All Chapters of Unwanted Mate: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
165 Chapters
Chapter 141
  Kent's intense gaze remained fixated on Celeste, his eyes boring into her with unwavering focus.  With each step Kent took, closing the distance between them, Celeste noticed Jeremy's brow furrowing even deeper, his face contorting with a trace of annoyance. His arm around her waist instinctively tightened, as if he was asserting dominance.  Celeste couldn't help but find Jeremy's possessiveness slightly amusing. He had been so confident, assuring her that he didn't care about Kent's ogling eyes because he knew Celeste was his and they had shared intimate moments together. But now, in the presence of Kent, Jeremy couldn't resist the urge to assert himself, as if proclaiming to the world that Celeste belonged to him and him alone. She wondered if it was an inherent wolf instinct, this need to mark territory.  Her hand gently rested on Jeremy's shoulder, a silent plea for him to relax. Understanding her unspoken request, Jeremy tugged at the corner of his mouth, his arm reluctantly
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Chapter 142
  The two Betas who had set out to gather intelligence on the hunters returned with their findings, confirming the whereabouts of their elusive enemies. This revelation undeniably supported Raymond's claims, proving that he hadn't been lying.  Persuaded by Celeste, Kent finally relented and released his tight grip on Raymond. Rather than keeping him constantly restrained, they settled for locking him away. As for Raymond's ultimate fate, they decided to postpone the decision until after they dealt with the other hunters.  The hunters' hideout wasn't too far from where the wolf pack currently roamed, but the wolves weren't intimately familiar with the specific location. However, thanks to the information provided by the Betas, they learned that the hunters had nestled themselves deep within a dense forest, guarded by hills on each side. It presented an unexpected advantage for the werewolves—they could use the higher ground to stealthily observe their enemies while remaining hidden.
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Chapter 143
  Everything went down in a flash, catching the wolves off guard.  The rogue, whom Celeste recognized as Jessie, an old-timer from Kent's rogue pack, darted straight at the hunters without a second thought. It was no secret that Jessie and Jimmy were practically inseparable. They might as well have been mates. So, when Jessie caught sight of the motionless Jimmy, he completely lost it and charged headlong toward the hunter, consequences be damned.  But Jessie's undoubtedly exposed the location of the wolf pack. And it was still not completely dark outside, so they couldn't fully utilize their advantage. Clearly, their previous plan was now rendered useless due to this unexpected turn of events.  Celeste shifted her gaze towards Kent and noticed a flicker of uncertainty and frustration dance across his face. But that fleeting expression was quickly replaced by a resolute determination. She could practically see the gears turning in his head. Without even glancing back, Celeste saw h
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Chapter 144
  Celeste couldn't believe it. These hunters were actually using wolfsbane against them. Were they trying to kill them?  The scent of the wolfsbane was thin in the air, but it clung to her nostrils like an everlasting curse. She shuddered. Just the thought of that smell sent a prickling sensation down her spine, making her skin crawl.  No wonder those damn hunters suited up in protective gear. Wolfsbane wasn't just rough on werewolves, it packed a punch for humans too. Though, admittedly, it didn't hit humans as hard as it did the werewolves.  As the hunters sprayed mist from their guns, the air became a deathly trap, closing in on them like an invisible snare. But the wolfsbane was diluted in the water and lost some of its toxic potency, so it wasn't a direct werewolf killer. But that didn't mean it wouldn't cause them pain.  The drops of water, infused with wolfsbane, landed on Celeste's fur. And immediately, it was like a thousand tiny needles pricking her
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Chapter 145
  Celeste's heart raced as she watched the silver bullet hurtling toward Jeremy. Time seemed to freeze, and her breath caught in her chest.  Jeremy and she were only a few steps apart now. A surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins. Without a second thought, she propelled herself forward, her feet pounding against the ground, trying to catch up with the silver bullet.  But everything unfolded in front of her as if she had stepped into a surreal dream. Her wolf drew closer to Jeremy, with every heartbeat. Her eyes locked onto the dangerously diminishing gap between him and the silver bullet. Panic and fear swirled in Celeste's mind, yet amidst the chaos, she somehow managed to calculate the odds of colliding with Jeremy before the bullet could reach him.  Too late! It would be too late!  The voice whispered in her ear, carried by the howling wind. It taunted her with the harsh reality that time had slipped through her fur. But she refused to surrender. Ho
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Chapter 146
  In the pitch-black darkness, Celeste's eyes could only discern a solitary pair: Jeremy's eyes.  They shimmered with a vibrant blue hue, but their once familiar gaze was now filled with fear, and burning within them was an inferno of unchecked fury. The fiery intensity was so blinding that Celeste instinctively wanted to avert her gaze. With a blink, the flames of anger were swiftly consumed by overwhelming fear, and the encroaching darkness devoured those eyes like a tide.  Suddenly, a heart-rending howl tore through Celeste's eardrums, threatening to pierce her very soul. Her heart pounded frantically in her chest, as though determined to incinerate all the air in her lungs and drain her veins dry. She felt her throat constricting, a knot tightening with each passing moment.  Desperate to reach out, Celeste extended her trembling hand, longing to touch those eyes and wrench them free from the suffocating sea of darkness. Yet, in the next breath, the darkness cre
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Chapter 147
  Guilt, helplessness, fear, rage...  Jeremy was consumed by a mix of emotions, like a raging battle in his mind, tearing at his sanity without mercy. His head was going to split open under their relentless assault.  Every time he squeezed his eyes shut, the vivid image of Celeste being taken away invaded his mind, playing on a loop like a tormenting film. He could see it clearly. The hunter leaped off the vehicle, fingers tightly gripping Celeste's fur before callously tossing her inside.  His gaze was fixated on Celeste, his feet propelling him forward, desperate to bridge the agonizingly short distance between them. But to him, that distance felt like an unfathomable expanse stretching across billions of light-years. No matter how fast he ran or how much effort he poured into igniting his strength, he couldn't catch up, no matter how desperately he chased.  Faintly, the whistling of bullets brushed past his ears, catching his peripheral vision with their g
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Chapter 148
  Jeremy knew he was lost in a dream, where the only thing in his sight was an armored vehicle with Celeste's wolf trapped in it.  He felt like a donkey, hanging on by a dangling carrot right in front of his nose. No matter how hard he ran, he couldn't bridge the distance between himself and the vehicle. Celeste was frustratingly close, yet perpetually out of his reach.  No matter how swift his strides were, the vehicle always eluded him. With each futile attempt, it only grew more distant, mocking his exhaustion as he collapsed, drained of energy, onto the ground. His eyes remained fixated on the retreating car, refusing to accept defeat. He longed to rise, his gaze ablaze with fiery determination. If only his burning stare could materialize, it would scorch every hunter on that vehicle, one by one.  The reality, however, had betrayed him. His feet, worn to the bone from relentless running, refused to obey his will. Powerless and defeated, he succumbed to the embr
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Chapter 149
  Jeremy had exerted every ounce of his strength in the pursuit of the hunters. And the lingering effects of the wolfsbane hadn't entirely dissipated yet. But he had regained some strength during the ride, enough for him to confront that damn lying hunter.  Without a moment's hesitation, Jeremy marched straight into the prison where Raymond was held captive. The rhythmic thud of footsteps echoed closely behind him, a clear sign that Kent faithfully trailed behind him.  With a resounding crash, Jeremy flung the door wide open, startling the hunter inside.  Raymond sprang off the bed, his face etched with wariness and shock as his eyes caught the approaching figure of Jeremy. He raised his hands, seemingly prepared to speak his piece.  No words wasted, Jeremy breezed into the room like a gust of wind. He seized the hunter's throat in his vice-like grip and pinned him against the wall, causing the back of his head to collide with an echoing thud. A muffled groan
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Chapter 150
  It wasn't sure if it was Jeremy's menacing fangs or his intimidating tone, or maybe both, but the hunter quivered right under Jeremy's nose.  Pathetic, really. Jeremy's lips curled up into a dismissive snarl. Little did he expect that they would fall right into this guy's trap. A couple of hollow threats and the hunter's nerves were shattered like glass.  But maybe it was Jeremy's pompous disdain that did the trick because the hunter suddenly went still and swallowed his small shaking. The surprise and fear that once danced in his eyes gradually retreated, making way for a cocktail of resentment and determination. It was crystal clear that being used as a pawn by the other hunters had rubbed him the wrong way.  But a pawn's just a pawn, right? Unless he could prove he was worth more, all his grumbling wouldn't change a thing.  Raymond took a deep breath and locked eyes with Jeremy, his gaze burning. "I had no idea they were playing me like a fiddle. I'd nev
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