All Chapters of A Contract With Him: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
173 Chapters
“Kiara.” He called back.“Alex.” She called again with a smile and moved closer to him, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him, Alex didn't hug her back, all he did was stare at the kid who was staring back at him. She pulled away from the hug and sniffed, Cassie rolled her eyes as she noticed the tears in her eyes. “It's been so long, you look so different.” She said and smiled, she wiped her tears.“Great, Alex is here and you have seen him, you can leave now.” Cassie said.“Mummy, I always see this lady on the television.” The kid said and pointed at Blakeley. “Mummy?” Alex and Cassie chorused.“Oh, yeah.” She said and held the kid’s hand.“He is my son, his name is Austin and he is seven years old.” She replied.“Say hi, Austin.” She said and Austin waved at Alex with a smile.“You got married?” Alex asked and she shook her head in response, she glanced at Blakeley and sighed.“I… I don't think… ““What? Go on, answer the question.” Cassie cut her off. “Come on, isn't
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THE NEXT DAY MORNING Blakeley sighed again as she stared at Alex as he slept, a lot was going on in her head, even after Alex made the promise to her last night, she still felt uneasy.It's been eight years and the love of his life returned with a child that belongs to him, although Alex doesn't want a child but the child is already here. He can't just abandon him. She had trouble sleeping all night as she thought of it, it is dawn now and Alex has to make a decision. What would his decision be? She carefully stood up from the bed trying her best to not wake him up, she made her way out of his room and entered her room to see Cassie still asleep. Glancing at the time, she sighed and ran her hands through her hair. It was still 6:30 am, it was still very early.She stripped off her clothes and made her way to the bathroom, she filled the bathtub with warm soapy water and soaked herself in it, she breathed out and closed her eyes. After staying in the tub for almost an hour, she w
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Blakeley walked into her room and locked the door, she wasn't ready to see anyone or talk to anyone. She lay on her bed with tears in her eyes, she pulled the sheets over her head and exhaled. She heard knocks on her door and she ignored it, she shut her eyes and breathed out. After a few minutes of being in that position, she finally fell asleep.*********HOURS LATER Blakeley opened her eyes and slowly sat up, she rubbed her eyes and ran her hands through her hair. She exhaled as she picked up her phone and checked the time, it was 6:00 pm. She slept all day because she didn't get enough sleep at night. She stood up and made her way to the restroom, she did a quick routine of washing her face before walking out. She unlocked the door to her room and walked out, as she got down the stairs, she met only Logan in the living room and he was reading the papers while sitting on the couch. “Logan.” She called and he noticed her presence, he hurriedly stood up and bowed.“Good evening
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Sick Bakey
“You rule my fucking kingdom and I will always gladly bow to you.”Blakeley smiled in response as she was too stunned to respond, Alex was being too sweet, she knew he was high on something but it was still a little bit weird to her. “Is there anything you want me to do for you? Anything? You can name anything, Blakeley.” He said, his hands were still on her thighs and he creased them. “I don't want anything Alex, you made me so comfortable that I don't need anything.” Blakeley replied and he kissed her thighs again. She chuckled and tucked her hair behind her ear.“I should get you high often. You are being so sweet.” She giggled and ruffled his hair, Alex got up from his position and leaned on her on the couch, he took her lips into his and Blakeley reciprocated. As the kiss got intense, he carried her off the couch and Blakeley wrapped her legs around him. She had no idea where Alex was heading as he moved, her eyes were shut as she focused on their intense kiss.In a few second
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A Decision
Cassie walked into the house and looked around, it was really quiet and she wondered if Alex had given her the right address. “Blakeley.” She called as she looked around the living room, she climbed the stairs and opened the first door she saw in the hallway, she walked into the room and found it empty.“Blakeley.” She called.“Blakeley.” She called again and looked around, she was about to call Alex when she heard whimpers coming behind a door. She rushed to it and opened the door to see Blakeley lying on the floor with her legs folded up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her body. “Oh my God. Blakeley.” Cassie called and rushed to her, she held her hand and flinched immediately because of how hot she was.“Fuck, you are burning up so bad.” Cassie said and tried her best to lift her, she did and helped her into the room. She helped her lay on the bed and sat next to her. There were dried tears on her cheeks and her eyes were shut tightly, she looked so pale.“Why the hell wi
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Broken Heart
“You aren't burning up so much again.” Cassie said as she placed her hand on Blakeley’s forehead. She watched Blakeley drink the soup and smiled.When she could get through to Alex, she called their family doctor and he prescribed drugs for her, Cassie went to get it and made her soup. She took it and now, she is starting to feel better.“Did Alex call back?” Blakeley asked as she dropped the bowl of soup on the tray next to the bed, Cassie shook her head in response and she sighed.“Is it almost dusk so we will be heading back to the mansion soon.” Cassie said opening her purse, she looked in it like she was searching for something.“What are you looking for?” Blakeley asked.“My keys.” She replied and started to empty her purse, she brought out condoms of different kinds and pregnancy test kits then other cards and stuff.“Why do you have all that?” Blakeley chuckled lightly.“Oh, I like sex a lot, which you know and I just carry the kits around.” She shrugged and stood up.“Hold on
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A Favour
Blakeley stood in front of the mirror and let her hair down, she brushed it down properly till she was satisfied. She had swollen eye bags and she used a little make-up to cover it up. She was determined to not think about what was going on even though it would be hard not to, later last night, she called Mr. Kim and informed him that she would be resuming to work the next day, he was happy and excited about it. Blakeley carried her bag and walked out of her room, she walked down the stairs and walked out of the house immediately. She got into the car and the chauffeur drove out of the mansion.After a few minutes, Blakeley got to the Agency, as she walked out, she saw Mr. Kim rushing out of the company with her personal assistant.They got to her and welcomed her warmly.“It is so good to have you back ma’am.” Her assistant said and she smiled. She walked into the building and everyone welcomed her back while some took pictures with her, many apologise for accusing her wrongly of
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A Game Of Chess
Blakeley ended the call and Alex gave her a questioning look which she ignored.“What is your deal with Cole out of the blue?” He asked and she paid attention to him.“He just decided to check up on me.” She replied and Alex decided not to ask any further questions. “Blakeley.” He called and walked closer to her, he stood a few inches from her and she stared at him.“You know I don't care about Kiara right?”“So why are you getting married to her? Because your father asked you to?”“It is complicated.” He replied.“You made a promise Alex.” Blakeley said as she tried her best to fight back the tears welling up in her eyes, she might be acting so tough but she isn't. All these are hurting her like hell!“And I haven't broken it yet. Getting married to her means nothing Blakeley, I don't care about Kiara.” He assured her and moved closer to her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled at her. Blakeley’s heart melted and she sighed.“It is not funny Alex.” She said and he lift
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The Xanders Party
Blakeley walked out of the room with Austin and they both chatted about the game.“You cheated.” Blakeley said and he laughed.“No, I didn't. You are not just very good at chess.” He replied as they got to the stairs. They both walked down together and she held his hand so he wouldn't trip. They got down the stairs and met Kiara in the living room and she was on a phone call. She ended it immediately as she saw them, she was surprised to see her son with Blakeley, and she held his hand.“Austin, come here.” She ordered and he let go of Blakeley, he smiled at her before walking to his mother, she checked his hand dramatically as he got to her and Blakeley rolled her eyes.“I’m fine mum.” He said and she sighed in relief.“I played chess with Blakeley, she is a really nice person, Mum.” Austin said and Kiara looked at Blakeley, Blakeley ignored her look as she walked to the dining. She was starving and wanted to have dinner early and go to bed to avoid drama.The maids dished out her m
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A Liability
Blakeley stood in front of the mirror as she applied the lipstick in her hand on her lips, she cleaned the sides of her lips and smirked to make them look perfect. She ran her hands through her hair and was pleased with her reflection, she stared and admired herself. The beep from her phone distracted her from her admiration, she picked up her phone and read the text Cassie sent.“I’m outside” She read and took a look at herself in the mirror one last time before walking out of her room. She walked down the stairs and Logan bowed at her, she smiled warmly at him before walking out. She got out and met Cassie in her car, she entered and Cassie raised her brows.“Woah.” She muttered.“What?” Blakeley asked.“Did you cry again?” Cassie asked, noticing her eye bags, Blakeley smiled and shook her head in response. She thought she did a good job hiding them with the make up.“I didn't cry.”“That's a lie. I mean, the eye bags aren't obvious. Trust me you did a good job but I know you, Bl
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