All Chapters of Unwanted Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
165 Chapters
Chapter 101
  Celeste's voice seemed to have some immediate effect, and the rogues stopped all at once. A few wolves still had their hands on Jeremy, and Jeremy struggled to free himself from their grasp, but he remained trapped in the circle of rogues. They were inching closer, their eyes fixated on him, eager to grab hold of him.  "Let him go," Celeste's voice rang out, stern and commanding. There was an undeniable power in her voice that caused the wolves to hesitate, frozen in place. Some of their eyes flicked toward Kent. He was the true leader of the rogues, after all.  The tension was palpable in the air, as everyone waited for Kent's decision. After what seemed like an eternity, Kent nodded his head, and the other werewolves backed away from Jeremy.  Jeremy stood up, his eyes darting around the circle of rogues, wary of their intentions. A few of them snarled at him, revealing their sharp teeth, but he didn't flinch. His gaze was fixed on Celeste, searching for some kind of answer. But
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Chapter 102
 Jeremy's mind was in a complete state of chaos, with thoughts swirling in his head like a whirlpool. The rogues had thrown him out like a sack of potatoes. When he tried to get back to Celeste again, he was punched again by the bastards. But Jeremy seemed numb to the pain.  In the end, he lay on the ground. Above him, the moon was still veiled by the dark clouds, and he could not help but feel a sense of emptiness and despair creeping over him.  Time seemed to have lost all meaning as Jeremy lay there, not knowing how long he had been on the ground or how he managed to crawl back to his place. His clothes were in tatters, and the mud caked on his skin was proof of the ferocity of the attack he had endured.  He was bewildered by the fact that his wolf had not come out to protect him, and he wondered if it was because of the lack of moonlight or if his wolf was too heartbroken by the sudden abandonment of his mate to emerge.  As he stumbled into his place, he noticed the unlocked l
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Chapter 103
  Jeremy's head was throbbing painfully, and he winced as the bright sunlight seared his eyes. It felt as if a million tiny ants were relentlessly gnawing on his brain. He cursed himself for drinking so much the previous night.  As he struggled to recall the events of the night before, Jeremy sat up in bed, but the sudden movement sent him reeling with dizziness. Ignoring the lightheadedness, he looked down at himself and breathed a sigh of relief to see that he was still wearing his own clothes. The werewolf hadn't done anything to him.  Last night, the rogue had arrived at his place with beers. And Jeremy had confided in him about his failed mate bond with Celeste, telling him all about the reasons behind the rejection. He cringed with shame at the memory, wondering why he had felt the need to spill his guts to a complete stranger. After all, he barely knew this werewolf. Just a few hours ago, he had even tied him up to a chair and threatened to chop off his hair.  "Fuck!" Jeremy
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Chapter 104
  Byron asked a few more questions, but in the end, Jeremy didn't reveal why Celeste didn't want to come back with him, or what had happened between him and Celeste. Despite his continued efforts, Jeremy remained tight-lipped. Eventually, Byron let out a deep sigh and gave up  Jeremy had been down ever since he came back. The pack was sad that Celeste decided to leave, but they were hopeful that he would return to his former self and lead them as their Alpha, but his aloof demeanor proved otherwise. Instead of taking charge, he secluded himself in his room, drowning in his own misery and relying on alcohol to numb his pain.  Nancy tried to reach out to him a few times, but Jeremy ignored her. He could feel the other wolves' concerns for him, but he didn't care anymore. He was beyond their help. Although Byron encouraged Jeremy to step up as the Alpha of the pack, his reluctance and disinterest made it clear that he was not ready to take on the mantle.  Now Jeremy probably understoo
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Chapter 105
  Nick's words hit Jeremy and caused him to pause for a moment to reflect. Indeed, he shouldn't just leave his pack and his Alpha behind without a word. It would break their hearts.  He looked over at Byron, and the Alpha had been carrying too much weight on his shoulders. Byron had been there when Jeremy and Celeste grew up together. They had been through thick and thin, and Jeremy knew that Byron was hurting deeply from Celeste's departure. He had also seen the way that the wolf pack had been affected by Celeste's absence, and he didn't want his own departure to add to their sense of despair.  With a heavy heart, Jeremy knew that he had to make a decision. But he had no choice. If he had to choose between his pack and Celeste, he would never hesitate to choose Celeste. He felt that his conversation with Byron would not affect anything. But at least he wouldn't leave without a word.  So now he was standing right in front of the Alpha of the pack.  "I'm glad to see you back on you
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Chapter 106
  What on earth had Byron just told him? Jeremy blinked his eyes, trying hard to process the meaning of Byron's words.  He and Celeste were not twin siblings. More precisely, he wasn't Celeste's twin brother?  Celeste and he had grown up together, inseparable since childhood. How could they not be twin siblings? Jeremy stared at Byron in disbelief and shock. The man must give him a proper explanation.  Byron heaved a heavy sigh, fully aware that he wouldn't find peace until he offered a proper explanation. Indeed, once he revealed this information, he knew Jeremy wouldn't just let it rest.  "You were adopted," Byron said.  "What?" Jeremy's mouth fell open, momentarily overwhelmed by this revelation. The air seemed to escape Jeremy's lungs, leaving him momentarily breathless. His mouth agape, he struggled to find words, but his voice seemed to betray him, failing to produce any sound. He swallowed hard, desperately trying to regain his composure, his mind reeling with a storm of e
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Chapter 107
  Without a second thought, Jeremy spun around and walked away.  Right now, there was only one burning desire in his heart—to find Celeste and get her back to him. He wished he could just appear in front of Celeste already.  He hurried to the city where the rogues were located as fast as he could.  Relying on his memory, he navigated through the labyrinthine streets, leading him to the rogue's elusive enclave. His heart hammered relentlessly in his chest, threatening to burst through his throat with every step he took closer to that place.  Rogues were known for their unpredictable nature. They earned the name by never lingering in one location for too long. Nearly a month had elapsed since Jeremy's last visit, and Jeremy had no idea if the rogues were still here.  What if he came here, but Celeste had already left with the rogues? How would he ever manage to track her down then? If Celeste had already left, was there still a chance for him to find her?  He gritted his teeth, wi
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Chapter 108
  The afternoon breeze gently caressed Celeste's skin, carrying with it the soothing warmth of the sun. Nestled beneath the shade of a tree, Celeste found peace and finally surrendered to the irresistible embrace of a dream.  As her eyelids fluttered closed, the fragmented patterns of the tree's branches danced before her eyes, enveloping her in a mesmerizing play of light and darkness.  She dreamed of being in the darkness, yearning for something elusive yet profound. She kept running forward, but she wasn't sure if she was running on her two legs or on her wolf's four. All she knew was that she was chasing and pursuing something, but she didn't know what it was. With each stride, a sense of longing intensified within her.  She seemed to feel something flowing out of her body, a tremendous sense of loss. The weight of an immense loss settled upon her, a cavernous void that seemed to devour her very being. This sense of loss had been gnawing at her for many days, as if it could nev
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Chapter 109
  Celeste's eyes remained fixed on the man standing before her, her lips still tingling from the lingering sensation of the kiss.  She could still sense the soft and firm touch of Jeremy's lips on her own, and the slight prickliness of his stubble on her cheek. And the air she breathed in was heavy with his musky scent.  The kiss had been so real, so intense. Celeste found herself holding her breath, afraid that the slightest movement might break the spell. She squinted slightly, allowing herself to get lost in the moment, basking in the raw emotion and desire that had been stirred up within her.  "I miss you so much, Cel," Jeremy whispered, his voice husky. Even as he spoke, Celeste could hear the traces of passion and desire that lingered from their kiss, sending shivers down her spine.  Even his voice felt so real.  It was all so vivid, so real.  She stared at Jeremy, her heart racing as she tried to process the flood of emotions that were surging through her. Then she realiz
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Chapter 110
  Celeste blinked as Jeremy's words echoed in her ears.  She had imagined what Jeremy might say to her. He might try to persuade her to go back with him. He might tell her that they could find another way out. He might say that she didn't need to leave at all. He might even say that they belonged together and they couldn't run from each other for the rest of their lives.  The memory of his last visit, when he had spoken those words, still haunted Celeste. These days of separation had only served to torment the wolves within them, intensifying their desperate longing to be in each other's presence. For a moment, Celeste was afraid that Jeremy would continue to say these things and look at her with those eyes. She was afraid that this time she wouldn't be able to hold out and would just give in.  But what Celeste was afraid of did not come true. She never expected Jeremy to say that.  "What?" The shock was so overwhelming that her brain could barely squeeze out a single word.  "We'
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