All Chapters of A Contract With Him: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
173 Chapters
Scott helped Cassie put on her jacket and her shoes, he helped her out of the bed and she smiled at him.“Thanks.” She muttered and he nodded. They both turned to Alex and Blakeley and Cassie sighed.“I feel bad.” Cassie muttered.“Why?”“Because she hasn't woken up yet.” “It's fine, she will.” Scott assured and she nodded.“Hmm, Alex. We are leaving.” Scott said and Alex turned to them. It is night already and Cassie has been discharged, she only had minor injuries and she had been treated already and was okay. “Okay.” Alex replied.“Do you need anything? Probably get you dinner before we leave?” Scott asked and he shook his head in response. “You can some of the chocolates her fans sent.” Cassie suggested and Alex looked around the room which was filled with flowers, gifts, cards and gift boxes.“No, it's fine.” He replied dryly and Cassie nodded.“Okay, bye then.” Scott said and Cassie gave him a comforting smile before walking out of the room. Alex sighed and turned to Blakeley
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Petty Fights
“Are you trying to ignore the truth?” Blakeley asked back and Alex was surprised by her response but his face held no surprised expression.“Did something get into you out of the blue?” He asked.“I just asked you about the Russian lady and you suddenly had this mad expression on, definitely something is going on between you two. You literally yell and get mad at me because of that lady.” Blakeley snapped at him and turned away from him, Alex was speechless and he rolled his eyes. He stood up and walked out of the ward.*********HOURS LATER Blakeley sat up as the doctor did a quick check up on her, Alex was standing close to the door going through his phone. “Alright. You are okay and ready to go home. Just keep taking your medications for a week straight and let your wounds heal up, don't go through too much stress and you will heal faster ma’am.” He explained and she smiled.“Thank you.” She replied and he nodded, he walked to Alex and bowed a little before walking out. Blakele
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“Oh my God.” She gasped and looked around. How couldn't she see the lights outside the gate?It was a garden! It was not just a little and random garden, it looked like a whole park on its own. She let go of Alex’s hand and walked into it fully leaving him behind.“Wow.” Blakeley gasped as she followed the walkway. It is a well-maintained garden, no doubt about that. It is full of life, it includes a variety of plants, such as flowers, shrubs, and trees, as well as features such as walkways, water features, and seating areas. It still looked like there were more of it the deeper you go, that was how huge it was. The lights at the edge of each walkway made the whole place bright and really pretty. “Hey, wait up.” Alex said as walked to her.“You don't even know your way around the garden and you are going deep in.”“I don't care if I get lost in it. This is so amazing, we should come here every day.” She giggled and Alex rolled his eyes and held her hand. “Come on.” He muttered and
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A Coincidence?
Alex watched as she walked away, he remained on a spot and ran his hands through his hair.“Fuck.” He muttered and sighed. He walked away from the waterfall, he saw no sign of her and he walked towards the exit. As he headed there, his phone rang and he stopped to pick up the call. He brought out his phone and Scott was the caller. “Hey, I am kind of busy right now.” Alex said.“Dante caused the accident.”“Did you get the driver?”“Yeah, but he is dead. I’m at the morgue right now, I came to check on the body.”“Who is it?”“Just a random person. According to the source, Dante had no idea Cassie was in the car, it was supposed to be Blakeley alone.” “Yeah, we will talk about this… ““Why? It involves Blakeley, I thought you cared about her, what are you busy doing?” Scott asked.“Have got to settle something with Blakeley.” He replied and sighed.“Did you upset her again? What did you do this time?” Scott asked.“I will call you later.” He replied and ended the call. Alex continue
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HOURS LATERAlex walked out of his car and walked towards the house, he got in and surprisingly, he met Blakeley at the door waiting. Having no idea of what to say to her and not being in a good mood, he walked past her and Blakeley trailed behind him.He climbed the stairs and she still trailed behind him. Alex noticed this and he stopped as he got to his door and turned to her.“What’s wrong? Do you want something?” He asked tiredly and she shook her head. Alex stared at her for a few moments and she wasn't saying anything, she was dressed in a shorts and shirt, and he fought the urge to stare at her bare legs. Since she wasn't saying anything, Alex turned to walk into his room.“Alex.” She called and he exhaled heavily before turning to her.“What Blakeley?” He asked.“Can I ask you something?” “What?”“Did you hit me with your car on purpose?” She asked and Alex raised his brows confused.“Huh?”“That night I had an accident in Los Angeles, did you hit me on purpose?” She asked
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THE NEXT DAYMORNING Alex stared at Blakeley who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, he lifted his hand to her hair and creased it. She moaned in her sleep and struggled closer to him, he smiled and kissed her forehead as he recalled how obedient she was last night.***********“What else do you want?” Alex asked huskily as he stared at her.“I want you to dominate me.” She replied.“Say it again.” Alex ordered.“I want you to dominate me.” She replied.“I am going to be a different person when I start, I might not be gentle with you but if you feel uncomfortable, just say your name, that is your safe word.” He explained and she nodded in response. “I need you to use your words, Bakey.”“Okay, it's fine. I am okay with it.” She replied innocently and Alex got off her, he got off the bed and walked into his closet. Blakeley’s heart raced in excitement and fear, she really wanted to satisfy him, she let Nadia’s words get to her. Alex walked out of the closet carrying a box, he walk
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Alex kept glancing at Blakeley as she ate on his bed, he was sitting on his couch and had his laptop in front of him. He decided to work from home today since he was late already. After the steamy romance they had again this morning, they both took a shower together and Blakeley got dressed in Alex’s clothes. Immediately after she got dressed, she fell asleep again since she was exhausted. Alex let her sleep because he knew how exhausted she was. He had breakfast and started working on his laptop. She woke up a few minutes ago and Logan brought her meal and her meds.She suddenly looked up at him and they made eye contact, Alex didn't look away from her and she blushed. She smiled at him and he chuckled. He paid attention to his laptop again and continued with his work. Blakeley kept eating till she was satisfied, she used her meds and got off the bed. Her legs were aching and she walked slowly to Alex, she got to the couch and sat next to him. He let go of his laptop and paid a
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“Cassie?” Alex called and she kept mute.“I need a glass of water.” She hurriedly said and stood up then rushed to the dining room, Blakeley sighed in relief and ran her hands through her hair.“Hey.” Alex called and sat next to Blakeley.“I know I said I would be staying home today but something came up and I have to leave.” “Oh, okay. It's fine, Cassie will stay with me till you get back right?”“Sure, you guys shouldn't go anywhere.” Alex warned and she nodded. Alex leaned closer to her and kissed her forehead, she giggled and smiled as he pulled away.Alex stood up and Scott smiled seeing how happy Blakeley was.Cassie walked to them drinking water from a glass and Alex turned to her, she coughed as she saw him and almost choked. Alex stared at her with a questioning look and wondered why she was being awkward around him out of the blue.“I don't know whatever is going on in your head but you guys should stay indoors till we get back.” Alex said and she nodded sharply, Alex rolle
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Tokyo 2
“Okay, looking at the blueprints to the house, there are three different ways you can go in. Through the back door which you already suggested, through the roof which leads to the fireplace here or you can just walk in through the front door.” Blakeley explained as she pointed to each point she was talking about in the prints.“She is going there to kill someone, why will she walk in through the front door?” Nadia scoffed.“If you would just let me finish.”“Come on, let her talk.” Scott said to Nadia.“I will explain every point to you. We already know going through the back door won't work right? If she goes through the roof and does a successful job and tries to get out, she can't climb the fireplace back up and if she tries to use a rope, it can be dangerous for her, she has to go with someone to make the fireplace a safe place to go out from but she can't cause she has to do the job alone, the only way out is triggering the alarm. If she goes through the front door then she will
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All day, Blakeley had fun and had the best time. She had lunch with Akex and his men and they all joked about how funny and dangerous their jobs are. Everyone shared a funny experience they have had since they started working as gangsters. Nadia left and didn't have lunch with them, she came up with an excuse that she needed to be somewhere. After such a long day, it was almost time for Tokyo to carry out her mission. As Alex, Scott, Blakeley and Tokyo chatted outside the warehouse, a car arrived and the chauffeur walked out. Blakeley turned to Alex and gave him a look.“Let’s give them some privacy.” Scott said and walked away with Tokyo.“Why is the chauffeur here?” Blakeley asked.“You have to go home.” “But… ““I know you want to stay, I know you are excited about all this but it's actually not something great. You can't also be involved in my life of crime, you did a great job in making out a plan but that is it. You can't get more involved than this.” He explained and she sig
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