All Chapters of A Contract With Him: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
173 Chapters
Family Dinner 2
They all got to the dining room and everyone took a seat, Blakeley sat in between her kids which made Bryan next to Alex and Austin next to Bryar. Dante and his wife sat next to each other with their daughter next to his wife, Scott sat next to Cassie and Mr. & Mrs. Xanders sat next to each other. Cassie said a short prayer and they all started eating quietly, no one paid attention to anyone.As they ate, Bryan struggled with cutting his steak and Alex noticed. He dropped his cutlery and turned to Bryan.“Here.” He muttered and took Bryan’s cutleries from him. Everyone turned to them as he helped Bryan. Alex was done helping him, cutting it into pieces, Blakeley turned to Bryar and noticed Austin already helped her.Bryan didn't say anything, all he did was continue eating.Mr. Xanders suddenly cleared his throat and they all paid attention to him. He looked at Blakeley and she stared back at him without being intimidated or having the urge to look away.“Do you mind doing a little
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Letting Out
During the drive home, Blakeley’s kids kept glancing at her. They got no display of emotion from her, all she did was keep a straight face till they got back to their mansion.They got in and Blakeley checked the time, it was almost past the kids bedtime.“Come on, let’s get you guys ready for bed.” She said as a maid took her bag from her.“Don't worry, I can take care of myself. You can help Bryar.” Bryan said and walked up the stairs. Bryar smiled at her and she sighed.“Come on.” She muttered and they both walked up the stairs.They got to Bryar’s room and Blakeley headed to her closet to help her pick a comfy nightmare while Bryar took off her dress and headed into the shower. Blakeley walked out of the closet with the nightwear and she heard the shower running already. She walked into the bathroom and Bryar smiled at her.“Hey, mum.”“Hey.” She replied softly and watched her. She was done in minutes and Blakeley helped her get dressed and tucked her in bed.“Are you comfortable
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A Game
“What the fuck? Austin?” She yelled.“Hi, Blakeley.” He called breathing heavily.“What the fuvk are you doing here?” She asked sternly and he groaned in pain.“I will fucking appreciate it if you can let go of me, you are choking me.” He said and she hurriedly let go of him.“Answer my question.” She snapped at him and he flinched. “Oh my God.” He said in fear as he stared at her expression. She looked so mad.“Start talking.” She said and he sighed.“I… “ Austin trailed off as they heard gunshots and screams. They both turned to look down the stairs and a lot of armed men were there and the guns were pointed upstairs.“Shit. Get down!” Blakeley yelled and pulled Austin down as they started to fire the gunshots, Blakeley wrapped her arms around Austin protecting him.After a few seconds, it died down and Blakeley let go of him.“I… is… is it over?” He stuttered and Blakeley brought out her gun then looked around, she noticed a door and she turned to Austin.“Wh… why is it too quiet?
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A Day With Family
“What the fuck Bryar?” She asked and Bryar giggled.“I scared you.” She said and Blakeley rolled her eyes. “What are you doing here?”“I couldn't sleep.” She replied.“Why?” Blakeley asked, letting down her hair.“I don't know, I just wanted to come lay with you and you weren't here.” She replied and Blakeley sighed, she took off her jacket and a gun fell out of it. Blakeley froze and slowly looked up at Bryar who now had a scared expression on.“Hmm.” Blakeley muttered and slowly picked up the gun, the gun to her room opened behind her and she turned to see Bryan walking in sleepily.“What is with all the noise?” He asked rubbing his eyes.“Why are you… “ He trailed off seeing the gun in her hand and he took steps back immediately.“It's… it's not what you guys think, I swear. I didn't do anything or kill anyone, I just went out for a ride because I couldn't fall asleep. This gun is just for emergency, in case I get attacked on the way.” She hurriedly explained but they still kept
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Blakeley walked out of her car and checked the time as she headed into the house, it was 7:59 pm. She walked into the house and met her children having a conversation with Cassie, they didn't notice her presence cause their backs were turned to the door, only Cassie noticed her presence.Blakeley checked the time again and it was finally 8:00 pm.“Hi, kids.” She called and they turned to her.“Mummy.” Bryar called happily and rushed to Blakeley, Blakeley pulled her into a hug.“Great, finally.” Bryan sighed and walked to Blakeley.“What?” Blakeley asked, noticing the exhausted expression he had on.“Nothing.”“Hey, I came at 8:00 pm sharp.” “I know.” He replied and faked a smile. Cassie slowly walked to Blakeley and she ignored her. Mrs. Xanders showed up in the living room and rolled her eyes as she saw Blakeley.“Bye.” She said and pulled her children out of the house. They got into the car and they used their seatbelts before Blakeley drove out of the mansion.“Mummy.” Bryar sud
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Austin smiled as he wrapped his arms around Nora, she smiled back at him and he slowly leaned closer to her. He was about to kiss her when his hope rang. He groaned and pulled away from her, he walked to the bed and picked up his phone. It was a strange number calling.He slowly picked it up and placed it at his ear.“Hello?”“Austin.”“Blakeley?” He called.“What?” He asked surprised and the call ended. He hurriedly grabbed his jacket and turned to Nora.“I am sorry. I am really sorry. Something came up.” He hurriedly apologised and she nodded in response.“It's fine.” She replied forcing a smile.“You can spend the night here if you want.” He said and she let out a genuine smile.“Really?” She asked happily and he nodded in response. He kissed her cheek and walked out of the room. He rushed down the stairs and headed towards the exit.“Hey, hey, where the hell are you going?” Alex asked as he got to the door.“Bryan is in the hospital.” He replied and Alex stood up and grabbed his
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I THE NEXT DAYMORNINGAlex took in a deep breath as he stood in front of his son’s ward, he couldn't stop thinking about him and how he left last night. He just couldn't deal with Blakeley's attitude anymore. She was really annoying.All he has to do when he walks in is ignore Blakeley and pay attention to his son. He exhaled and walked in, he raised his brows when he saw only Bryar and Bryan in the room.Bryan was still asleep while Bryar was seated on the bed next to him. She turned to look at him and he walked fully into the room.“Hey.” He called nervously and sat on the chair next to the bed.“Hi.” Bryar replied and smiled a little. Alex couldn't still believe it was his children before him, he is happy he has a child, not just one but twins. He never imagined it. He is happy, excited and at the same time freaked out. The fact that they look just like him and have his ocean eyes makes it more terrifying but in a good way. “Where is your mum?” “She stepped out to get somethin
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Young Love
“Here you go.” Bryar said handing Bryan his jacket and he put it on, she smiled at him and he rolled his eyes at her. He was discharged already and they were already heading home.Blakeley helped him off the bed and they headed out of the ward.“Alex didn't come back.” Bryar said and Blakeley shrugged. “He might be busy.” She replied. They got to the elevator and entered.“He shouldn't have said he would be back when he knew he wouldn't show up.” Bryan mumbled and rolled his eyes. Blakeley heard him but she ignored it. They got out of the hospital after a minute and entered the car waiting for them, the chauffeur got in and drove out of the parking lot. “So, what are you going to do?” Bryar asked Blakeley and she raised her brows.“What?”“The maid who poisoned Bryan. What are you going to do about her?” Bryar asked.“I fired her and got her arrested.” She replied and Bryar nodded.“It was better when we didn't have maids. We did things ourselves and no one got hurt.” Bryan scoffe
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Young Love 2
AT NIGHT Austin stood in the hallway as he watched the maids pass by, Alex already gave an order that they should get back to work.Another maid showed up in the hallway and he sighed when he saw it wasn't her. He had been waiting for half an hour now, hoping she would show up. All he wanted to do was see if she was okay and apologise to her.He checked the time and noticed it was almost 11:00 pm, which means the maids will soon stop working for today. Earlier, he already searched around the house for her and couldn't find her.He exhaled heavily and was about to walk into his room when he noticed her in the hallway, she suddenly made eye contact with him and was about to rush down the stairs but Austin hurriedly ran to her.He grabbed her by her arm and pulled her gently into his room then shut the door.“I… I shouldn't be here.” She stuttered and was about to rush to the door but he stopped her.“I’m sorry.” He apologised and moved closer to her, she took a step back with her head
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A Day Out
“Nora.” She let out a whimper. Austin slowly withdrew his hand from her pussy and stared at her as she whimpered.“Hey.” He called and pecked her lips. She slowly turned away from him and wrapped her arms around herself. Austin slowly pulled her to himself and cuddled her in a spooning position. “Did I hurt you?” He asked and she sniffed.“No.” She mumbled in response.“Are you okay?”“Yes.” She replied and he sighed.“Good night.” He whispered and pulled her closer, he wrapped his arms around her properly and Nora breathed out heavily and relaxed in his arms. Never had she felt that way before, she loved the feeling, and she enjoyed it but it was too much for her to bear at a point. The pleasure was insane. She felt him use his thumb to crease her hands and she closed her eyes. Due to how exhausted she was, in minutes, she fell asleep.*********THE NEXT DAY MORNING Austin slowly opened his eyes and looked around, he figured he was the only one in bed. Nora must have left earlie
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