All Chapters of Protected by the Moon Goddess: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
85 Chapters
TRUCKBy the Source, I've dreamed of this my whole life, and now it's finally happening.We are entering the ruins of the city.The four of us - Kane in the lead, me and Dog in the back, the three of us forming a protective triangle around Orchid in the middle.The monolithic skyscrapers tower in front of us, blocking out the sun. According to the stories, they were built more than a century ago, before the big change. Now these man-made structures are gradually being reclaimed by the land as their vertical stone walls are covered in creeping vines.Overhead, window panes shimmer in the sunlight amid the dense leaves of surrounding foliage. Other windows, their panes broken long ago, stare darkly out of the walls like dead eyes. A cloud of white birds weaves in and out of the verdant, overgrown towers.At first glance, the entire city looks deserted, but my nose tells me otherwise.There are hundreds of Alphas here. Maybe even thousands. I can smell their collective scent wafting in t
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"Yes.""But how can that be? Surely you know these things are guided by the Will of the Source, old friend. I fail to see how an Alpha could be tricked into marking an omega he didn't intend to claim."Kane opens his mouth to speak, but cannot find the words. Addom holds up a hand to silence him.“Be quiet, Kane. As I see it, there is no reason for unhappiness here. For too long you've been a loner, stalking the Farlands in search of Outsiders to kill, only returning to the core to recharge your soul in the presence of the Source. ”"I had good cause, my boss."This time, it's another Alpha who speaks. This one is standing behind Orchidid, his hand placed protectively on her shoulder. His appearance is frightening, even more so than Kane. His head is shorn to a scalp crisscrossed with countless scars, just like the rest of his body. His face is covered in a thick beard that quivers as he speaks.“I used to feel like you too, Kane,” says the Alpha. “I loved Talia too. After she was kil
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ORCHIDI wake up with a start.At first I think I'm still inside the cathedral - there's the same kind of eerie reverberation in the air that tells me this is vast empty space. But I soon realize that this place is different.Very different.It's a huge vaulted room, dark and cavernous, with high-tech metal panels across the ceiling and rounded walls. I look down at my body and see that I am completely naked, lying on some kind of mattress. The air is cold, but my body is covered in sweat.I try to sit up, but my muscles are weak and uncoordinated."Come quick," someone yells, "She's awake."It's Dog's voice. The last sound I heard before passing out and the first I hear upon regaining consciousness. His voice is stern and militaristic as ever, but there's a clear note of concern.As I struggle to sit up, his strong arm slides under my shoulders, supporting me. He places his other hand on my chest, over my heart."Easy," he whispers. “Just relax, Orchid. Don't strain. "I part my lips
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ORCHIDWhen I'm feeling a little stronger, Orchidid leads me through the large chamber to where her Alphas are huddled protectively around three babies sleeping peacefully on a soft blanket.As I approach, the Alphas tense, eyeing me suspiciously, but Orchidid gives them a pacifying gesture.I can't blame them for mistrusting me. After all, I tried to kill your mate right in front of your eyes. It wasn't me who did it, but I don't expect them to understand that.“It's okay,” she tells the group. " Orchid got a curse from the Forsaken, but she's better now."A curse? I look over and notice her giving me a wry look out of the corner of her eye.I understood. Too much work to go into neural implant detail with these guys.While we're there, one of the sleeping babies starts to stir and cry softly."Oh," Orchidid whispers softly. “Little Eve is hungry. I'll feed her while I talk toOrchid. "Eve? So that little baby must be an omega, and the other two are boys - little Alphas.Very gently
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“To be honest,” she says. “I was waiting for someone like you to come. I knew SynerGen would be upset with what I was doing and figured they would send someone to kill me. I just hoped my message got to the public first so it wasn't all in vain. ”I slowly lower myself to the floor beside her. We just sit there as the moment of silence stretches for a minute.Finally, I ask her a question.- If you knew you were risking your life, why did you do that, Orch? Why do you keep sending these messages to the hive? I mean, you have a new life here. You have babies, a family. "I try my best to keep my voice steady so I don't betray how much I envy these things.Orch sighs again. She looks across the vast chamber to where her Alphas sit and play with her. there are two children. My three boys are also talking to them. I even notice that Kane is smiling and holding one of the little ones.Shit, I think this might be the first time I've seen that guy actually smile.“I know,” explains Orch. “Al
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Back in my seat, I try to make myself as small as possible. I don't like being the center of attention like that, and it's a relief to be offstage, even though I can feel eyes looking at me from across the theater.Fortunately, I have my three Alphas to protect me. Even Kane, who is sitting behind me, looks oddly possessive and intent on hiding my body from view.The entire audience is murmuring with conversations. No doubt everyone is discussing our plan.I peek at Orch, and she gives me a supportive smile.Meanwhile, onstage, the council leaders appear to have reached a decision. For nearly an hour, they've been there talking, their voices too low to be heard and their bodies as still as statues.But now they started to move, nodding to each other in unison.Addom steps forward again, spreading his hands out to signal the crowd to hush. No roaring or harsh words needed. The murmurs of the audience immediately subside into silence.“The Council reached a decision.” He's not yelling,
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ORCHIDThe anticipation is pure torture.We are standing in the dark, in the wide corridor of what must have been a luxurious hotel. The only light comes from the candles held by Orch on my right and another omega named Hannah on my left. Ahead of us, closed and locked, are a pair of elegant double doors that are stained and weathered."How much longer?" I whisper.“Any minute now,” Orch replies. “Just try to be patient.”I nod and look down at my body.After the meeting, I was rushed to the hot baths that are provided by underground springs to cleanse my body in preparation for the upcoming ceremony. It was the first real bath I'd had since arriving in the Zone several days ago, and it was a welcome luxury. The steaming water washed away the grime and sweat of the last few days and relaxed my muscles.But that can't wash away the nervousness of what I'm about to do.What I have to do.Now my body is dressed in a transparent white dress. It covers my breasts and my sex, but the high s
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He smacks my ass again, then a third time and a fourth, hitting me with alternating backhand and palm strikes.It goes against all my training. Everything that was ever instilled in me as a Marine. Never submit. Never surrender.But that was before. Things are different now.I'm an omega."Yes!" I scream. “I submit. My body is yours, Kane."My skin warms with embarrassment at my shameful words, spoken so loudly in front of the watching crowd. But there is no way out of this.I bow my face to the floor and rest my cheek against the mossy rug. I arch my back and lift my ass as an offering.“Use me,” I yell in a rough voice. "Use my body."Behind, Kane grunts his approval.**DOGGod, Orchid is so beautiful!I've never seen her better than she is now, impaled on Kane's knobby cock. Her face and neck are red and glistening with a sheen of sweat. Her perfect breasts rise and fall with the expansion and contraction of her lungs. The movement of her hard nipples is mesmerizing.Perfection. S
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ORCHIDThe twin headlamps pierce the night, growing larger and brighter as the transport vehicle approaches. Soon I can hear the roar of the engine and then the rumble of heavy tires rolling over gravel and hard-packed earth.When it's a few feet away, the vehicle skids to a stop, kicking up a cloud of dust. The headlights are right in my face now, blinding me and bathing my naked body in light.Warm drops of blood run down my belly, thighs and arms.Then comes the ratcheting sound of the handbrake being engaged, and a moment later, the doors on both sides of the vehicle open. Two guards dressed in black combat gear jump out, their heavy boots crunching the ground as they walk over to where I'm sprawled."What the hell is that?" the driver hisses."Shit, I don't know, but it looks like she took a beating." "Yeah, but how the hell did she end up here?"I lift my arm weakly towards them and groan, pretending to be in a lot of pain.The truth is, my wounds are only superficial. Truk was
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As the guards retrieve the scanner, I roll my eyes at Orchid and we experience an almost psychic understanding of what comes next. We need to be ready to act at any moment if shit goes wrong.As one of the guards waits in the background, palm still resting on the butt of his gun and eyes still resting on Orchid's chest, the other steps forward with the scanner - a handheld device not much bigger than a telephone.He scans me first and then inspects the results."Dog?" he murmurs. "Is that really your name?"“Codename,” I reply, trying my best to hide my annoyance. "Are you going to check on the lady?""Right."He walks towards Orchid and licks his lips as he looks her up and down. She's wiped away most of the dried blood, but some of the red cuts and scratches are still showing."Y-are you all right, miss?" he stutters. "Looks like it was a rough night, huh?"He gives Orchid his best smile. She just rubs her knuckles across her nose, a hard gesture reminiscent of a prize fighter."I'm
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