All Chapters of A Contract With Him: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
173 Chapters
Outside World
NEW YORK CITYAlex sat in his office as he ran his hands through his hair continuously. He stared at the loads of paperwork in front of him and sighed, he had been absent from his company for the past one week, he just didn't feel like doing anything so he stayed home for a week.The door to his office suddenly opened and Scott rushed in, Alex looked up at him and gave him a questioning look.“Dude.” Scott called and handed his phone to Alex, Alex stared at the screen and he slowly furrowed his brows. “Another one?” He asked and Scott nodded in response.“Yeah, the third this week.” “What the fuck?” Alex muttered.“Each of them are gangsters we have had business with before and they all keep getting killed by the same person, in the same way. A bullet in the head, and flowers next to the body. “Black roses, Bird’s foot trefoil and Baby’s breath.” Alex muttered.“Something is wrong Alex.” Scott said and Alex handed the phone back to him.“It is just in Fiji right? We can't be sure y
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Las Vegas
Blakeley kept glancing at her children as they all ate dinner quietly, she stared at Bryan who hadn't spared her a look for a while. She sighed heavily thinking he would look up at her but he didn't, only Bryar looked up.“Mum, are you okay?” She asked and Blakeley smiled.“I’m fine baby.” She replied and Bryar continued with her meal, she made noises with her fork on her plate and still, he didn't look up at her. Bryar glanced at her mother and then at Bryan and noticed why she was making noises.“We are going to Las Vegas tomorrow.” Blakeley announced and Bryan looked up at her immediately but didn't say a word.“What? Really?” Bryar asked widening her ocean eyes. “Yeah, we will spend a few days there and come back to Fiji.”“We won't be locked up in a hotel suite?” Bryan asked.“No, we will do anything you guys want us to do.” She replied and his face suddenly lit up.“Finally.” Blakeley sighed in relief in her head.“Wow, I am so excited.” Bryar giggled.“Yeah, me too.” Bryan r
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A Fun Day
The kids sat on the couch with different meals in front of them as they watched a cartoon show, their mother was in the shower getting ready, they had already gotten ready and were excited to see where their mother would be taking them.“Can you please pass me the jam?” Bryar asked her brother and he turned to her.“You don't have to be too polite about it, I will pass it to you anyway.” Bryan replied and handed her the jam.“Thank you.” She said with a smile and he nodded.The news suddenly interrupted their show and they groaned loudly.“What?” Blakeley asked as she walked out of the shower wearing her robe.“The news is on.” Bryan replied and she walked closer to them and paid attention to it.“Last night in Vegas, something unexpected happened. There has been news from Fiji about an anonymous killer who kills gangsters. Last night, there was a murder at a hotel, a gangster was a victim and a lady who hadn't been identified yet. Next to the body were roses. The killer was caught on
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Alex gritted his teeth as he stared at photos of Tokyo dead on his phone, he ran his hands through his hair and let out a chuckle before dropping his phone.Austin suddenly walked into his office and Alex looked up at him, he was dressed in his uniform which means he headed to the company straight from school.“Hey.” He called and Alex nodded at him.“Hmm… I... I saw the news about Tokyo’s death, I just wanted to come to check up on you. Are you okay?” He asked and Alex nodded.“Yeah.” He replied huskily and brought out a stick of cigarette then lit it. Austin knows Alex is a gangster and is into illegal stuff, he found out when he was thirteen and since then, Alex has never hidden stuff from him. Sometimes he goes with Alex to his warehouses and sometimes he helps during a heist but there were limits to what he could do. “Have you found out who the killer is yet?” Austin asked further hoping he wouldn't get upset. He had a stern face which meant he wasn't in the mood for a conversat
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Blakeley sat in her study as she responded to a lot of pending requests and messages she had from work, she decided to work from home today, not because the kids would be alone without a teacher, she just decided to.Blakeley brought out a stick of cigarette and lit it, she took a drag and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the feeling. Her phone suddenly rang and she picked it up and placed it in her ear.“Ma’am, we have the last container.” The caller said.“How much?”“Half a billion.” He replied.“Half a billion?”“Yes.”“Add them to mine, I might use the money for some shopping.” She replied and ended the call, she chuckled as she fell back on her chair and took another drag. “Mummy.” Bryar suddenly called.“Shit.” Blakeley muttered and hurriedly hid the cigarette, she blew the air with her hand trying to get rid of the smoke as she heard her daughter getting closer to the study.The door was opened and she suddenly barged in, Blakeley hurriedly smiled trying to keep her cool.Bryar
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Zhang Li
ONE WEEK LATER It has been a week and everything has been going smoothly for everyone, Alex and his family were doing fine in New York, and Blakeley and her kids were also doing fine in Fiji. It has been a week since there was any news about the killer, it has been all peaceful everywhere. Bryan anticipates news about the killer every morning which Blakeley finds weird but decides to let him be. “So, is there any news yet? Anything new?” Bryan asked rushing to grab the remote, Bryar rolled her eyes at him. He got disappointed when there was nothing about the killer on the news and Bryar laughed at him.Blakeley suddenly showed up in the living room paying attention to her phone and Bryan furrowed his brows.“Still looking for another teacher?” Bryan asked.“No.”“So what are you doing?” Bryar asked.“Making reservations.” Blakeley replied without looking up at them.“Reservations for what?”“Our trip tomorrow.” She said and Bryan’s eyes widened.“Really? Where?” He asked happily
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A Trap
Zhang walked into his room drunkenly and fell on his bed, the old man’s party was a success and he decided to have a little fun. His guards and workers in the mansion were all drunk too, he gave them the privilege to drink, and he was just too happy.He lay on his king sized bed properly and chuckled with his eyes closed, he suddenly heard the sound of two metal hitting each other but it wasn't a loud song. It sounded like it was ticking but it was continuous.He chose to ignore it but it became too annoying to bear, he opened his eyes and sat up. He froze when he saw the killer seated on his couch opposite him, the killer was hitting the gun with a metal rod close to the couch, that was what was making that sound.Zhang let out a chuckle and stared at the killer.“I have heard about you, but just tonight though.” He said and chuckled.“So what did you think of me?” The killer asked with its computerised voice.“I haven't had much time to think yet.” He replied and hiccuped, the kille
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The Killer
“Fuck, Elvis.” Alex called and ran after him, Scott also did. They got outside the house and they lost track of him.“Shit, let's split up.” Scott said and walked away before Alex could object. “Fuck.” He muttered and then walked towards the pool area.Elvis looked around in fear as he ran for his life, he kept hearing gunshots which freaked him out more, he got to the pool area and saw it was empty. There was an emergency exit gate around the area which he wanted to use to escape, he looked back in fear and ran towards the gate.He suddenly bumped into someone and he froze, he slowly turned to see the killer. He screamed in fear and the killer shot him in the head immediately, he fell dead into the pool and the killer brought out flowers and threw it in. The killer turned to walk away and it froze when he saw a person pointing a gun at it.“Drop your gun.” Alex said and the killer raised its hand in the air, it slowly bent and dropped the gun then raised its hand in the air.“On y
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Killer Mum
“Bryar, don't move.” Blakeley said and she breathed heavily.“I need you to calm down. Nothing is going to happen to you as long as you don't move. I am going to be honest with you, if you move an inch, a bullet will go into your forehead and you will be dead. I will come towards you but it is going to hurt cause we might hit the floor hard, is that okay?” Blakeley said and she sniffed as tears streamed down her eyes.“Yes, mummy.” She mumbled in response and Blakeley looked back and forth to see where the ray was coming from. She suddenly stood up and hugged Bryar with a force that both sent them down and the bullet pierced a glass in the living room.“Get down Bryan!” Blakeley yelled as every glass in the house started to shatter, bullets pierced every corner of the house and Blakeley wrapped her arms around Bryar who screamed in fear.Blakeley let go of Bryar and glanced to see if Bryan was okay and he was. “Hey, come here.” She said and he crawled towards her.“Are you okay?” She
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Killer Mum 2
Blakeley held the gun firmly as she fired shots at the dummy far from her, she kept missing and her hands trembled.She reloaded the gun again and fired shots, this time, she didn't miss so much. She heard footsteps behind her and she turned to see the middle-aged woman. Blakeley smiled and was eager to tell her about the progress she had made in shooting.“Ma’am, I shot… “ Blakeley trailed off as the woman raised a gun and pointed it at her, Blakeley furrowed her brows and the woman pulled the trigger.***********Blakeley moaned in her sleep and breathed out heavily, she slowly opened her eyes to see her children staring at her. Blakeley stared back at them and Bryan slowly lifted his hand and placed it on her forehead.“Mum, are you okay?” He asked and she closed her eyes, she opened it back and she noticed she felt a little comfortable. Her neck wasn't aching even though she was lying on the floor. She noticed there was a pillow under her head and she sighed.“Why isn't she sayin
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