All Chapters of After Divorcing, She Stunned The World: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
120 Chapters
Chapter 91 Not in the right position
She came out of the car and looked at the taxi driver and then said to him,If you can inform any other taxi driver and get them in this search, I will give you half of hundred thousand dollars. Anything you find about his missing, I will give you a bonus for that, as for your payment today, I will give you a card that can take care of your driving expenses for a year.The driver looked at her with his mouth gaped, he couldn’t utter a word until Elsie stretched the card towards him, he couldn’t bring himself to take the card and so, she prompted him,I don’t have the whole day, you take it or I will throw it at you. I don’t want to act disrespectful.The driver gulped and took the card, just then, she turned and rushed into the building. The valet by the gate saw her entering and he gaped. She was already in the building and so, he rushed to the driver who was still stunned and asked,Sir, is that Miss Elsie Alfred who just entered the building?The driver nodded blankly and when the
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Chapter 92 Being Abused
She walked in on a high heel and dressed in a black dress, when she saw Elsie, she bent down and removed her heels and then she rushed towards Elsie. Out of confusion, Elsie couldn’t move and Rod was on the far end of the room where he had plugged the third phone. She jumped on to Elsie in the chair and they all tumbled to the ground together. She started hitting Elsie with all her strength, and clutched her with her legs so she couldn’t free herself.Rod rushed over to them and pulled her off Elsie, Elsie’s face had red marks, she looked at her and smirked and then said to her,Mrs. Crofts, I don’t know why you did this but I promise you that you will be put in jail for your actions.Mrs. Crofts sneered and shouted at her,Let me see who dares to put me in prison. You should be the one in jail you devil, where the hell is my son? Where have you kept my son?Elsie sneered and replied to her cleaning the blood on her lips with the sleeve of her shirt with a bloody mark on it,You just
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Chapter 93 You being Mrs. Crofts
Right in front of the company, two cars stopped, one a Benz and other, a sports car. Two young men rushed out of the car and they didn’t even bother to give their keys to the valet but rushed in even before the security man could ask them any question.When they entered the building, they went straight to the elevator but they remembered that they had no idea of which floor they should go and so, they rushed back to the receptionist who watched them dumbfounded.Where is the CEO’s office?The receptionist was still in a daze as she watched the younger looking man dressed in plain clothes. Instead of answering their question, she asked instead,Mr., Are you Aires, the super idol?Sid rolled his eyes and pressed on,Where is the CEO’S office? Did you see Miss Elsie come in here?The receptionist finally looked at Sid, and when she saw that he was no less handsome as Aires, the only thought she had on mind was to post the moment. And so, she brought out her phone and before they knew it,
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Chapter 94 You have everything planned
Elsie shook her head and said to the police man,Let her be, I called you here so, you could keep the peaceful atmosphere so, I could sigh these papers. But then, before I do that, I am waiting for a marriage certificate, I can’t take over everything when I am not associated with Oswald. It’s only wise that I marry him.Again? More than one voice shouted in the room and one coming from the outside.They all heard the other voice and so, they looked in that way and found Tess standing in the door way with a dejected expression and her bag on the floor. She suddenly shook her head and then shouted,Never, you can never marry him again.She pointed at Elsie and asked,You witch, what are you doing here instead of Oswald? You got him kidnapped instead of you? Oh no, this can’t be happening. I need to see my father, this shouldn’t be happening.She took a step back and ran away from the place leaving her bag. Elsie looked at the people around and said to them,You don’t expect me to stay a
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Chapter 95 Never be a barrier to your happiness
She was silent and didn’t bother to utter a word, everyone looked at her but her attention was on the phone that was charging beside her. She continuously looked at her time, it was as if she was waiting for a particular moment. A few minutes later, they heard the sound of footsteps and the sound of a walking stick as well. And then shoes, no one knew where the sounds were going, since none wanted to get up to see who they were, they could only wait.A few seconds later, a group of people walked in, an old woman whom Mrs. Crofts gaped when she saw her and two men dressed in blacks suits and black bags in their hands. Mrs. Crofts quickly looked in the way of Elsie with kneaded eyebrows confused at Elsie’s intentions. When Elsie saw the old woman, she suddenly looked sad and so, the woman opened her arms and Elsie quickly got up and rushed to her and.The old woman parted her back and comforted,I am glad that you are alright, everything will be okay. Have some faith will you?Mrs. Crof
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Chapter 96 Best experience ever
A few minutes later, the marriage affairs were done and the officers walked out leaving the family and friends. Rod brought in the property papers and kept them in front of Elsie, she looked through for a while and looked at Hulda who was still boiling in anger. She smirked and thought that she should make her burn more and so, she signed the first paper in front of her and gave it to her.She didn’t want to take the paper but after a glance of the content, she hurriedly took the paper and looked at it carefully. When she read everything, she looked at Elsie who was still looking at her with a smirk on her face and pointed at her. But then, no words seemed to come out of he lips, she humped and sighed several times before she could speak,You, what do you mean by this? You didn’t have to sign on this particular paper did you?Elsie shrugged and answered,Why not? Is it not in your son’s name? Even your car is in his name, what are you going to do now? It belongs to me now.Hulda stood
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Chapter 97 It's not the time to cry
After listening to the audio, they looked at each other then they saw tears in her eyes. She was sobbing silently and trying very hard to stop her tears but she still got caught by the people around her. Julian sighed and took her hand, she rubbed it gently with her palm trying to assure her. But then, she also had tears in her eyes. Elsie looked at Julian and said to her,I am sorry, I had no idea about this, I thought he treated me well because of a guilty conscience. If I knew, maybe, he wouldn’t have done this to prove his feelings towards me.Julian shook her head slowly and answered to her,You don’t have to feel sorry darling, he just didn’t want you to suffer, he can bear any torture that your enemies would have put you through but maybe before he could have found you, you might have given up. Now, is not the time to cry but to try our possible best to find him, the earliest the best.Elsie nodded her head, when she looked up, all the men in the room had their phones on their
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Chapter 98 I will have to investigate this
The next morning, in the mansion of the Crofts, Dwight sat on the couch sipping slowly on his tea but one could see the eye bags on his face. He was trying very hard to concentrate on the tea and his phone. But the way his eyes darted to the door several times in the past few seconds showed that he was impatiently waiting for someone to walk in through the door. A few minutes later, Mrs. Crofts came down the stairs, when she saw Dwight sipping on the tea, it seemed to have irritated her and so, she shouted,Dwight Crofts, you have time to sit there and sip on tea while your brother is Miss? Can’t you do anything about it? Call your friends and ask them to fish out information. You are just useless aren’t you?!!Dwight didn’t even bat an eye, he continuously looked at the phone in his hand. Hulda felt annoyed and so, she rushed down the stairs and grabbed the tea from his hand. She threw it to the floor and scattered on the ground. The maid hurried to the store room to bring broom to s
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Chapter 99 Her son is kidnapped
The car stopped at the gate but it didn’t open as she expected it to, out of confusion, she looked at the driver and asked,Could it be that the gate has a problem?The driver shook his head and pressed in the car’s horn. He pressed it one time and waited to see if they could hear anything from inside but no word came in after several minutes. She began to feel frustrated as she continuously looked at her watch and at the gate. After some time, the driver sighed and said to her,Mum, I think we are unwanted at this place, how about we go back and when you have gotten in contact with them we could come back.Hulda glared at him and shouted at him,You think I don’t understand what is going on here? Do you have to say it to me? IAm telling you, you are not moving this car until the gate opens. Let’s see how they go out or come in, they might not know but I am very persistent when I want to have my way.The driver nodded and whispered to himself,That I am very aware.An hour later, the
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Chapter 100 Kidnapped is going to marry his kidnapper
They all came out of the company and boarded their various cars, they drove in one direction and as they drove, she received a phone call. She looked at the number and realized that she didn’t know the caller. But then, she still answered and heard the person speak,You better stop investigating us or you will end up killing him. And also, know that he has sighed off all his properties in exchange of not coming after you. Dare me and I will send his corpse to your door step.Elsie sneered and responded to him,For a kidnapper, you talk too much, you better release him, and I will spare crumbling your company and revealing your bad dealings to the world. Otherwise, you can forgive me when you sleep beside your shit.Suddenly the person hanged up, Elsie looked at Sid who was driving with her and have heard her words and he tapped her shoulder assuring her. They all stopped in front of a mansion, the gate of the house didn’t open and so, they stepped out of the cars and walked to the gat
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