All Chapters of Protected by the Moon Goddess: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
85 Chapters
Dog calmed down considerably, his breathing becoming steady again. He has walked over to me and is possessively dusting the debris from my body. The old house groans and creaks around us. A board released from the fight spontaneously hits the ground.“We can talk,” Dog says to Truk, “but not here. This house is unstable. Let's go outside." Truk nods.But I'm not ready to leave yet.First, I sift through the rubble and pick up my fallen knife, which I place back in its secret sheath in my boot. Then I find the gun. Even though it's out of ammo, I want to hold it. If nothing else, I can at least use it as a deterrent, although that trick clearly didn't work very well with Truk.After grabbing my gear, I head back to the stairs."Where are you going?" the two Alphas ask in unison, before looking at each other in irritation."To get the rest of my damn clothes."***Outside in the clearing, the air is warm, and the rays of the mid-morning sun are illuminating the pollen particles drifting
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DOGAfter a few hours, the woods give way to rolling, grassy plains, crisscrossed by roads that get older and overgrown with weeds as we approach the center. The sun is hot, but a cool breeze blows. On the horizon, dark clouds gather like a mountain range made of clouds."How are you doing?" I ask Orchid."Fine," she murmurs.She's a little upset that I'm carrying her over my shoulder.It was a necessity. Even though she has excellent stamina, it's nothing compared to me and Truk. We Alphas could run all day without getting tired. Also, our longer stride makes it almost impossible for her to keep up."How much further?" his alto voice comes from behind me.Truk, who is in front, turns to answer. “We're getting close,” he yells. “Just past the next set of hills, you'll see it.”He turns around, running backwards. His eyes are on Orchid's ass where she's bent over my shoulder."I can keep her for a while if you want to share the burden, Dog."I answer him with a silent frown. He just ro
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I press my face into her palms and drink. The water is cool and clean on my lips and tongue, purer than anything I've tasted in my life. I swallow it all down and lift my head panting.“Want more, little one?” he purrs softly.I nod, blushing at his endearment.Dog smiles and strokes my cheek. He walks to the edge to collect more rain. As he does so, a man-shaped shadow appears in the distance. We both tense up, but immediately relax when we realize it's just Truk returning from his hunt with a pair of wild hares slung over his shoulder.He steps out of the rain and into the circle of firelight before shaking the water off his body like a wet dog. I put my hand over my mouth to hide my amusement at the sight.But something about his animalistic nature also makes me hot, and another painful pulse of desire courses through my body, tightening my sex.I bite back a groan. I need to control myself in front of these men.After shivering, Truk stands erect, twisting his hips and stretching
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ORCHID“Please,” I whimper, writhing on the floor with need. "No ..."But the alphas don't hear me because of their own snarling and teeth grinding.“The omega is mine,” Dog hisses menacingly. "She belongs to me and I'm sworn to protect her."Truk snorts. “What she needs is someone who can take care of her needs, Outsider. She needs a real Alpha. ”As confusing as it sounds, watching the Alphas fight over me like this is only making my problem worse. My skin is screaming with desire. My body is overheating with the pent-up need only Alphas can ease.The two together.While they are snarling and threatening each other, I somehow manage to get to my feet. My legs are weak and trembling with lust. My skin is dripping with sweat. I stumble towards the edge of the overpass shelter where the rain is falling.Finally, the alphas take notice and their growls grow quieter." Orchid," yells Dog. "Where are you going?"He runs towards me and Truk is right beside him.As in a dream, my bare feet
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KANEThe omega's ecstatic sounds split the night, her high-pitched voice cutting through the white noise of the rain. Their screams are high-pitched and desperate, easily mistaken for screams of pain.But I know better than that.I perch on the edge of the collapsed overpass, hunched over and silent in the dark rain like one of the stone demons that haunt the ancient temples in our crumbling city. From this vantage point, high on the other side of the narrow valley, I can easily spy on the Alphas as they play with their little toy.But these are no ordinary inhabitants of the Zone. This is clear from the omega's short hair and the leather boots on his feet.She is an Outsider and also one of the Alphas.I hate strangers.I kill Outsiders.Nothing else brings me more pleasure. It's a pity that treacherous creatures rarely venture into the Zone. Opportunities to get revenge are very rare.But this opportunity is too good to pass up. Outsider's blood will be spilled tonight.Crawling slo
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ORCHIDOh no, not again!Dog and Truk assume fighting stances, their rain-wet muscles rippling with tension in the firelight. The two are snarling fiercely at the intruder who lurks there in the darkness where the rain has slowed down to a mere drizzle now.Whoever or whatever is out there is invisible to my eyes, but the smell is unmistakable.It's an alpha.And he is extremely dominant. I don't exactly know how to say this; I just know. My sense of smell has developed to the point that I can pick up messages within body odors that I would never have imagined.However, my nose is sending my brain mixed messages about this Alpha. He's telling me I should fear him. But at the same time it's telling me I should do something else with him that is totally inappropriate."Show yourself, coward," Truk snarls. “Step into the light.”There is nothing cowardly, however, about the figure advancing in the velvety shadows.He's huge. Even bigger than the Dog, both in height and mass. He is dresse
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DOGWell, here we are. Another day, another Alpha.I do not like this.The thing is, my attitude towards Truk is changing. Yesterday, I was wary of him, but last night he proved he's willing to fight by my side to protect our omega.Our omega.We share it now, and we share the responsibility for its safety.Truk is reliable. Your primitive mind is too simple for duplicities and schemes. If he was planning to betray us, I would have found out by now.The new Alpha, Kane, however, is an entirely different story.He's up to something. I can smell it on him. He is leading us into a trap.About a mile outside the city's perimeter, Kane leads us down a hillside. At the top of the rise was a small building. Now all that's left are two broken rock concrete walls meeting at right angles, their collapsed tops sloping to the ground in jagged lines. A small rectangular window is installed in one wall.Kane stops beside the decrepit wall. Propping his body against the cracked concrete, he looks to
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The two alphas are there, kneeling side by side with their backs to the wall. The outsider's head is thrown back in seemingly painful ecstasy. Beside him, the half-breed's eyes are downcast as he watches the omega suck.The omega is on all fours in front of them, her blond head bobbing on Dog's cock, then Truk's, then Dog's again, whimpering submissively as she alternates pleasing them both.Alphas.She is also almost naked. His clothes and boots are strewn across the floor as if they've been ripped off in a frenzy. The only thing she's wearing right now is her cotton panties.Her back is deliciously arched and her ass is lifted, giving off invisible clouds of her intensely warm scent. The scent is enticing, and I can't help but move closer, inhaling it with deep, greedy breaths.My foot hits a loose rock, drawing the group's attention. The omega looks at me over his smooth shoulder. His blue eyes are burning with lust."Kana..."She whimpers my name. His tone is so submissive, so ple
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When my senses finally return, everything is in commotion. The alphas are snarling. The omega is making a sound that could be crying. She's on her feet now, the supple curve of her spine pressed against my forehead.And as for me, I'm not making a sound.My teeth are locked on the gentle slope where the omega's neck meets his shoulder. My sharp canine fangs pierced her skin. The coppery taste of blood warms my tongue.With a grunt, I step back and stare in horror at the mark I've made in her flesh.What did I do?I tagged her.I tagged an Outsider.Source forgive me.Downstairs, my cock gushes a few residual strings into the grass as my balls finally run out of their payload. The muscles in my legs are numb and weak. I fall backward to the floor, grabbing the omega, dragging her back with me so that she ends up lying on top of me. "Dog!" she pants. "Now!"Exactly as I thought. Their plan all along was to weaken me so they could attack. I only have myself to blame for this.As the Farl
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He relents, pushing away from the wall and kneeling next to my face. I lick my lips as I look at the plump, shiny head. Right now it looks like the most delicious thing I've ever seen.With one hand wrapped around my neck, Kane supports my head as I lean in, and Truk slides his cock between my parted lips. The blond Alpha rolls his hips, fucking his cock in and out of my mouth while Dog fucks my pussy.So filthy. So wrong.I pull my mouth from Truk's throbbing cock with a dirty gulp.“Dog,” I sigh wetly, “Don’t tie a knot inside me, please. I can’t take it.”And truth. The incredible girth of his cock is already pushing me over the edge. If that knot expands inside me, I think I might open up.Whether Dog understands my request in his wild, frenzied state, I cannot say. He certainly doesn't give me any signals, and the pace of intense fucking he's giving my poor little pussy doesn't slow down one iota.I'm tempted, yet again, to use those magic words - be quiet - but I'm worried it wo
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