All Chapters of A Contract With Him: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
173 Chapters
Cassie stared at them and let out a nervous laugh, Alex raised his brow as he wondered where Blakeley was.“Where is Blakeley?” He asked.“She is not here and before you say anything or get mad. It was Blakeley’s idea. It was all her, the sneaking out and the club we went to, it was all her. Not my fault.” Cassie hurriedly said.“So where is she?” Scott asked and she laughed nervously again.“Funny story. I can't find her.” She replied and Scott sighed. Cassie sat on the bed in Scott’s suite and played with her fingers nervously, Scott was standing in her presence watching her while Alex was on a phone call.He finally got off the phone and walked to them.“Anything?”“No, none of them has seen her.” Alex replied and turned to Cassie. She bowed her head immediately avoiding the look on his face.“If they don't have any idea where she might be then it's a problem.” Scott said.“Was… was that the cops?” Cassie asked as she slowly looked up at them.“There are the men we have in Los Ang
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Crazy Chang
“I don't know what you are talking about.” Dylan replied.“Don't fuck with me. I know you were at Illusions last night and you were with me.” Alex said.“I am not telling you anything.” He replied and Alex suddenly hit him in the face, he took a few steps back and held his face groaning in pain. “Start talking.” Alex asked, moving closer to him.“Fuck. I don't know anything about it. While I was with her, some guy attacked me and knocked me out.” “Who was it?”“I don't know, man.” He replied as he massaged his jaw.“Russian?”“Chinese.” He replied. “One more thing.” Alex said and moved closer to him.“What again?” He asked and Alex punched his left eye, he groaned in pain and placed his hand on his left eye.“Fuck.” He cursed.“Now they rhyme. That is for touching my wife.” He said and walked out of the office. Alex brought out his phone and called Scott.“Any leads?” Scott asked as he picked up the call.“The Triads have her.” ************SOMEWHERE IN LOS ANGELES Blakeley hear
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Death is the best Settlement
“Shall we keep chatting while we wait for your husband?” Chang asked and pulled the chair closer to Blakeley, he stopped a few steps from her and sat on it.“Okay. So tell me, did you really lie to everyone about where you really came from?” He asked and Blakeley knew if she didn't give him a response, she would get hit again.“I didn't lie. I just didn't tell the truth.” She replied and Chang laughed. “Oh my God, I love that answer. You must really be going through a lot to be hated by everyone in the whole city and out of it.”“Yeah.” She muttered in response.“That was a bold move though. Killing your rival, really nice move.” “I didn't kill her.” “Sure, if you say so. It doesn't matter, you are dying anyway.” He laughed and Blakeley sniffed. She didn't plan on dying at the hands of a Chinese gangster.After a few minutes of having random chats with Chang, he got interrupted by one of his guys.“What?” Chang snapped at him as he interrupted his conversation with Blakeley. He mo
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Letting Go
Blakeley stared at him hoping he would say something, he really didn't have to say it back, he should just say something, anything! She had no idea what he could be thinking, his face held no expression. “Al… “ His phone suddenly rang, cutting Blakeley off and he hurriedly stood up, he walked out of the suite and picked up the call. Blakeley sighed and turned to the cart. She wouldn't be able to eat well because of her injured mouth but she could try a little. She applied the ointment herself to the rest of the marks she got on her body. She took a few pills and she sighed. She waited a little bit for Alex to show up but he didn't, she started to eat after she got tired of waiting. She was done and Alex still didn't show up, she was really exhausted. She lay on the bed and in a few minutes, drifted to dreamland.**********HOURS LATERAlex stared at Blakeley as she slept peacefully on the bed, he had different thoughts going on in his head.His eyes moved to her wrists and he sigh
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Ever Ours
Alex walked out of the suite and met Cassie in the hallway, she smiled at him and the smile slowly turned into a questioning look “Where is your wife?” She asked as she walked closer to him and he didn't give her a response. Scott walked out of his suite and Cassie turned to him.“Scott, do you know where Blakeley is?” She asked Scott as she wore a worried expression on her face. “What?” Scott asked and looked at Alex who looked away from them.“Come on, you really did that?” Scott questioned.“Did what?” Cassie asked and Alex walked away with his bags.“I don't think they are married anymore.” Scott replied and Cassie’s eyes widened.“What? Why? Did they have a fight again? Did she leave him because of what happened?”“Alex left her.” Scott answered and Cassie shook her head as she felt so sad.“No, who am I supposed to bond with and do crazy stuff with?” She walked towards Alex angrily as he got closer to the elevator. She rushed to him and stood in his presence as he was about t
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Ocean Eyes
After some hours, they arrived in New York. It was a long flight and Blakeley slept throughout most of it. Alex enjoyed watching her sleep though. As the plane landed, they all made their way out. Scott headed to his house while Cassie headed to the Xanders estate while Alex and Blakeley headed to their mansion.********MINUTES LATER Alex walked into the house with Blakeley, butler Logan welcomed them while the maids carried their bags up to their rooms.It was almost dusk already and Blakeley was starving.“Are you hungry?” Alex asked as soon as she turned to him to ask if she could have dinner now. She chuckled before nodding in response. Again he was being nice to her but she feared it wouldn't be for long. He can wake up tomorrow and be all mean again.“You can go ahead to the dining room, I will join you.” He said and was about to walk upstairs but Blakeley hurriedly stopped him with a worried look.“Where are you going?” She asked.“Upstairs.” “Don't leave me.” She said and
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Dominant & Submissive
“Stop it, it's really not funny.” Blakeley sighed in frustration as she ate her breakfast, Alex chuckled and shrugged.“You look cute when you are upset.” He said and she ignored him.“Oh, you are ignoring me now?” He asked and still she gave him no response.“Woah, is it a bi thing to ignore their husband?” He teased and he heard her sniff, the smirk on his face faded as he noticed she was crying.“Hey, Blakeley.” He called and moved closer to her, she looked away from him as she cried. “I was just messing with you. Why are you crying?” “I know, I just cry when I am upset.” She replied and sniffed, she turned to him and he cupped her cheeks. She sniffed and he used his thumb to wipe her tears.“So it worked. I upset you.” He joked and Blakeley glared at him, he laughed and pecked her lips.“Oh, you are so cute.” He muttered and kissed her again.***********HOURS LATER ALMOST DUSKBlakeley smiled as she stared at the dress and heels in her hand as she walked up the stairs, she smi
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The Truth
They arrived at the Xanders mansion and Blakeley breathed out nervously. Alex held her hand giving her a comforting look.“I am here with you.” He said and she nodded with a smile. They walked out of the car and walked into the house, as expected they were already late and the family were in the dining room. Blakeley noticed the old lady she met on the island wasn't there, a maid led them to the dining room and everyone was already there. They all turned to look at them and Cassie beamed as she saw Blakeley. Blakeley was tense, she held Alex’s hand tightly as his parents stared at her.“Good evening.” Alex greeted and he pulled Blakeley with him as they sat next to each other which made Blakeley next to Cassie and Alex next to his father. Dante and his wife were opposite them. “Are you guys getting a divorce?” Mrs. Xanders asked as the maids dished her and Alex’s meal.“No,” Alex replied sternly and she kept quiet. She said nothing again and no one said anything too. As they kep
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THE NEXT DAY MORNING Blakeley got ready for the day and headed out of her room, she walked down the stairs and got to the living room. She paused when she saw Alex watching the news with Logan, she was on the news. They were talking about Stacey’s death, and her picture was displayed next to Stacey’s.“We just got the autopsy result back from the hospital and Stacey seemed to have stabbed herself multiple times before falling into the ocean, they found a suicidal note in her room with her handwriting on it. Turns out Blakeley Xanders is innocent and knows nothing about her death, the cut on her hand was due to a broken glass in the restroom of the ship. We apologise for the inconvenience we caused her and promise to make up for all the mistreatment. May Stacey’s soul rest in perfect peace.” The news reporter said and Alex turned off the television. He turned and noticed Blakeley was in the room.“Oh, good morning ma’am and congratulations.” Logan greeted with a bow and she smiled s
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Alex sat next to Dante as they watched their father address them and the rest of the board of the company. He didn't want to be there but he had to, he had no choice. He was bored and tired already, all questions kept being thrown to Dante because he managed a bigger part of the company.His father finally talked about his investment in the company and the issues they might be having, it was finally time for him to speak.“Alex, over to you.” His father said and he stood up, he was about to address the issue when his phone rang. “Excuse me.” He muttered and brought out his phone from his jacket. Scott was the caller, he ended the call and tucked it back in his jacket. He was about to speak again and his phone rang, the board started to murmur and Dante had a smile on his face. “Turn that phone off.” His father ordered as he brought it out. It was Scott again, if Scott could call him back after ending a call then it is very important.“I will just pick it up.” He muttered and picke
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