All Chapters of Wanna Catch Me? Dream On: Chapter 671 - Chapter 680
786 Chapters
Chapter 0671
Andrew sat in silence. Though he didn't say anything, he was as intimidating as a demon. Philip panicked. He asked fearfully, "What… What injuries did she suffer?"Before Sapphire could react, Andrew raised his hand and gestured at Igor. "Tell her," he instructed.Igor skillfully placed a silencer
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Chapter 0672
Hendrick was finally at ease when he saw Roxy. He had called her earlier because he wanted her to beg Andrew for mercy. "Philip, Sapphire, Hendrick? What happened to all of you?"The moment Roxy approached them, she caught the scent of blood. However, she didn't know where their injuries were. She
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Chapter 0673
"Have you forgotten, Grandpa? Back then, you kidnapped Maisie's children in Atna City to threaten her. You wanted to ensure that nothing went wrong, so you asked me to hire those mercenaries." Hendrick didn't seem guilty at all. He added nonchalantly, "Wouldn't it be stranger if I didn't know their
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Chapter 0674
Laura anxiously paced around Andrew and the kids, none of whom were eating anything. How could their bodies withstand this?Laura signaled James with her eyes. Understanding, James steeled himself and walked over. He carefully pulled Elio and June aside, whispering, "El, Junie, why don't you eat so
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Chapter 0675
When Laura heard that it was someone from the Bardot family, her tone turned cold as she said, "Haven't you caused enough harm to my daughter-in-law? She's lying in a hospital bed now because of your family. What more do you want?"Roxy waved her hands in a flustered manner and explained, "Don't get
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Chapter 0676
Laura adjusted the blanket around Maisie and said, "Andrew just left. He was here with you all night. I told him to go back and change his clothes before coming back again."Maisie nodded slightly."Also, El and Junie didn't want to leave last night, so they stayed at the hospital the whole night to
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Chapter 0677
Maisie frowned slightly and said, "I suspect that Hendrick might be involved in this.""Hendrick?" Roxy exclaimed in surprise."Are you implying that Hendrick orchestrated the assassination attempt on you and pinned the blame on Philip?"Maisie nodded thoughtfully. "It's highly likely."The old lady
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Chapter 0678
Andrew stared intently at Maisie's delicate face. He strode to her side and reached out to hug the person before him. Yet, when he was about to embrace her, he became cautious.He cradled her tender figure in his arms, and her fragrance invaded his senses.His familiar scent also enveloped Maisie, a
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Chapter 0679
Feeling loved, Maisie smiled even wider.Soon, Laura returned with cereal and some light snacks. "You must be starving. Eat up.""Thank you, Mom."Andrew took the food from Laura and placed them on the table in front of Maisie.Maisie was indeed hungry. Even her stomach was growling audibly.With a
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Chapter 0680
Fiona bit her lip, trying to maintain the smile on her face."Thank you, Mrs. Clarke, but I have some other matters to attend to. I'll be leaving soon."Maisie glanced at her without a word, keenly sensing the jealousy in Fiona's eyes.She maintained her courteous facade."Since you have something t
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