All Chapters of A Contract With Him: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
173 Chapters
Blakeley wiped her tears repeatedly as she walked out of the building, she was at the back door that she and Cassie used earlier. There wasn't anyone around, she wanted to stop crying but she couldn't, she was scared, heartbroken and in pain at the same time. The alcohol was doing a lot of work in making her feel emotional.Her phone suddenly rang and with tears in her eyes, she looked at the screen, it was Cole calling. She picked up the call immediately and placed it at her ear.“Blakeley, I just want to check up on you, you are drunk already and you left… ““Cole.” She cut him off as she cried out his name.“Shit. Are you hurt? Where are you?” “The back door to the main building.” She replied in tears and sniffed.“I’m coming.” He replied and she ended the call, she ran her hands through her hair and sniffed. After a minute, she heard her name being called and she turned to see Cole.“Blakeley.” He called and rushed to her as he noticed her, Blakeley hugged him tightly as she saw
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A Broken Heart
“Thank you.” Blakeley muttered as she took the cup of tea Cole handed her. She had already taken her bath and sobered up already. She was sitting on his bed with her legs folded, she was dressed in his clothes too. He sat in front of her and stared at her as she drank the tea.“So, want to talk about it?” He asked and she shook her head and withdrew the cup from her mouth, she dropped it on the tray and Cole carried it off the bed, he dropped it on the table before joining her on the bed again but this time, he moved a little bit closer to her.“You are not wearing your ring anymore.” He noticed her empty finger, she glanced at it and nodded in response. “You are no longer married to Alex?” He asked and she tucked her hair behind her ear.“I guess so.” She replied. Her voice has gotten better a little but it was low. “So you are single?”“Back in the streets.” She replied with an eye roll and he chuckled.“Does that give me a chance now?” He teased and she smiled.“Cassie likes you
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Austin Time
Blakeley rushed into her room and slammed the door, she fell to the floor immediately and started to cry. As she cried, she placed her hand on her stomach and shut her eyes tightly, it hurt so much.Everyone around her is hurting her, she has been a fool all along, and they made her a toy to play with. How could she be so gullible? Cole was right, she isn't too innocent or kind, she is just a fool who thinks she got the hang of how the rich lifestyle works.She should have listened to Alex and left, the day he took her to her parent's house, she should have just stayed back and lived happily with them. She thought her love for him was strong enough to hold the relationship and with time, he would love her. She felt like he was already starting to love her but it was all just in her head, she was just being played. Blakeley cried for hours till her body couldn't take it anymore, her head was hurting, her body was weak, and the floor was cold but she was too weak to get up, she shut h
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The Wedding
“W… why? What makes you wish that?” Blakeley asked. “Because you are a great person Blakeley and you will be a great mum, your children would be so lucky to have you.” He said and Blakeley started to get teary again. It meant a lot to her because she was pregnant. Finally, she felt positive about the pregnancy, until that moment she had thought of aborting it.Blakeley sniffed and Austin raised his brow in confusion wondering if he said something wrong.“I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?” He asked and she shook her head in tears.“Come here.” She said, spreading her arms wide, Austin smiled and stood up, they were sitting opposite each other. He rushed to her and she carried him on her lap, she wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes.“Why are you crying?” Austin asked and she sniffed then looked up at him.“I wish to have a great kid like you.” She said and his face lit up.“Really?” He asked and Blakeley nodded in response which made him giggle happily. **********DAYS
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“Just calm down Cassie, breathe.” Scott said as he tried to calm her, she kept on pacing calling Blakeley repeatedly but the call wasn't connecting. “I have to go to the mansion.” She said and was about to rush to the parking lot but Scott pulled her back.“Calm your fucking nerves down, people are starting to stare at you, you know how important this day is to your family and besides, you can't drive when you are like this.” Scott said and she sighed.She looked around and truly people were starting to stare at her, people going in and out of the church.“I have to get to… “ Cassie trailed off as the people around them started to gasp and stare at their phones.“What? What is going on?” Scott asked and he brought out his phone from his pants pocket to check what was going on. Cassie also checked what was going on.“On runway avenue, there was an explosion due to a gas truck hitting a car, no survivors in the accident and the bodies are yet to be identified.” Scott read and Cassie ke
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A WEEK LATER Alex and everyone else stood as they stared at Blakeley’s grave. It's been a week since her death, and after hearing about her death on the news, they went to the hospital a few days later and took her body. Things have been rough for Alex this week, he could barely step out of his room, eat or do anything. He didn't know he had lots of tears in his eyes cause he cried every time wishing he could turn the hands of the clock and keep his promise to her.He promised her she would be safe around him but he ended up being the reason for her death. He let his father control him till he lost her. He was aware a week ago that she wasn't leaving her room, every night he would stand in front of her room and hear her cry, he would always want to go in so he would wrap his arms around her and tell her everything was going to be okay but his pride wouldn't let him. Also his greed for what he was after also stopped him.He planned on making up with her after the wedding and when it
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Baby’s Breath
“What do you mean you haven't made a decision yet?” Dante asked.“I just haven't. We will be having our normal family dinner tonight, I will announce it then.” He said.“In front of everyone?” Dante asked and his father raised a brow.“You’ve got a problem with that?” He asked.“No sir.” He replied immediately.“I do. I fucking do. Can we just get this over with?” Alex asked, he was starting to get mad already. The thought of this being part of the reason Blakeley died was making him lose his mind.“Excuse me.” His father asked and he ran his hands through his hair, he was restless and his hand started to shake.“My wife fucking died because… “ He trailed off as tears welled up in his eyes, he had never been this emotional, he couldn't even think of Blakeley without having tears well up in his eyes.He scoffed and rolled his eyes, he looked away from them so they wouldn't see the tears, his father chuckled and stood up then walked to him.Alex stared at his father with tears and his f
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Happiest Ever After?
“What?” Mr. Xanders asked.“Austin is my son.” He said again and turned to Kiara who kept her head bowed.“What?” His father asked again.“Mum knows about it too, Alex isn't Austin’s father, it is me.” Dante said and Mrs. Xanders sighed. Alex paused as he tried to process what he just heard, he slowly chuckled and turned to Kiara who was next to him with her head bowed.“Look at me.” He said softly and she slowly looked up at him with fear in her eyes.“Who is Austin’s father?” He asked and her lips trembled.“Dante.” She replied and Alex sighed, he looked away from her and ran his hands through his hair. “Mum.” Austin called as he looked back and forth between Dante and his mother. “You knew about this?” Mr. Xanders asked his wife and she didn't say a word, she looked away from them.“Dante, what is going on?” His wife asked and he didn't give her a response.“One of you, start talking.” Mr. Xanders ordered with a stern look.“Whe… when we were in college and I was dating Alex, I w
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She exhaled with a smile on her face as she fell back on her chair, she slowly placed her legs on her table and had them crossed. The smile on her face grew wider as she enjoyed the feeling, she felt at peace. At this point, there was no worry, no doubt, no sorrow, finally, she got what she loved most in the world.Peace.She chuckled with her eyes still closed, she would really cherish this moment forever, as long as… She suddenly heard cries and she still chuckled and ignored it.“It's all good, as long as I ignore it.” She said and remained in her position. The cries became louder and she still ignored it.“Still all good.” She mumbled with a smile.“Okay, that’s it.” She groaned and stood up, she walked out of her study and headed to the living room. She got there and met her daughter crying as her brother had a smile on his face and watched her cry. She sighed loudly and they noticed get presence.“Mum.” The little girl cried and rushed to her, she wrapped her tiny arms around
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Death, Vengeance, Purity
The whole day went well, just like every other day, Miss Hunter made her way out of her company with her assistant carrying her things, they got to the car and her assistant handed them to her. She got into her car and drove off. On her way home, she stopped at a cake shop and got her children a cake. She knows how much they love cake so much. She got other things for them and headed out. She finally got home and as she walked out of the car, she met her children at the door. Most days, they welcome her by rushing out of the door when her car drives in, and sometimes, they just wait for her to walk in.She smiled at them and carried out all the things she bought from the car.As she got to them, Bryar hugged her immediately. “Let's go in.” She muttered and they all walked in. “Here you go.” She said placing the cake on the table.“So how was today?” She asked with a smile as they happily ate the cake. Bryan shrugged and looked up at her.“Same as always.” He replied. She trained
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