didn't know where he was going, but it seemed like he hadn't come here with
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C H A P T E R 61 - Gwen.
No matter how long Alpha Elijah sparred with the people who were here, he did not seem to lighten up in terms of the way that he was feeling. All along, I had been under the impression that his emotions would lighten up once he got everything out of his system, but it just wasn't happening. It was something that baffled me, and I was starting to get more and more curious in terms of knowing what it was that was making him feel this way. If I didn't know any better, then I would have gone ahead and asked him what was going on, but I did not want to find myself as the focus of his rage. But it seemed like luck was on my side for once, because I must have suffered for long enough. I said this because Samantha walked through the doors to the gymnasium. The only reason why I knew that, was because of the fact that I could see the change in Alpha Elijah's posture, in the way that he tensed. I had heard the door opening, but I had to turn around to see that it was her. But Alpha Elijah had
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C H A P T E R 62 - Sam.
I would never find myself in a position where I believed myself to be right without having reason to believe so, and it was for that very reason that I could do nothing more than to stare at Elijah and think him to be an idiot. I could not believe that he was acting in this manner, that he was going to try and hold the fact that I had been late against me. I did not entirely know what I was going to do in terms of managing this situation, but I was not going to allow it to get to me. Not even in the slightest. I refused. If Elijah was so determined to fight with me, then he was going to be in for a big surprise, because he was just going to be fighting with himself. "I'm the one who decides what your gradings will be, Samantha. Not your lecturers, and certainly not anyone else. The decision is mine, and at the rate that you're going, I find you not worthy of doing something important." He did not need to say much more for me to know what he was saying to me. When my father had initi
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C H A P T E R 63 - Elijah.
As I watched Samantha spar with our head enforcer, Matthew, I could not help but to acknowledge the fact that she was destined for combat. I did not know what it was that made her combat technique so special, but I could tell that she had a knack for it. She seemed to possess the ability to get Matthew to perform a specific set of moves and techniques, and just when it seemed like Matthew was gaining the upper hand, the tables turned and she was able to put him in his place. I did not know how Matthew managed to bounce back every time, but that was also not something that I was concerned about. "Ah, for fuck sakes!" Matthew's exclamation as he fell to the ground, came as no surprise to me. It was yet another one of those instances where she had backed him into a corner without him realising it. I could see that he was upset, and he was more than ready to shift and attack her to teach her a lesson, but I had made a rule that we were not allowed to shift. I did not know how well she w
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C H A P T E R 64 - Sam.
Matthew stalked off, clearly unimpressed by the fact that I had managed to best him. In all honesty, I hadn't given him much of a choice in the matter. I had gotten tired of the back and forth, because regardless of what I did to make him realise what he was doing, he just did not seem to get it. I didn't want to be one of those people, but I did not think that it was something to be proud of. After all, as the head of enforcers, he was supposed to be able to take notice of things like that, and since he was the one who was doing them, he should have been able to pick up on it himself. Despite the fact that Matthew was upset by what was going on, it seemed to me like Elijah and Gwen did not share in those sentiments. They were more than amused, and even though I wished that I could share in their feelings, I was too exhausted to do so. I didn't have it in me to find any humour in this situation, and on the contrary, I just wanted to go home and get into bed. And hopefully, I would no
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C H A P T E R 65 - Elijah.
It had not been my intention to strike her with that particular response, but I found that I was incapable of keeping it in for much longer. I had been allowing it to eat at me since I had discovered it, and the fact that I had managed to keep it in until now had been a surprise in itself. Admittedly, I had had something else to distract myself with, something to occupy my mind until now. But now that I was forced to acknowledge the possibility that the only reason why she wanted to go home, was in order to meet that scoundral of hers again. I had gone home this afternoon for a change of clothes, to dress appropriately for my afternoon in the gymnasium. I had gone into the bathroom in the hallway out of desperation to relieve my bladder, when I caught a whiff of something that didn't belong in my house, And I followed it, finding the source to be none other that Samantha's room. And it definitely belonged to a person, and not simply to a possession that someone had borrowed her. She
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C H A P T E R 66 - Sam.
I disliked what Elijah was doing, and most of all, I disliked the fact that I was now being forced to talk to him about something that he had no business knowing about. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole, even though what had happened was not nearly as bad as it could have been. The thing that was making me feel the way that I was feeling, was the fact that I didn't think that it was right to talk to someone who thought that they were my mate, about the fact that there was someone else who thought the exact same thing. Could you imagine the effect that that conversation was going to have on them? "I did not invite him to come into my bedroom, if that is what you're implying. I'm not going to stand here and argue with you about something when I know that you're not going to see sense." I picked up my schoolbag, which had been laying on the floor, up until now, and I decided that I needed to get out of here, and I needed to do it fast, especially if I had any intentio
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C H A P T E R 67 - Sam.
If I thought that the conversation in the gymnasium was difficult, then there were no words for me to explain the way that I was feeling now that Elijah was walking home with me. I had been convinced that I would have been able to get away from him by doing this, but as it turned out, the exact opposite was happening. And there was nothing that I could do about it. The only thing that made the situation slightly more bearable, was the fact that he wasn’t talking to me. The moment that he started to drill me with questions, I knew that we would be done for. I knew it, without an ounce of doubt in my mind. I could only hope that the silence would continue all the way home. But it was almost like thinking about it had been enough to conjure it up, for Elijah started speaking, breaking the already tense silence. “So, are you just going to avoid talking to me until we get home? If that’s your game plan, then I’m going to burst your bubble right now, because I’m not going to stand for tha
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C H A P T E R 68 - Elijah.
The rest of our afternoon did not pass by in much better spirits than the beginnings of this one had, and I believed that Samantha and I both carried the blame for that. After all, the chance to better the situation between the two of us was a chance that both of us had. I wouldn't take the blame for the way that things were just because she wouldn't take the blame. But then again, it was possible that there was another reason why I was feeling less than accountable for what was happening between the two of us - and obviously, it was because of what she had said. I knew that I had no real reason to be upset, especially because she had already said this to me. It was not like she was dropping a new bombshell on me, or that it was something that I didn’t know. But hearing her say it again, hearing her remind me of the fact that she did not wish to have a mate, was like taking a knife and stabbing it right into the crevices of my heart. And the worst part of it all, was the fact that sh
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C H A P T E R 69 - Sam.
I wished that I could say that there was nothing else that bothered me that evening, but unfortunately, that was not the case. Not even in the most remote manners that you could think of. And as much as I wished that I could have done something to make it better, I knew that my options were limited, since the way that I was feeling was not being spurred on by myself, but instead by Elijah. And if I had to be completely honest with myself, then I would be willing to admit that I didn’t know why I was so upset, but the point of the matter was that I was. I didn’t know what it was that made today so different, but it seemed to me like Elijah had something planned - or perhaps I was only now starting to learn of the cycle that Elijah considered to be a part of his normal, everyday routine. After all, he might not need someone to clean his house every day of the week, but someone coming in once a week seemed like a completely acceptable agreement. Because that was part of what made me fee
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