All Chapters of A Contract With Him: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
173 Chapters
A Tour
The glass shattered and her children flinched, Blakeley breathed heavily and ran her hands through her hair, she buried her face in her arms as she felt ashamed to look at her children. She didn't mean to snap at them, their questions about Alex just seemed to make her mad a lot. She suddenly stood up and walked out of the dining room without looking at him, she got to the living room and walked to the telephone there. She pressed a number and placed the phone at her ear.“Oh my God, ma’am. Are you okay? I have been… ““I’m fine.” She cut him off and he sighed. He is her most trusted man and the only one who knows about her being the killer until now though.“And your kids?”“We are all fine.” “I need to know what is going on. Is it on the news yet?” “No, surprisingly it is not. The only thing the news caught was Elvis being dead, the killer still remained anonymous but in the crime world, you are quite famous.” He explained and Blakeley sighed.“What about my house?” “It's not t
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A Chase
A FEW DAYS LATERBlakeley walked out of her car and made her way into her company, as usual, the employees had fear written on their faces as she walked past them.Her assistant trailed behind her as they headed to the elevator. “My schedule?” Blakeley asked as they got in.“Well, you have been absent for a lot of days ma’am and different men kept coming asking to see you and… “I asked for my schedule, not a story.” Blakeley cut her off with a stern look and she hurriedly bowed her head.“I’m… I’m sorry ma’am.” She apologised.“You have a lot of meetings pending ma’am and there are files you… ““Cancel the meetings for now, I will work on the files today.” She said and her assistant wrote something down on her notepad. The elevator stopped and she walked out, as she headed to her office, her phone suddenly rang. She brought it out from her purse and saw the call was from the telephone in the safe house. She had told her children to call her through that if anything happened. She hu
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Crazy Mum
Scott laughed again as he stared at Alex’s car, Alex rolled his eyes at him and pulled his phone out from his pants pocket.“What is so funny?” Alex asked with a frown.“It is funny because Blakeley did this.” He replied and stared at the tyres.“She is now a fucking badass.” Scott replied and looked around the street to see if there were any security cameras but there wasn't.“I already checked, there are no cameras around.” Alex said and Scott sighed.“Really man, Blakeley is your biggest threat right now, what do you want to do about it?”“I really just have to talk to her.” He said and Scott scoffed.“Talk to her? Come on. That can't be possible, you tried to talk to her and she almost killed you and besides where are you going to find her?” Scott asked and Alex shrugged.“I will find a way.” He said and sighed Blakeley got home after ten minutes, just like she told Bryar. They were excited to see her and she was also excited to see them.Since they were all starving, she headed
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Back In New York
A MONTH LATERIt's been a month since Blakeley was discovered as the killer, it has been a month since they have been in the safe house and it has been a month since Alex showed up. It took Blakeley longer than expected to get the whole news about her being the killer in the crime world to die down a little, she only goes to work once in a while. Her children were getting sick and tired of living in fear, their former lives weren't so different from this, they were always home all day. The difference was that they didn't have to live in fear.Bryar kept having several nightmares and she couldn't sleep alone anymore. Bryan on the other hand was handling the situation pretty well. They were all seated having dinner and Blakeley suddenly hit her fork on her plate to get their attention and it did. They looked at her and she smiled.“So, you guys know it has been a month since we have been stuck here.” Blakeley said and they nodded in response.“Well, we are leaving tomorrow.” She said
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First Party
“Good morning.” Bryan greeted his mother happily as he walked down the stairs, Bryar turned to him and furrowed her brows.“What's with the look?” Bryan asked, moving closer to her.“You are up late.” She replied and he rolled his eyes, he turned to Blakeley who was staring at them but she was on a phone call. Bryan looked around and noticed the maids in the living room.It felt a little weird since they weren't used to having them around despite living in a mansion.“They all look scary.” Bryar said to Bryan and he chuckled. Blakeley ended the phone call and walked closer to them. She pulled them into a hug and Bryar giggled.“So, mum. What are the plans for today?” Bryan asked. “Actually for today, I only have plans. You guys will be staying home.”“Just for today.” She added seeing the grumpy look on Bryan’s face.“Fine.” He muttered and rolled his eyes.“How long are you going to be out?” She asked and her phone suddenly beeped. “Just a second baby.” She said and hurriedly check
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The Party
The reporters paid attention to the guests on the red carpet and took pictures of them. It was the Xanders family's turn and they took pictures of them.Cassie walked elegantly on the carpet and the reporters took pictures of her, everyone stared at her and admired her dress and how beautiful she looked.Blakeley’s car suddenly pulled over in front of the building and a few reporters turned to it curiously while some still paid attention to Cassie. “Wow, mummy, there are a lot of people here.” Bryar said nervously and Blakeley smiled.“Yeah, they are going to be taking a lot of pictures. Are you ready?”“Hell yeah.” Bryan said, running his hands through his hair and adjusting his tuxedo jacket. “Bryar?” Blakeley asked and she nodded nervously. Blakeley looked at the guard at the front and nodded at him, he walked out of the car and this time, more people already paid attention to the car.The guard got to the door and opened the car door, Blakeley slowly stepped out and everyone ga
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An Old Deal
The party finally came to an end after an hour and everyone was starting to leave. Blake Key stood up with her kids and they all headed towards the exit. As they got outside, Blakeley’s guards walked behind her and escorted her to the car. “Blakeley.” She heard a familiar voice call her name and she paused, she turned to see Austin running towards her and her guards hurriedly stood in front of her, shielding her.“It's fine.” Blakeley said and they stepped away, Austin got to her and Bryar smiled at him.“Hey.” He called with a smile and Blakeley gave him a questioning look.“I… I was wondering if I could come visit tomorrow.” He said, scratching his neck nervously. “I really don't think… “ Blakeley paused as she felt Bryar poke her, she looked down at her and Bryar gave her a pleading look.She sighed and turned to Austin.“Fine, you can come.” She said and Bryar smiled happily.“Ugh,” Bryan muttered and rolled his eyes. Austin chuckled at him and he huffed and walked into the car
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Another Murder?
Austin spent the whole day in Blakeley’s mansion bonding with the kids. It was finally time for him to leave and the kids followed him out of the house, Blakeley also did but she stood by the door while they escorted him to the car.“When next are you visiting?” Bryan asked.“I can come when it is the weekend if your mum lets me. I have to go to school all week.” He replied.“Woah, we have always been home schooled.” Bryar said and he smiled.“And you are so smart.” He replied and she giggled.“Time up.” Blakeley yelled from the door and they glanced at her.“Well, bye… “ He paused as Bryar wrapped her arms around his legs, he smiled and creased her hair before she pulled away. “Fist bump?” Bryan asked, making a fist and stretching it towards him, Austin reciprocated by hitting it gently and they both smiled.“Bye Austin.” They chorused and he smiled at them before entering the car and the chauffeur drove away. Blakeley’s kids walked back to her with a smile and she raised her brows
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A Store
Bryar walked into the room and Blakeley hurriedly took the paper from Bryan and hid it.“What is going on?” She asked and Bryan didn't give a response, he looked at Blakeley one last time before walking out of the room.“What was that about?” Bryar asked and Blakeley smiled.“Nothing. Ignore him. What do you need dear?” Blakeley asked and Bryar smiled.“I was watching the television now and an advert popped up. It was a clothing brand and they have cute outfits for children. I want one.” She said and Blakeley nodded.“Then we will go shopping tomorrow.” Blakeley replied and she giggled happily.“Or, let’s just go now.” Blakeley changed her mind and she gasped.“Really?”“Yes, go get your brother.” She said and Bryar rushed out of the room.“Bryan.” She heard her yell his name as she stood up and she also headed out.Blakeley drove the car with her kids sitting at the back, she already researched the clothing brand and she already found out where their store was.Bryar kept glancing at
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Family Dinner
“Really?” Bryar screamed in fear.“Of course not.” Blakeley replied and went faster, she checked the rear mirror and she noticed Alex was getting in their way. They kept shooting at his car.“Guess it is not my problem then.” She replied and took a turn and left Alex to deal with them.“They aren't after us anymore.” Bryan said and Blakeley groaned in response. They got back to the house in minutes and they got out of the car. They walked in and immediately a maid welcomed them.“Welcome ma’am.” The maid said and she nodded in response.“This came in while you were out.” The maid said and Blakeley noticed she was holding an envelope. She handed it to her and she opened it up. She sighed as she saw what it contained.“What is it, mummy?” Bryar asked and Blakeley looked at her, she saw the dried tears that were still on her cheek and Bryan wasn't in the room anymore. “I guess we won't be having dinner at home tonight.” She said and squeezed the envelope. She tried to calm herself but s
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