All Chapters of Unwanted Mate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
165 Chapters
Chapter 111
  Celeste asked Jeremy to take her, and so Jeremy took her. Or probably, it was their deepest desires and cravings that took them away eventually.  And it seemed as if even the Moon Goddess herself was swayed by their raw yearning and decided to take their side this time. When Jeremy and Celeste left the house, they successfully dodged the rogues on the watch.  Celeste couldn't put her finger on why she felt so restless. She simply couldn't bear to wait for another second, feeling an urgent need to flee this place with Jeremy. As the knots in their hearts unraveled, it was as if a heavy weight, suppressing their true selves, lifted away into thin air.  Before they could even fully shake off the rogues, Celeste felt her wolf already itching to burst free, eager and impatient. And through Jeremy's eyes, Celeste caught a glimpse of that same fiery desire, knowing that his own wolf was on the verge of breaking loose as well.  Suddenly, rustling sounds emanated fr
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Chapter 112
  Celeste had no idea when she and Jeremy had transformed back into humans. But judging by the slightly cool sensation on her skin, she guessed it had been for a while.  But the places where her skin and Jeremy's touched were still very warm. In comparison, the coolness on her exposed skin was negligible. And then Celeste suddenly realized that her entire body was pressed tightly against his. The realization made her face heat up.  Although Jeremy had told her that they were not real twins, Celeste still needed some time to adjust to this new information. She couldn't just suddenly meet Jeremy naked, both of them without any clothes on. It wasn't something she had ever experienced before, and the sudden intimacy made her feel vulnerable and exposed.  But at this moment, her inner thoughts seemed insignificant, because she couldn't deny the fact that they were both naked and pressing against each other.  Celeste could feel Jeremy's strong arms wrapped around h
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Chapter 113
  Home… The word landed in Celeste's ears, sending a delightful shiver down her spine. She hadn't felt this way in a long time. Goddess. She missed home.  But how on earth were they going to make it back? Celeste couldn't help but sneak a peek at their naked body.  They had shifted in the forest, and their clothes must have been ripped to shreds during the transformation. Even if they went back into the woods to scour for their lost garments, she was sure they wouldn't find anything helpful.  Besides, they were currently in an unfamiliar city, stuck right in the heart of the forest. Even if they had some cash, prancing around in their birthday suits wasn't the best approach to buying new threads.  This was the inconvenience of being a werewolf! Each time they underwent a transformation, whatever clothes on them would be torn apart, leaving them stark naked. If they weren't prepared in advance, they would have to run around naked.  Celeste couldn'
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Chapter 114
  Celeste felt like she had just fallen asleep not long ago, her mind still in the realm of dreams. It was probably early morning, just after the sun had risen. Even with her eyes closed, she could sense the playful dance of light and shadows outside the window. She couldn't recall if she or Jeremy had bothered to pull the curtains shut before diving into slumber, but one thing was certain. It was still way too early.  In the midst of this groggy confusion, Celeste couldn't shake off the peculiar sensation of something on her skin, like a weighty gaze fixated on her. She desperately tried to drift back into the dream world, but it was no use. This gaze had an intensity that refused to be ignored. Strangely enough, it felt both familiar and intriguingly unfamiliar, a blend of comfort and intrigue.  After a moment of struggling, her fluttering eyelashes triumphed, and she blinked her way back to consciousness. And there, right before her, were a pair of eyes fixed upon her
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Chapter 115
  "Get in the way? What do you mean by that? What are you doing?" Celeste couldn't help but grow cautious as she watched Kent inch closer. What on earth did the rogue want?  Over the past few weeks, Celeste's life among the rogues had made her quite familiar with Kent. The man had never shown any signs of aggression or done anything to make her uncomfortable. Slowly but surely, her guard had started to come down, and they were even building some trust.  But now that Celeste was back with her own wolf pack, it was like things had shifted back to the old days, where they were in a delicate state of being semi-enemies. Her wariness towards Kent flared up all over again.  Clearly, Kent caught that flicker of caution in Celeste's eyes. A hint of hurt passed through his gaze, but he shrugged it off and raised his hands. " I mean no harm, Cel. We've been hanging out for days now, and you still can't trust me?"  All of a sudden, Celeste felt a twinge of guilt. The tr
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Chapter 116
 "Two-faced phony, huh? Seems like you've got a major bias against the Alpha of my pack," Celeste furrowed her brows, fixating on every move Kent made.  For some inexplicable reason, Kent seemed to hold a strong grudge against Byron. Ever since that attack when Kent seriously wounded Byron, the malevolence had been palpable. But strangely enough, Kent had been in touch with Byron, even warning him about potential dangers to the pack.  Celeste was genuinely puzzled about their relationship. If Kent truly despised Byron, why the heck would he bother helping him? And what was with his sudden concern for their wolf pack?  "Believe me, my feelings towards him go way beyond simple bias," Kent sneered, crossing his arms defiantly, a wicked gleam flickering in his eyes. Celeste couldn't help but shudder at the look of the malevolence in his eyes.  Sure, Celeste had come to realize that Byron might not be the picture-perfect Alpha they had once imagined. He had his fa
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Chapter 117
  Celeste stayed on the bed as she watched Kent turn his back and saunter away.  She could have sprinted after him, demanding that he spill more details about Byron and whatever secrets they had, but deep down, she knew very well that Kent wouldn't spill a word.  And sure, she could have screamed and alerted the rest of the pack to seize Kent and squeeze out every ounce of information from him. But no, Celeste wasn't keen on stooping that low. After all, Kent had taken her in when she needed refuge and treated her with kindness. She wasn't about to repay that with a vengeful act. Plus, she was clearly aware of the fact that she was now stark naked, and the thought of chasing Kent in her birthday suit wasn't exactly appealing.  So there he went, striding off without a care in the world, just as quietly as he had arrived. Celeste let out a heavy sigh, realizing that their wolf pack's vigilance was as good as a sleeping puppy. It seemed like anyone and everyone could
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Chapter 118
  Jeremy's eyes were locked on Celeste's body, a mixture of anger and disbelief etched on his face.  Celeste let out another soft moan, burying her face in Jeremy's shoulder.  "Relax, puppy. He didn't catch a glimpse of this beautiful body of mine," she murmured, her voice muffled against his skin. The moment those words left her lips, she felt the tension melt away from Jeremy's shoulder muscles. Still, he held onto her, refusing to let go.  "I can't believe I didn't wake up and punch the living daylights out of him," Jeremy growled through gritted teeth, his fingers absentmindedly tracing circles on Celeste's shoulder, causing a ticklish sensation to ripple through her.  "Well, that was because he had cast a sleep spell on you," Celeste shrugged.  "What?! That damn son of a...!" Jeremy's hand clenched tighter on Celeste's shoulder, causing her to wince. She protested and squirmed a little, and Jeremy quickly released his grip. "Sorry, my bad."  
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Chapter 119
  "Take it easy, kid," Byron said, picking up his water cup and slouching against the couch.  "Seriously, how am I supposed to take it easy? How many secrets are you still hiding from us actually?" Celeste narrowed her eyes, arms crossed, and stared intently at Byron's face, searching for any subtle signs of deceit. "So spill it already! When did you actually notice the connection between the two of us?"  "You mean your mate bond?" Byron shrugged with a mischievous grin. "Can't say for sure. I started paying attention to the two of you ever since the day you came to me asking about being mates. And I got to say. The thing between you two was pretty obvious."  Celeste's face went pale. That obvious? Okay, she admitted she sometimes stole secretive glances at Jeremy, and she could swear that from time to time, she felt his lingering gaze on her too. But she believed they were masters of disguise, pulling off their hidden bond with finesse, thinking no werewolf in the
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Chapter 120
  "What? What do you mean 'his pack was wiped out'?" Jeremy and Celeste locked eyes, their jaws dropping in utter disbelief. They couldn't wrap their heads around what they had just heard.  Two decades ago, their wolf pack should have just settled comfortably in this quaint little town. So why the heck did Byron end up mingling with some other pack? And how the hell did such a brutal bloodbath even go down?  "Who was behind this carnage? And why the hell were you up there?" Celeste asked.  Byron's gaze turned distant, lost in thought. After a momentary silence, he finally muttered, "I can't say for sure, but the bastards responsible must be the hunters. I caught a whiff of wolfsbane then. Who else would use that as a weapon?"  Jeremy's eyebrows knitted together, his face etched with suspicion. "And what the hell were you doing there, Byron?"  A sheepish expression briefly crossed Byron's face before he averted his gaze again. "Well... I was, uh, handlin
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