All Chapters of My Luna my bride: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
190 Chapters
ninety one
Vanessa’s POV“I don’t know Mirabell please leave me alone,” I said jokingly. Mirabell has been asking me what I feel for Elijah and I have been trying so hard to avoid the conversation but she isn’t giving up.“Come on tell me, it will be our little secret. I know you like him” Mimi teased I blushed and buried my face in the pillow, feeling a mix of shyness and excitement. Mirabell, my handmaid, never missed an opportunity to tease me about Elijah. It was clear that she had noticed his sweet gestures towards me ever since I joined this pack. “He is a very sweet man” I replied shyly as I Lay there, my mind couldn't help but wander to thoughts of Elijah. His kindness and attention had touched my heart in ways I couldn't fully explain. From the moment I arrived, he had been there, offering a comforting presence and a genuine smile that made my heart flutter.I replayed the moments in my mind, each one etched vividly, like scenes from a cherished memory. His gentle words, his warm touch
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ninety two
Elijah’s POV“Mother! You are here” I exclaimed as I tilted my head and caught sight of my mom marching toward Vanessa and me, but she didn’t look happy at all. The anger on her face was crystal clear, and it was obvious that she didn't like what she saw.I was surprised she was there as I had no clue she was cutting her holiday short and coming back so soon. As I saw her approaching, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirled inside me. First and foremost, there was confusion. I couldn't wrap my head around why she was back early and why she seemed so angry. Did something happen? Did I do something wrong? I was racking my brain, trying to figure out what could have triggered this unexpected turn of events.“Is that your mother?” Vanessa asked looking all confused and nodded positively, focusing my attention on my mother who was now in front of me.“My son, you don’t look happy to see me,” my mother said pulling me into
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ninety three
Elijah's POV"Mother I am in love with her," I said to my mother."I don't care, Elijah, she is pregnant for another man, can't you see it?" my mother asked looking at me like I had lost my mind."And I don't mind being the father, I have never felt this way for anyone before. Vanessa is a good woman please just give her a chance" I begged, I know she can't stop me if my mind is bent on it, but I love my mother so much and I would prefer if she accept Vanessa willingly."That's not my point Elijah, you know nothing about that woman. She could be a spy from another pack who knows. You need to know who she is" my mother said leaving utterly shocked."Vanessa is here to stay whether you like it or not," I said angrily and with that, I stormed out of her room.Leaving my mother's room, confusion swirled within me like a tempestuous storm. Just moments ago, I had mustered the courage to tell her that I would marry Vanessa, r
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ninety four
Vanessa's POVAs Elijah's arms enveloped me, a sense of relief washed over me. At that moment, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for having him by my side. Earlier, I had been consumed by worry, fearing that his mother's disapproval would tear us apart. But now, as he held me closer, his words of reassurance echoed in my mind, soothing my anxious thoughts."Are you okay?" Elijah asked as I nestled into the safety of his embrace, I couldn't help but reflect on my journey so far and now in Elijah's arms, I found solace and strength."Yes," I replied calmly as I looked up at him, my eyes searching his for any signs of doubt or hesitation. But what I found was unwavering love and a determination to protect me. It was as if he understood the fears that had plagued my heart and was determined to shield me from their harsh realities."You don't need to worry about anything, I am right here," he said. His words of reass
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ninety five
Vanessa's POVI rushed out of the kitchen, my heart pounding in my chest, tears streaming down my face. It felt like all the pain and suffering from my past came rushing back, engulfing me in a wave of overwhelming emotions. I had escaped Dante's toxic grip and found a new home, and now Elijah's mother had shattered it all.As I ran up the stairs to my room, each step felt heavy, as if carrying the weight of my shattered dreams. Thoughts raced through my mind, a whirlwind of confusion, hurt, and anger. How could someone who was supposed to be family treat me this way? Why couldn't I catch a break?I ran into my room and slammed the door shut, hoping to shut out the pain along with it. Collapsing onto my bed, I buried my face in my hands, trying to stifle the sobs that threatened to escape.At that moment, I felt a mix of frustration and helplessness. I had thought that leaving Dante behind would bring me peace, and a fresh start. But now
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ninety six
Evelyn’s POV“Vanessa out, Willow out, Evelyn won,” I said proudly with a smile on my face as I sat there, the crystal-clear glass of wine in my hand, a sense of victory washed over me. Willow's departure from the palace meant that there was no longer anyone standing in my way of having Dante all to myself. The realization fueled my determination, igniting a fire within me that burned with a mix of desire and ambition.Sipping the wine, its rich taste dancing on my tongue, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. Even though Dante doesn't love me yet, I was determined to make him fall head over heels for me. I believed in the power of my charm, the allure that I possessed, and I was ready to unleash it upon him.With each sip, the wine seemed to embolden me, fueling my resolve to win Dante's heart. I envisioned a future where he would look at me with adoration, where his love for me would be undeniable. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I was willing to put in the effort, to prov
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ninety seven
Vanessa’s POVAs I slowly opened my eyes, the sunlight poured into the room, casting a warm glow on everything around me. I blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the brightness. Stretching my arms above my head, I prepared to start the day.But as I attempted to sit up and swing my legs off the bed, a sudden jolt of pain shot through my lower abdomen, catching me off guard. It felt like a sharp, stabbing sensation that took my breath away. Instinctively, I placed my hand on the area, hoping to alleviate the discomfort.To my relief, the pain subsided slightly, allowing me to catch my breath. I couldn't help but wonder what had caused this sudden discomfort. Had I strained a muscle during the night? Or was it something more serious?Taking a moment to gather myself, I carefully sat up, keeping my movements slow and deliberate. The pain lingered, but it wasn't as intense as before. I pondered my options. Should I call a doctor? Or perhaps wait and see if the pain would fade on its ow
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ninety eight
Vanessa’s POVI could hear Elijah's voice filled with worry as he asked the doctor, "Will she be okay?" My eyelids felt heavy, but I mustered all the strength I had left to open them. Everything was a blur, my vision unfocused and hazy.The excruciating pain that had consumed my abdomen seemed to have subsided. It was as if a weight had been lifted off my body, replaced by a strange sensation of numbness. I couldn't feel anything at that moment, except for the cool touch of a drip on my hands.As I lay there, my mind raced with questions. What had happened? How did I end up in this state? The memories of Elijah's mother's revelation and the subsequent collapse were still fresh in my mind. The emotional turmoil had taken a toll on my body, leaving me weak and vulnerable.The room around me was filled with the sterile scent of a hospital, the sound of beeping machines, and the hushed voices of medical professionals. I longed to speak, to r
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ninety nine
Drake's POVI stood in front of Evelyn's door, my knuckles rapping against the wood in a steady rhythm. I had been knocking for what felt like an eternity, but there was no response. I knew she was inside, deliberately ignoring me. It stung, knowing that she had been giving me the cold shoulder ever since she became Dante's fake Queen.I couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration bubbling within me. It was as if she had forgotten all that I had done to make her position possible. The sacrifices I had made, the risks I had taken. Yet here I was, standing outside her door, facing her silent rejection.As each minute ticked by, my impatience grew. I pressed my ear against the door, hoping to catch any sound that would indicate she was listening. But all I heard was an eerie silence, mocking my presence.After what felt like an eternity, Evelyn swung the door open, anger etched across her face. "I am busy," she snapped, her words laced with irritation. But I refused to let her push me
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one hundred
Dante's POV“Are you sure?” I asked with a hint of frustration in my voice.“Yes my lord” one of my trusted guards answered, he had come to inform me about the witches planning a big attack on my pack.“Gather the elder’s council immediately, tell them it is urgent,” I said to him before dismissing him.I paced back and forth in my office, my mind racing with worry. The news I had just received about the witches planning something big sent a surge of adrenaline through my veins. I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that I needed to take immediate action. It was time to prove to myself and to my pack that I was the true Alpha, capable of protecting them.As I glanced at the moonlit sky through the window, a sense of urgency washed over me. The time for hesitation was over, it was time to gather my pack members and devise a plan to thwart the witches' sinister plot.Just as I was lost in my thoughts, Evelyn walked into my office. I could sense her presence, but I wasn't in the mood for
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