All Chapters of A Contract With Him: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
173 Chapters
Killer Parents
“Ugh, let’s go already.” Bryan groaned for the umpteenth time as he stood close to the helicopter. “Just give her a second.” Alex said and Bryan rolled his eyes. Alex turned to his daughter whose hands were trembling. Her breathing kept getting heavier each second. Alex had no idea what to do. He is a first time father and he really doesn't think he is doing a good job. “Come on Bryar, it is safe. You really have nothing to be afraid of, there will be men sitting next to us and it is not a small helicopter. I will be next to you.” He said but her eyes were fixed on the helicopter and her hands were still trembling. Alex finally understood what was wrong with her and he stood in front of her. He bent to her level and smiled at her. “Stop imagining horrible scenes in your head.” He said and she paid attention to him. “I can't help it.” “Come on.” Bryan yelled and they ignored him. “Can't we just go with a car?” “It will be easier to cover up most parts of New York with a he
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Alex’s Mansion
“Really Blakeley? Really?” Alex snapped as he turned to her.“What? I had to do what I had to do. He fucking changed the deal because you guys walked in.” She replied.“There is a party tonight if you have forgotten. I need it to my advantage.” She said and he scoffed.“Of course, this is all a game to you. It is all about power. Our children were in here.” “And nothing happened to them.” She replied and rolled her eyes. Alex suddenly grabbed her arm roughly and held it.“What is wrong with you?” He yelled at her and she flinched, their kids too flinched including the waiters in the restaurant.“Get the fuck off me.” She yelled back and jerked her hand away from him. They suddenly heard cries and they turned to see Bryar crying. “Bryar.” Blakeley called and was about to move closer to her but she stood behind Bryan.Blakeley froze and took a step back.“Bryar, are you okay?” Alex asked and she rushed to him, she hugged his legs and Alex carried her in his arms.“Hey, it's okay.” He
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A Mafia Party
“Why will Bryar have feelings for me? Is that even possible?” He chuckled.“Yes, and it is not funny. She doesn't have much of a social life of experience so every compliment you say to her means a lot to her.” Alex replied with a stern look.“This is crazy.” “Of course it is. So quit being so sweet to her.” “Isn't that going to hurt her? Won't she hate me? I don't want her to hate me.” He said and Alex rolled his eyes.“Just get her to stop growing feelings for you.”“How are you so sure about this? You might be wrong.”“Her cheeks heat up at every compliment you say to her, her face lits up when she sees you, she likes to be clingy with everyone but she is extra clingy with you. Want me to keep going?” Alex explained and Austin sighed heavily.He felt so bothered about it, and as he thought about it, he started to feel uncomfortable and guilty. Was he being too nice to her? He couldn't get the thought out of his head.Alex's phone suddenly rang and he walked away to pick up the ca
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Dom And Sub
“That is scary.” Bryar said.“I know right? I was once scared of her, but not anymore.” “Why aren't you scared anymore?” “Because she isn't as tough as she seems, she pointed a gun at me and she couldn't pull the trigger. That sweet, kind and caring Blakeley is still in there somewhere, someone just has to call her out.” Alex said and they sighed. “So she faked her death?” Bryan asked.“Yeah, I still wondered how she did that though. The car exploded and we saw her body in the... “ Alex trailed off as he thought about it.They never actually saw a body, it was too burnt but it was identified as Blakeley’s body. “What?” Bryan asked, seeing he was a little bit lost in thought.“Nothing, I just recalled something.” He replied.Austin walked back to their table and they paid attention to him, he leaned closer to Alex and whispered in his ear. Alex raised his brows and he nodded in response.“I will be back.” He said and hurriedly walked away.“What is going on?” Bryan asked.“Nothing.
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Blakeley and Alex walked out of the restroom and headed back to the party without saying a word to each other, they acted like they didn't just have a quick and intense sex minutes ago.They got back to the party and their kids were the first to see them walking in together, they both rushed to them and Austin walked behind them.“Mummy.” Bryar called happily and hugged Blakeley’s legs, Blakeley rolled her eyes and folded her arms.“So you love me now?” She asked and Bryar looked up at her face and giggled.“I have always loved you and will always will.” She replied and Blakeley smiled, she hugged her back and Bryan stared at his parents. “Where are you both coming from?” Bryan asked.“We aren't coming from the same place.” Alex lied.“But you walked into this place together.”“We met in the hallway.” Blakeley said and he kept staring at both of them. “Mum, why is your lipstick gone?” He asked and Blakeley’s eyes widened in shock slightly.“What?” “And Alex, why is your… ““Okay,
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“Blakeley.” Alex groaned in pain and she let go of him, she sighed and ran her hands through her hair.“I didn't even do anything to you. That day I told you to leave, I was just mad, I was going to make it up to you after the wedding, you weren't patient enough.” Alex said breathing heavily as his chest was hurting a lot. “So I was just supposed to wait? All by myself? In a room? Like a prisoner?” She asked as she took a seat again.“Like I said, I was going to make it up to you.” “No, you wouldn't. Because you would keep listening to your father. You think I don't know what our contract marriage was all about? You fucking married me because of your father’s fucking bonds and shares. You got Dylan to break up with me and you hit me with your car intentionally.” She said and Alex rolled his eyes.“Oh my God. You are going to say it like I did something bad? I fucking helped you Blakeley. Dylan was already cheating on you with your best friend and I helped you by giving you the life
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Las Vegas
Austin chuckled and shook his head, he was definitely not going to answer that question. Blakeley was done having the conversation with Scott and Alex, she opened the door and Bryan suddenly fell into the room.He chuckled nervously and lay on the floor.“I didn't hear anything.” He said and she rolled her eyes.“Get up.” She ordered and he did, she poked her head out and saw Austin and Bryar staring at each other.“Guys, come on.” She called and they looked at her, they both stood up and walked into the ward. As they walked in, Alex stared at Austin and glared at him, he sighed and looked away.Blakeley noticed the looks but decided questions would be asked later.“So for a while, you guys will be staying with your father.” Blakeley announced and her kids cheered excitedly.“Wait, why?” Bryan asked.“I have to go on a little trip, it is just for a few days or a week.” She replied.“A trip to where?” Bryar asked, holding Blakeley’s hand.“Never mind, baby. But I will be back soon.” S
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Being A Father
All day, Alex tried his best to keep his kids company to avoid them missing their mother, he chatted with them and told them more about himself. It was already night and they all had dinner together as a family including Austin.After that, it was time for them to get ready for bed, Alex already arranged a room for both of them but with different beds. Alex made sure they were comfortable, he stayed with them for a while till they both fell asleep. ******AN HOUR LATER Alex sat in his room as he went through his laptop, had had lots of work to do. His chest was starting to hurt less now. Alex suddenly heard a knock on the door and before he could ask who it was or give a response, the door opened revealing Bryar.“Bryar.” Alex called surprised and she walked into the room fully and shut the door. She used her tiny hands to rub her eyes as she walked to Alex who was sitting on the couch in his room.She got to him and he carried her on his lap, she placed her head on his chest and y
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“Ye… yeah.” Blakeley stuttered as they stared at the naked ladies, a few naked men and middle aged men and women in the room, some were doing drugs on the table, some were having sex and there was a little stage too where a live sex show was being displayed. A familiar memory flashed in Blakeley’s head and she started to think of Alex but she shrugged off the thought.“Let's split up.” Blakeley said and turned on her phone.“Remember, this is the man we are looking for, once you see him or make any contact with him, text me immediately, okay?” Blakeley explained as she showed Cassie the picture on her phone and she nodded in response.“Yeah, sure.” She replied and was about to walk away but Blakeley held her hand and pulled her back which made Cassie give her a questioning look.“Cassie, please don't get distracted.” Blakeley said and she rolled her eyes.“I won't.” She replied and Blakeley nodded before letting go of her.She walked away and Blakeley also walked fully into the room,
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The Chase
Cassie stared at Blakeley as she pulled the final trigger without thinking twice, she turned to her and she could feel her heart jump a little in fear.She was a little terrified of this Blakeley, she is just so different. Blakeley walked to her and she gulped.“What?” Blakeley asked, noticing her facial expressions.“Nothing.” She replied and Blakeley stared at her as she untied her.“What's wrong?” Blakeley asked as she stood up and Cassie creased her wrists.“How did you free yourself when you were tied?” “The normal way to get free, I loosen the rope.” Blakeley shrugged and Cassie glanced at the dead men on the floor.“What is it, Cassie?” Blakeley asked.“What the hell did you go through in ten years?” She asked and Blakeley shrugged.“Pain.” She replied and walked back to the dead men on the floor, she took pictures of them and sent them to Alex.“So he was the one that crashed the party?” Cassie asked as they headed out of the room.“Yes.” She replied. They got back to the p
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