All Chapters of The Rejected But Wanted Omega: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
131 Chapters
Lilliana’s POVThe house kept getting fuller as the meeting progressed and everyone who weren’t present during the last meeting were here now.I hated having to sit with Jenna and I’d almost gotten into a fight with Andre over it because I didn’t understand why he would invite her after everything she had put us through.“Are you insane?” I’d asked him as Andre only looked at me like he didn’t understand what I meant.“Jenna? Of all people, Jenna?!” I asked and that was when he got it and without dragging the conversation, I listened as Andre explained to me.“She has had an impact in every meeting she has attended,” Andre had said, “as long as you put her in your place and your relationship is strictly professional, I don’t see what the problem is.” He finished.Thinking about it for a while, I understood what he meant and didn’t push any further but I had to ask him to give some message to Jenna.I was sure she got the messages from the way she looked now, her eyes roamed around the
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Lilliana’s POVSighing, I tried my best to think about other things and not dwell too much on my feelings but doing that proved to be a difficult task.No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop feeling like there’s been a little strain in Nikolai and my relationship. I barely had enough time to talk to him.He was either always busy with the meetings that caused him to come back late or leave very early in the morning.“Their lunch is ready, I feel tired so I’ll just take a nap.” I smiled at the maid who nodded in understanding.“You should be taking lots of rest, ma’am, you don’t really have the luxury of stressing yourself out anymore.” She added and I smiled again.“I know,” I responded as my palm instinctively rubbed my belly before I turned away, “I have to go now.” I finished and with that, I made my way out of the kitchen.My thoughts were all over the place and I couldn’t stop thinking about Nikolai as I got closer to the private wing.Rubbing my neck, I made my way inside t
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Lilliana’s POVIt was as though my legs were moving faster than the rest of my body. I was running as fast as I could but the more I ran, the more it felt like I couldn’t escape.My heart was in my throat and I felt my stomach knotting in fear as I went deeper and deeper into the woods.My head felt light and my eyes kept going in and out of my head but I knew that I dared not wait.I dared not stop to catch my breath because if I stopped then whatever I was running away from, whoever I was trying to avoid was eventually going to catch up with me.The eerie sounds became louder and my legs were starting to feel weak, slowing down and making it difficult for me to run any faster.“I can’t stop. I can’t stop.” I kept repeating to myself like it was some sort of mantra but my legs were giving up on me and that was when I remembered.Although it was dark and seemed like no matter how loud I screamed, no one was going to come to my rescue. I could see that I was alone but despite seeing th
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Lilliana’s POVI’d slowly walked into the room with everything that Kieran had told me playing back in my head over and over again and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop the thoughts.I hated the fact that I was letting what he thinks have so much effect on me like that but there was nothing I could really do about it as I curled up on the bed like a wet cat.“I’m back,” Nikolai announced cheerily and that would’ve changed my mood if I hadn’t met Kieran and listened to him say all those things.“Welcome back.” I managed to let out before curling even harder as I tried my best to ignore Nikolai.From the way his breath brushed the nape of my neck and how he pulled me into him, I could tell that he was on the bed with me already.“What’s wrong?” He questioned, his voice bridling with his worry as he turned me over to face him, “you’re not in a good mood.” He added.Shaking my head, I let out a forced smile as I tried to assure Nikolai that I was fine but I’ve never been a good
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Lilliana’s POV“You look really gorgeous,” one of the maids complimented my hair and I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my lips.“I bet Alpha Nikolai would not be able to keep his hands off you.” Another added and I could definitely see what they meant by that.Taking a look at myself in the mirror, I could barely recognize myself. It’s been a while since I looked this beautiful and I felt tears welling up in my eyes.My hair was made perfectly with all sorts of adornment even though I’d said that I didn’t want anything extra.My dress is an extremely beautiful strapless lilac gown and as I stood up, I wondered if my stomach was going to be a problem but it wasn’t.These past days, Nikolai and I barely spent enough time with each other and just when I was starting to feel frustrated, he thought of a way to turn things around.He had insisted that everyone take a break and the day off so instead of the meeting, everyone just went out for food and drinks.He made sure to set every
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Nikolai’s POVThe night was going smoothly and having Lilliana in my arms felt like having heaven within my reach and when she hugged me.Goodness, when she hugged me, it felt as though time had stopped and it felt so good. I was so afraid of moving that I couldn’t even breathe.She felt so warm and her body felt really soft pushed up against me, I wanted to keep holding her without ever letting her go.My heart pounded and I could hear the gushing sound of my own blood as it rushed through my veins, spreading to every part of my being.Closing my eyes, I took in a whiff of her delicious scent and I wanted nothing to take away this moment.The urge to keep her close to me was insane, I didn’t want to let go of her, I wanted to maintain that proximity, to keep loving her and overall, to protect her. I felt her muscles tensed and I could feel that something was wrong as she pulled away from me.“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” I asked but she looked so lost that she probably didn’t hear w
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Lilliana’s POVWalking as fast as my legs could carry me, I could feel my heart racing and I knew really well that it was because of Jenna.She was the last person I was expecting to see and I can’t just stand being in the same space as her.I felt bad for judging too soon too because a part of me felt like Nikolai didn’t really know that she was going to show up to the dinner.The sound of my phone ringing jolted me out of my thoughts but I continued walking since I already knew who was calling. It was Nikolai and he had called multiple times already but I’d decided to ignore the calls.I wasn’t mad at him or anything because I knew there was an explanation for everything and in Nikolai’s case, he didn’t know she was coming but I also can’t bring myself to go back there until I’m calm.Finding a place to sit, I took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. I didn’t want to wander too far off because Nikolai might try looking for me.The fact that everything looks familiar calmed me do
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Lilliana’s POVI was still stuck behind the big oak tree with Kieran, the night was silent, peaceful but there was nothing peaceful with being either Kieran.I’d just seen him walk into the dinner hall clinging onto Jenna and I know I shouldn’t care but I couldn’t help the multiple questions that kept running through my mind.Are they dating now or their date was supposed to end as soon as the dinner was over?Sighing, I pinched the bridge of my nose and couldn’t believe that I was stuck with Kieran of all people, my heart raced and I felt uncomfortable.“What were you doing in the bush all alone?” His voice jolted me out of my thoughts and I shuddered, “you could’ve really gotten yourself killed, Lilliana, what were you thinking?” He added.Turning my head to look in his direction, I felt the hairs at the nape of my neck curling as the cold breeze grazed my ear like the touch of cold fingers.The last thing I wanted was to get myself engaged in a conversation with Kieran, even though
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Lilliana’s POV“I’m sorry,” I muttered an apology to Kieran with no idea why when he’d just told me that he hoped Nikolai would treat me right.I don’t know why this man seems to think that he has to have a say on my relationship and I hate the fact that whenever he says things like this, he says it with so much confidence.It’s almost like he’ll be waiting in a corner for when Nikolai messes up so that he could tell me that he did warn and tell me so.“Also, Nikolai has always been treating me right, I don’t doubt the fact that he’s going to do so tonight too.” I smiled and Kieran nodded.“Right, I’m sorry about that, I just say things without thinking.” He apologized, smiling as he walked me to the entrance of the hall.“You should go now.” He finished and with a nod, I walked closer to the entrance before turning to look at him but he only urged me on.If anyone had told me that Kieran could be this nice and this much of a gentleman, I would’ve argued because he has always been a j
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Lilliana’s POVGroaning, my eyes fluttered open and I stretched out to feel Nikolai beside me. His eyes were closed and his sleeping features were hotter than ever.Everything seemed peaceful and as the memories of what happened last night flooded my mind, I felt myself melting.We’d left the dinner hall and had a really good time before falling asleep. A smile formed on my lips and I moved Nikolai’s hair away from his face.“When you stare at me like that, it makes me want to eat you for breakfast.” Nikolai’s voice jolted me out of my thoughts as he pulled me into him.“Maybe I won’t stop staring at you like that then.” I threatened and I felt his cock kick against me.“Well, Good Morning.” I smiled, grinding against his cock and feeling it grow even harder and an inch longer.“Stop doing that, you still look exhausted.” Nikolai warned but stopping was the last thing I wanted to do.I’ve been feeling unusually horny these days and right now I wanted him to fuck me but he seemed too w
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