All Chapters of Wanna Catch Me? Dream On: Chapter 681 - Chapter 690
786 Chapters
Chapter 0681
The doctor nearby sighed and took a moment before speaking."Ms. Todd, the patient's condition isn't promising at the moment. Her injuries didn't affect any vital organs. Still, while an average person might recover with some rest, it's quite severe in her situation.""Doctor, are you saying that… h
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Chapter 0682
Maisie felt her temples begin to throb.The next instant, Andrew stood in Jonathan's path.Initially annoyed, Andrew grew even more irritated. "What are you doing here?" he asked in a deep and stern voice."Paying a visit? Can't just walk in empty-handed, can I?"Jonathan's tone was casual, and a sl
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Chapter 0683
Jonathan chuckled as he spoke lazily, his eyes carrying a hint of ironic amusement."Quite ruthless of you," Andrew remarked coldly."That makes the both of us," Jonathan replied.Maisie shook her head. "Philip always guarded the business against Hendrick. The company won't fall into his hands so ea
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Chapter 0684
Roxy remained silent. Understanding Roxy's concerns, Sapphire bit her bottom lip."I just want to meet her. I can't compete with her in my current state, can I?"Roxy was torn. She pitied Sapphire—and out of helplessness, she agreed, "Alright, I'll find her.""Good." After Roxy left, Hendrick walk
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Chapter 0685
Maisie looked at Roxy wordlessly.She pursed her lips and said, "Grandma, there's nothing for us to talk about." Roxy felt somewhat disappointed. "Mais, she's not going to harm you anymore. After Andrew shot her twice, her condition deteriorated instantly. The doctors say she has only one or two mo
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Chapter 0686
"It's you who forced her into this. She didn't want to get involved in the power struggles of the Bardot family. She was never interested in the family business. Don't take advantage of her feelings toward you." Roxy hurriedly explained, "No, I really care for Mais. There's no one more suitable to
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Chapter 0687
Sapphire sneered. "I'm dying soon, are you happy now?" Happy? Maisie was not the kind of person who enjoyed others' misfortunes, nor did she find pleasure in mocking those on their deathbeds."Maisie, I hate you so much. I hate myself too. Why is life so unfair? We were born on the same day, to the
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Chapter 0688
Adrian looked skeptical. He asked tentatively, "What's the good news?"Shaun's eyes were filled with excitement and a sense of uncertainty. "You have two little sisters now."Adrian frowned. "What's the other good news?" "There's a way to save Sapphire."Adrian's furrowed brow deepened. "The bad ne
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Chapter 0689
Maisie's gaze became confused as she looked up to meet Andrew's eyes. He frowned and pulled her back into his arms. Then, Andrew gave Shaun an odd look. "Are you okay, Mr. Evans?"Puzzled by Shaun's behavior, Maisie cocked her head slightly."I'm fine," he replied.Shaun immediately composed himsel
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Chapter 0690
"I was just about to bring that up." Roxy's voice went up an octave. It was enough to show how happy she was. "Sapphi got a matching donor a month ago and had the operation a week ago. The doctor said she's recovering well and should be discharged soon."The donor was an anonymous person who refuse
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