All Chapters of His Beta's Daughter: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
139 Chapters
C H A P T E R 70 - Sam.
I didn't know whether or not it had something to do with my facial expression, or if there was something else that was giving away my true feelings in regards to seeing my parents, but I could tell by the expression on my mother's face, that she was far from happy to see me. That made me feel even less optimistic about this encounter than I already was, and I was going to end up feeling even worse if this continued. And the fact that Arthur was not with them, gave me the impression that this wasn't just going to be a friendly visit in order to wish me luck for tomorrow. "Welcome. I was starting to think that you might not make it." It was Elijah who spoke, and even though he was not standing close to me, he was now much closer than he had been before. It seemed to me like he was slowly starting to make his way to the door, but I didn't understand why it was taking him so long. As far as I was concerned, he should have been here to open the door for them. And maybe he should have tol
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C H A P T E R 71 - Sam.
I sat in my room, feeling the weight of every minute tick by as if I was carrying it on my shoulders. Elijah had practically disclosed to me what it was that they were discussing down there, but that did not make it any easier for me to be up here. On the contrary, it seemed to make it even harder, because now I didn’t know what was being said. I didn’t know who was speaking in my favour and who was not. I didn’t think that I would be this bothered and disturbed by it, but it seemed like I was still capable of surprising myself. It wouldn’t have been even remotely as bad as this of Arthur had been down there, because I knew that he wouldn’t have dared to spare a moment before he would tell me everything that they had discussed behind my back. The more that I thought about it, the more I was forced to acknowledge the fact that that might have been the exact reason why he hadn’t come with to start with. “Excuse me, Alpha Elijah requests your presence downstairs.” I was somewhat start
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C H A P T E R 72 - Sam.
For all the confidence that I had had the moment that the Omega had come to call me, it slowly started to dissipate as I made my way down the staircase. On the contrary, I was starting to feel rather apprehensive about going to them. What were they going to say? If they were even going to say anything in the first place. But even though I was thinking as logically as I could about what was going on, I knew, without a doubt, that I would not stop feeling the way that I was feeling until everything started. And even then, it would be dependent on what route the conversation took. I didn’t know whether or not I had been walking to slowly down the staircase, or even if I had hesitated for a moment, because the Omega cleared her throat from behind me, urging me to keep going. I might not have been in any rush to get downstairs, but she definitely did not have any problem with being there. I should have waited for her to walk first. That way, I wouldn’t have had to deal with her rushing me
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C H A P T E R 73 - Elijah.
I would be lying if I claimed to know why Samantha was acting in the way that she was, but if I had to take a guess, I would say that it had something to do with the fact that her father was here. I knew that it was too soon for me to just make a decision like this, but it was something that I simply couldn’t help. And the fact that I was somehow managing to keep myself from directly asking Samantha what was going on, was a miracle in itself. I knew that I possessed more self-control than those around me but it was only in instances such as this one where I was actually reminded of it. “Samantha-““I think it would be best if we did not get ahead of ourselves here. After all, none of us came here to fight. We came here with the intention of placing Samantha and that is what we’re going to do.” It was harder for me to cut off Luke than I had thought it would be, for he seemed to be as determined to speak as I was. But luckily, he did not need to be reminded of my title as he had so e
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C H A P T E R 74 - Elijah.
I knew that I needed to thread very carefully, that I needed to be careful when I spoke. At the rate things were going, I could tell that Samantha was determined to get me to tell her what it was that had forced me to make this decision. But that was where the problem came in - no one had forced me to do this. It was a decision that I had made on my own, and I had simply gotten her father to agree to it. I knew that the right thing to do, would be to tell her that, but something told me that taking the sole blame for this was not going to help me at all. It might’ve been the cowards way out, but my Beta and I would have to share the blame for us - and essentially, the consequences thereof as well. “Samantha. It does not matter what it was that made us come to this decision. The point is that we have decided that this is what is best for you. You might not be able to see our reasoning behind us, and that is fine. But it is not going to make us change our minds.” I had to admit that I
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C H A P T E R 75 - Sam.
I sat down again, realising that this was not going to be an argument that I would easily be able to win. I had already done what I could, and I had literally gotten nowhere. But even though I was able to acknowledge this factor, I knew that there was absolutely nothing that I could do in terms of making myself feel better. I still felt like I could take each of them on, but I also knew that that would not help my case. I was trying to get them to make a decision in my favour, and maybe I was doing it the wrong way. But regardless of that, the point of the matter remained that I had already done what I had done and said what I had said. The chance that I would be able to redeem myself right now, was practically slim to none, and I was perfectly fine with those odds. After all, it was not like I had intended to redeem myself at all. I wanted them to know what I had meant everything that I had said, and I would mean it even if they were to change their minds. I stared down at the plat
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C H A P T E R 76 - Elijah.
The Omegas cleared the plates off of the dining room table, and I was instantly made aware of the fact that everyone was expecting me to dismiss them. I hadn’t thought about it until now, but I realised that I was not ready for all of us to go our separate ways. There was merely too much that still needed to be discussed, but even so, I also knew that these people were in no position to discuss anything of actual importance with one another. It made me wonder how all of them had managed to stay in the same house for eighteen years to begin with. “I would like to be dismissed. I still have a final assignment that I will need to submit tomorrow, and I do not wish to be up too late working on it.” Samantha’s question was directed at me, and I realised that I had instructed her that she would need to be dismissed by her parents and not by me. I didn’t know whether or not this was a test and she was merely waiting to see whether or not I had said that as a joke. I decided that it would b
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C H A P T E R 77 - Elijah.
As I walked Luke and Julie to the door, I could hear the bath water running, and I knew that Samantha was going to be occupied for quite some time - not that I minded. The Omegas were still going to be here for a while in order to clean up, and by the time that they left, Samantha should have had some time to think about everything that had happened this evening. I did not yet know whether or not I would go and try to speak to her about the matter, but it would only be a matter of time until I was able to make a decision. “It was a pleasure to share your company this evening, Alpha Elijah. I apologise for Samantha’s reaction to your decision. I hope that she will come to her senses soon enough.” The comment came from Luke, and I had to admit that he had some nerve that not even I would have had. There was no guarantee that Samantha wasn’t able to hear us, and to speak so freely was rather disrespectful. I wouldn’t have been surprised if Samantha came running towards us with a machet
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C H A P T E R 78 - Sam.
I might not have developed my supernatural heating abilities yet, but I was able to hear Elijah walking up the staircase, and I could not help but to brace myself for his inevitable arrival at the bathroom door. I might be wrong, and he might not even be coming here, but I had the feeling that that was not going to be the case this time around. After the evening that we had had, it would have been suspicious if he didn’t come here to try and talk some sense into me. It would have been much easier for me if I didn’t have to speak to him. After all, there were other things for me to worry about right now, things that were more important than teaching people how to be enforcers when I couldn’t even be one. I didn’t think that I was being unreasonable, and I hoped that it would only be a matter of time before Elijah realised that he was the one who was being unreasonable. I hadn’t done anything that would have made me undeserving of being an enforcer. There was a soft knock on the bathr
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C H A P T E R 79 - Elijah.
I could feel the uncomfortable stirring in my loins as I sat there, waiting for Samantha to respond to me. I took it that she hadn’t thought of the situation in the same manner as I had, which was why she had been arguing with me. But, I chose to believe that her silence symbolised that she was acknowledging that I was right. But that wasn’t why I felt like a horny teenager in the midst of my crush. No. The reason why I felt the way that I did, was because the bubbles that had barely been covering her before, were disappearing. And despite my earlier statement, there was a lot of her that I wanted to see. The only thing separating the two of us right now, was my own self-control. I didn’t think that Samantha even considered what was going through my mind right now, and a part of me was thankful for that small mercy. “Aren’t you going to say anything?” I wanted her to start talking to me again, to start explaining what was going through her mind. It was one of the few things that I
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