All Chapters of Unwanted Mate: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
165 Chapters
Chapter 121
  "To make our wolf pack stronger, to ensure our survival, I had to make this choice, whether you hate me for it or not, Jeremy," Byron declared, gazing fearlessly at Jeremy's tightly clenched fists.  At that moment, Celeste could sense the coursing fury within Jeremy's veins. Clearly, anger had clouded his mind, for he now radiated a presence that even overshadowed Byron himself.  "Don't look at me like that, Jeremy. It's all the arrangement of fate. If I hadn't taken those steps, chances are you wouldn't have met Celeste at all." The words seemed to possess a magical charm, instantly snuffing out the invisible flames that had engulfed Jeremy's being.  Byron stood up from the ground and sat back in his seat again.  "But it still doesn't change the fact that you're still an asshole," Jeremy growled through gritted teeth, returning to Celeste's side.  Celeste landed her hand on Jeremy's shoulder and asked, "What exactly did those hunters do to Jeremy's o
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Chapter 122
  Jeremy's eyes widened at Celeste's proposal. His face mirrored a mix of astonishment and incredulity. "Team up with the rogues? Are you kidding me? They've attacked us before! The bastards almost got us killed!" he blurted out without a second thought.  Celeste raised an eyebrow, taken aback by Jeremy's immediate rejection. "But come on, Jeremy, no one got hurt last time, remember?" Goddess… She couldn't believe the words just escaped her own lips. "Kent's only got a bone to pick with Byron. He just wants to ruin Byron's reputation. But hey, if it's all just a big misunderstanding, why not clear the air? Getting rid of one enemy wouldn't be so bad for our wolf pack, right?"  Jeremy's voice took on a tinge of jealousy as he retorted, "He told you himself that it's just about ruining Byron's reputation? Did he tell you that himself?"  Celeste nodded confidently, her eyes sparkling. "He did tell me that, but so what? I believe what he said is true. If it's al
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Chapter 123
  Celeste could feel Jeremy's intense gaze fixated on her, sending shivers down her spine. In response, she grasped Jeremy's hand, her fingers tightening around his.  Byron's words held undeniable truth. It was clear that Byron himself had lost the qualification of being an Alpha, and the wolf pack held a genuine fondness for Jeremy. They yearned for a leader, an Alpha to guide them through the challenges they faced. Undoubtedly, Jeremy was the perfect fit for the role.  Yet, Celeste understood the hesitations that plagued Jeremy's mind. He was still young, thrust into a position of authority without a chance to prove himself. She empathized with his concerns and knew that deep within, he harbored a mixture of disdain and disgust towards Byron's calculated maneuvers that had propelled him into this unexpected position.  But regardless of the circumstances, no matter how Jeremy came to power, Celeste firmly believed in his innate leadership qualities. She would supp
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Chapter 124
  The look of excitement was clear on Nancy's face when she found out that Jeremy was willing to step up as the Alpha of the wolf pack. Her face lit up like a radiant sunbeam. But then, like a sudden bolt of lightning, her whole being seemed to be struck when she learned about Jeremy's connection with Celeste.  Since that moment, she hadn't uttered a word to Jeremy, and whenever she caught sight of him, she darted away faster than a startled deer. And, whenever Celeste was around, Nancy made a swift escape as soon as she spotted the two of them together.  Initially, Celeste wasn't sure if it was because she and Jeremy were inseparable. She even tried to create opportunities for Nancy to have a one-on-one conversation with Jeremy, stepping away on her own. However, Nancy didn't take that chance to approach Jeremy directly.  Celeste had anticipated feeling jealous of the relationship between Nancy and Jeremy, just like in the past when Nancy appeared by Jeremy's side
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Chapter 125
  Celeste blinked her eyes, adjusting to the blinding light that greeted her. Memories from the moments leading up to her unconsciousness suddenly surged in her mind, like a movie reel on fast forward.  She could vividly recall being in the car, snuggled in Jeremy's warm embrace, everything seemingly peaceful and serene. Until... The car screeched to an abrupt halt, causing both Jermey and her to crash onto the unforgiving ground. The car door swung open, and a familiar scent tickled her nose before darkness engulfed her, like a magician's trick.  And now, here she was, in this freaky-deeky place. As she lowered her gaze, her heart skipped a beat. There she was, tightly bound to a chair, like some sort of damsel in distress straight out of an action flick. Looking around, she spotted Jeremy and the other wolves. But they were still unconscious. Well, at least she wasn't alone in this madness.  Her eyes darted around the unfamiliar surroundings, taking it all in. Th
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Chapter 126
  "Wait… So there was actually another survivor of the attack back then?" Kent barely had a chance to utter a word before Kate blurted out, her voice filled with astonishment.  Celeste shifted her gaze towards Kate and caught a glimpse of worry and apprehension in her eyes. Could it be that Kate was also part of Kent's old wolf pack?  It was at that moment that Celeste realized how little she knew about the rogues. She had been living in the rogue pack for nearly a month, but she never truly delved into the history of the wolves in the pack. It was as if deep down, she knew she would leave eventually.  She didn't have a clue why the other wolves had joined Kent's pack. Sure, she knew some rogues had broken away from their former packs to join Kent, but how many of them were from Kent's old pack?  Judging by the way Kent and Kate interacted, it seemed like they had known each other for ages. So, was Kate, too, a member of the wolf pack from back then? C
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Chapter 127
  Celeste followed the direction of Kent's pointing finger and laid her eyes upon Jeremy, who was still deep in peaceful slumber. A peaceful expression graced the man's face, indicating that he was completely oblivious to Kent's ill intentions. Jeremy was in his dream and probably had no idea that he was trapped in a perilous, unfamiliar territory.  Taking a daring step forward, Kent seized Celeste's shoulders firmly. Her gaze swiftly shifted back to the man, catching a glimpse of flickering flames dancing in his eyes.  Celeste licked her lips and shook her head. "I don't know what the Moon Goddess intends to do, and I don't even know if I can trust her. But for now, it's the best damn explanation I can come up with."  She then turned her head towards Jeremy, finding solace and renewed strength in his presence. Placing a hand on her own shoulder, she gently peeled away Kent's grip. "I've told you before, Kent. I can never be your Luna. My heart's been claimed by hi
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Chapter 128
  Kent let out an exasperated breath and cast a glance at the slumbering werewolves. But he didn’t do anything.  Celeste arched one eyebrow inquisitively. "I believe I have already explained our purpose here quite clearly. We are not here to harm you or your pack! We just wanna clear up any misunderstandings and, if possible, gain an ally."  "An ally... What's the plan once we're in cahoots? Are we gonna wage war on the hunters? And can you really guarantee that my pack will become mightier once we join forces with yours?" Kent's tone took on a more matter-of-fact air. Gone were the deep, intimate undertones he had with Celeste earlier.  Besides, judging from his tone, it was clear that Kent wasn't about to bow down to their pack. They should be on equal footing, at the very least.  "Yeah. We want you to be our allies so we can work together to get rid of the hunters. Just think of the atrocities they've committed against your pack. If you're yearning f
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Chapter 129
  Ever since they got back from the rogues, the werewolves had scampered back to the cozy little town.  Although the rogues did not become an ally of their wolf pack, at least it seemed like Kent believed in Celeste's words. Their attention now shifted from plotting revenge against their wolf pack and harming their Alpha to fixating on the hunters instead.  But the unanswered questions were piling up like werewolves in a moonlit forest. Who on earth were Jeremy's parents, really? They were itching to track down Kent again and uncover the secrets. Unfortunately, Kent couldn't care less about a meeting. The slippery man had vanished into thin air, and they had no clue where he had scampered off to.  Nevertheless, those matters could take a back seat for now. The howling truth was that their current priority lay in bolstering the entire wolf pack, bracing themselves for the hunters' next move. They even toyed with the wild idea of strengthening their pack to a fearsom
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Chapter 130
  This wasn't the first time Celeste had heard Jeremy's voice when he was turned on, but she had never heard it so husky. It seemed like Jeremy himself was taken aback by his own voice, as he cleared his throat and softly whispered against Celeste's lips, "Do you like it, Celeste?"  As he spoke, his warm breath caressed her lips, leaving a slight moistness behind. Their lips were so close, every movement of Jeremy's mouth tickled Celeste's, creating a delightful sensation that made her lips tingle.  Celeste's lips curled into a playful smile. "Yes, I do," she whispered, her eyes locked onto Jeremy's. Her voice was a gentle breeze, barely audible. But their proximity allowed Jeremy to capture her words from the subtle movements of her lips. The deepening smile on Jeremy's face confirmed it.  In the next moment, Jeremy's lips gentely met Celeste's. It was different from their previous passionate kisses. This time, their kiss was infused with tenderness, like a butter
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