All Chapters of After Divorcing, She Stunned The World: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
120 Chapters
Chapter 101 Where is your daughter?
Elsie looked around and only saw Hulda and Megan, she looked around again and asked,Who is the rest of the family? Let everyone know that you have guests.Megan sneered and took a step closer to Elsie and said to her,Who do you think you are to give instructions in my own house? You are no guest but an intruder. Now tell me what you want in my house or I will call the police.Elsie smirked and responded to her,You don’t have to call them; they are on their way here. Where is that criminal that you call a daughter?Mercy’s eyes darted upstairs and back to Elsie, Hulda stood by the side and thought,I came here for help and this Wit*h came just in time to destroy my plans. She wants to push the blame on them so they won’t help me. I must do something about this.And so, she stepped forward and grabbed Elsie’s shirt, Aires came forward and was about to stop her but Elsie shook her head. She looked at Hul
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Chapter 102 We can become friends
As she sat in the plane, she looked outside and smiled when she remembered what had happened before she boarded the plane. Hulda had rushed towards her and held her hand, she had a tear in her eyes and she cried,I have offended you several times and you have finally proven to me that I had being wrong all this while. I am so sorry for my attitude, I really thought that you were a bad person who was a snitch. Someone who was after our family properties, I heard what you did with the people who came take our house. Please dear forgive me for everything.She sighed and whispered to herself,Even if I don’t come back alive, I am happy that I have one less enemy and when we return safely, I wouldn’t have to worry about her anymore.The plane flew in the air and she dozed off, she hadn’t rested since she woke up and found out that Oswald was kidnapped. Since she was on the plane and couldn’t do anything, she could only rest her head and
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Chapter 103 Throw us out
He sat in the hall looking through his phone when he heard the door bell ring. For the first time, he was careful of who it was at the door. The last time that he opened it, it brought in trouble so, he shouted for the maid,Mrs. Darwin, please help me get the door.The maid rushed out of the laundry room and looked through the camera as well. She saw that it was her madam, and so, she said to Dwight,It’s mum at the door.Dwight nodded his head after a sigh and the maid opened the door. Hulda rushed into the door hurriedly with an obvious anxiety on her face. She rushed into the kitchen and all around the hall looking at the red stickers. It seemed she hadn’t had enough and so,she attempted to move upstairs to look as well. This irritated Dwight and so, he shouted,Mom, I think you have seen enough already. You were almost thrown out of here, I get it but it didn’t happen so chill.Hulda stopped in her tracks and said,
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Chapter 104 A lion in a sheep's skin
Flashback continuesThe men looked at each other a little bit confused and the police man asked,This house isn’t the house of Oswald Crofts?Dwight nodded and replied,It was his house until yesterday, he handed everything to his wife Mrs. Elsie Crofts. My brother has no right on this house no more.It seemed his last words didn’t carry water as the man with the stickers started tearing them out and putting them on items in the house. Dwight looked on confused on what he should do, he walked to the couch and wanted to call his mother but on a second thought, he dialed another number instead.When the receiver answered, he said to her,Please, whatever you are doing, please come back home. Some men, whom I don’t know and won’t introduce themselves are here to throw us out of the house.The other end was silent for some seconds as if contemplating on the words she had just heard before speaking,Wh
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Chapter 105 Works for the kidnapper
In the hotel room, she opened the window and looked at the building in front of her. It was painted in white and the windows were tainted glasses that one couldn’t see through from the outside but the inside. She sighed and sat on the window frame and picked her phone. It showed a red signal and a particular place. She zoomed in with her fingers and the whole plan of the building became visible.The red signal was still showing, she tilted her head and smiled and then said to herself,I am this close to you but I can’t see you. As soon as I come up with a plan, I will join you in the inside. She got up and walked out if the room, down the corridor that had paintings of humans but had been placed as puzzles. She stopped at a particular one, it was a painting of a man but his parts were spread apart that included his intestines.Elsie looked at the strange painting and felt it was odd, but she couldn’t understand what was particularly off about i
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Chapter 107 He was the one
The room was suddenly silent, no one spoke and the man that came with Linda also watched her a little astonished. He shook his head and questioned in disbelieve, You with tears in your eyes and I tried to sympathize with you but you still didn’t tell me the whole truth. If you sold your father’s properties, then which properties are you claiming? Linda shook her head silently and finally spoke, If my father’s properties were sold, it would include this company but why is my sister running the same company that was sold? Would it not be that there was a conspiracy somewhere? I need answers. Sid and Aires glanced at each other with a smile on their faces and Aires asked, Did you, or did you not sell your father’s properties including the shares of this company? You and your mother sold the man and got paid, if your sister is working here, it doesn’t necessarily mean that this company belongs to your father. Linda stood up abruptly and shouted, So, what if we sold the company and h
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Chapter 108 I will ask her forgiveness
The men started putting their things together, they assembled a group of papers. Linda looked at them and realised that none of them had a surprise look on their faces. They rather went back on doing what they were doing before. She sighed and walked slowly to the desk to take her bag, she felt her body shiver out of fear but she had no choice but to move. The two men dressed in suits stood up and said to Sid and Aires, We will take our leave, leave the rest to us, by the time Miss Elsie returns, we would have solved this problem. They shook hands with them and said thanks and watched them leave, when they passed by Linda, they stopped for a second. She turned away quickly from them but then. They only moved ahead after they cross checked that they hadn’t left anything behind. She sighed as she saw them walk away and turned to look at Aires, Why isn’t it me? Aires, I don’t believe that you don’t know that I have always liked you. I am the reason my father took notice of you anyways
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Chapter 109 Let's resolve our issues
The door was opened and a man shouted, Oswald Crofts come out! Oswald looked around and sat still, the man called out again and again but no one came out. A man poked Oswald on his shoulder and asked, Are you not going out? They have been calling you all this while. Oswald smirked and answered to him, How do you know that I am Oswald when you can’t even see me? Or are you able to see in the dark? The man shook his head and said to him, When they return, they will start shooting randomly until they kill Oswald. That means people will start mentioning their names for them not be killed. Oswald turned silent for a minute and when the person returned, and called, he answered, Why don’t you switch on the light or bring along a torch light to pick him up? If you are going to shoot, then I think you will have to kill every hostage in here before you get to him. When if he is already dead? The person retrieved his steps and walked away, suddenly, people started speaking, Thank you f
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Chapter 116 She is legally my wife
Elsie felt that he was being too rude and so, he slapped his hand shyly and glared at him. The old man stood up and said to her,Let me get out of here before you butcher me for talking to him.Elsie quickly stood up and quickly took her phone and then rushed out of the place. Mr. Alfred watched her leave silently and shook his head, when she wasn’t in sight, he said to him on the other end of the line,She’s gone, you can speak now.He heard a long sigh on the other end before he spoke,I know you are worried about Elsie, I know she has got some feelings for me and she isn’t alone. I treated her badly because I was looking elsewhere but when I finally looked at her, I knew that I didn’t want to lose her. If there’s something to say to her, let me be the one to say it.Mr. Alfred removed the phone from his ear and looked at, he shook his head and said to Oswald,Do not think that I will be fooled by your slow words. You ae saying if there’s something to be said, you will be the one to
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Chapter 110 Says the dead bastard
Elsie walked to the table that the receptionist showed her and sat down comfortably, the two men that had followed her realized that she wasn’t coming out and so, they entered the room. They saw her seated comfortably on a chair as she typed on her phone. As to what she was typing, no one knew, when she was done, she stood up and walked to the receptionist once more and this time asked, Where should I turn to go to the washroom? The receptionist sighed and took another sheet of paper and wrote on it. She read and walked away after thanking him. When she entered the washroom, she saw that she was alone and so, she removed her long sleeved and floor length dress. Under it was a black shirt, she tied her chest with the ribbon she had tied her hair with. And it became a muscular chest of a man, in a few minutes, a man appeared at the door with a black hat on his head covering most of his head. He sat down on a different empty chair and typed on his phone. The waitress brought him a jui
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