All Chapters of Wanna Catch Me? Dream On: Chapter 661 - Chapter 670
786 Chapters
Chapter 0661
Andrew stood up. "Return. Now." Andrew clenched his jaw tightly. His emotions were in turmoil.Having never witnessed such a scene, Fiona panicked. She shared with him her location, trembling as she did so. After he received it, Andrew hung up and made another call."Andrew, what is it?" James' voic
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Chapter 0662
In the car, Maisie was disorientated and had passed out after being knocked around. Upon waking up, she found her hands tied up, and the car still in motion.Maisie realized she had been captured and understood that she was no match for them alone. Hence, she refrained from making any sudden moves a
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Chapter 0663
"Fine. Suit yourself. I'll keep watch at the door. Hurry up. Mr. Crowe's gonna be here soon."The man let out a sinister laugh. "Don't worry. I'll be quick."The man smiled wickedly as he unbuttoned his shirt, excitement gleaming in his eyes. Meanwhile, his other hand was tearing at Maisie's clothes
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Chapter 0664
"Mais, it's me!" Maisie slightly furrowed her brows.Ernest added in a hushed tone, "I'll let go, but keep quiet."Maisie nodded, and Ernest promptly released Maisie. She looked at Ernest in surprise. She was still in shock. "It's you?"Ernest pressed a finger to his lips. He leaned against the wall
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Chapter 0665
"She's still inside the building.""Then let's get the whole place fenced off immediately.""Got it."Magnus toyed with the beads in his hand, narrowing his eyes. "I'll handle it myself."…Following the car accident in Havencrest Heights, a media frenzy ensued. Meanwhile, James was caught on live T
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Chapter 0666
Everyone stood dumbfounded. The gunshots rang out unexpectedly, leaving them all in shock.Andrew and Jonathan dashed out toward Maisie almost simultaneously, with Andrew reaching her just before Jonathan."Maisie," he muttered as her body went limp in his arms. He felt her warm blood soaking throug
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Chapter 0667
Sapphire's expression stiffened. "Wh... What? What are you saying?"Adrian couldn't bear to see Sapphire in this state, yet he couldn't condone her ruthless and manipulative behavior."Adrian, is it because I did something wrong? Or... or is it because I got sick, so now you want to cancel our engag
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Chapter 0668
Laura closed her eyes in prayer. "Please, let Maisie be okay," she whispered under her breath.Two hours passed, and finally, the emergency room doors opened. The lead surgeon emerged, removing his mask with a heavy sigh. Seeing the expression on his face, everyone held their breath."How is Maisi
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Chapter 0669
In Sapphire's hospital room, tension hung heavy in the air.Sapphire stared at the clock on the wall, then shot a fierce glare at Hendrick.Hendrick straightened up in his chair with a grave expression. Deep down, he was already aware of the outcome. If their plan had succeeded, they would have rec
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Chapter 0670
Sapphire's pale lips trembled. She didn't expect Philip to shoulder the blame for what she did. Meanwhile, Andrew narrowed his eyes as he sat silently in a corner. His expression betrayed his skepticism.The minutes dragged on arduously for everyone present. Sapphire sobbed and shivered slightly.
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