All Chapters of Alpha Mark’s Redemption : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
44 Chapters
Chapter 31
Chapter 31Eva's POV I tried to think of a way to get Mark out of the room, so I could deal with the fox. "I'm sorry," I said, "but I really do need to use the bathroom." I tried to sound as sincere as possible. I hoped he would believe me and leave the room.I took the fox to the pack house and the first thing I did was to get the fox in my room. I don't want Mark to see at all. Seeing it would get him angrier and he might kill it and punish me as well. I put the fox on my bed and it wiggles. I smiled because I found it so cute. I hurriedly went to the bathroom to take a fresh bath and I came out just to meet Mark there. "Where have you been? I have been looking all over for you. And what is that?" He asked pointing towards the bedspread i used to cover up the fox. I quickly went in front of it to prevent him from seeing it. "It's nothing." I told him."Nothing?" Mark repeated, raising an eyebrow. "It doesn't look like nothing. What are you hiding, Eva?" He stepped closer, tryin
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Chapter 32
Chapter 32Eva's POVThe next day became very hectic. I had to do the laundry. Especially when it got to washing his clothes. I was stressed over it. I have to wash many things.As I stood in front of the washer, staring at the mountain of laundry that awaited me, I felt overwhelmed. How was I going to get it all done in time? And more importantly, how was I going to keep up this charade of having a cat? I was so busy trying to figure out a solution that I didn't even hear Mark come into the room. "Everything okay?" he asked, startling me. I spun around, my heart racing. "Oh, um... yes," I stammered, trying to regain my composure. "I'm just... just..."It was then I realized it was him I was talking to. I turned to him and he told me that we would be going to parties. Going to a party with him. "No I won't go to a party with you." I refused. "You will whether you like it or not.""Oh, fucking stop. Fucking stop it. I am not going to the party with you. Do you understand that?" I bl
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Chapter 33
33Eva's POVThere were politicians, CEOs, celebrities, and other notable figures. I could feel their eyes on me, watching my every move. I felt like a spectacle, like a piece of art on display. It was a strange feeling, and I wasn't sure how to handle it. I felt out of my depth, like I didn't belong there. But I didn't have a choice. I had to stay and play the part. I had to be the perfect trophy wife.I felt like a caged bird, trapped in a gilded cage. The party went on and on, and I felt myself growing more and more restless. I just wanted to escape, to go somewhere where I could be myself. I looked around the room, trying to find an escape. Then, I saw it. A door, slightly ajar. I made my way towards it, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. I pushed the door open and stepped outside. I took a deep breath of fresh air, relishing the feeling of freedom.I thought I would be able to get away but he came right behind me.I whirled around, my heart pounding in my chest. Mark sto
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Chapter 34
Chapter 34Eva's POVThe next day, one of the guards brought me out of the dark room where I was already sweating. I didn't know but I was traumatized with the nightmare that I had that night. Michael's head rolling at my feet when Mark killed him. He is just so wicked and all I want to do right now is to run away from him. I thought the maid would take me to him but good thing was that I went straight back to my room and Ria came visiting me. I guess she was done with her chores. "Hey, I am sorry I wasn't able to come and help you when you were locked in there." Ria apologized but I saw no reason for her to apologize to me when all she does was to mind her business. In fact, I was glad she didn't come closer to me or else that stupid guard would have locked us both in the dark room. I don't want anybody to suffer with me.Ria sat down next to me on the bed and placed a hand on my arm, gently. I could feel her concern, and I was grateful for it. But I was still feeling shaken from th
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Chapter 35
Chapter 35Eva's POV"I just want to talk." I stopped walking and turned to face him, my heart still racing. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. He looked at me, his eyes searching mine. "I want to talk about what happened," he said, and I knew he was referring to the night I shifted. I tensed, not sure if I was ready to talk about it.Mark took a deep breath and then looked me in the eye. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice low and sincere. "I shouldn't have locked you in the dark room. I was upset and I acted rashly. I didn't think about how it would affect you. I was only thinking about myself. I'm sorry." I looked at him, surprised by his apology. I hadn't expected him to say those words. But then again, I didn't know what to expect from him. He was so unpredictable. I didn't know what to say, so I just stood there, staring at him.I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. "I was scared," I said, my voice trembling. "I thought you were
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Chapter 36
36Eva's POVAs I walked back to the pack house, I felt a mixture of emotions. I was relieved to be back, but I was also worried about what I had just experienced. I had never been so scared before. I had never felt so out of control. But I had also never felt so free. I was confused, and I didn't know what to make of it all. I knew one thing for sure, though. I didn't want to go through that again. I didn't want to feel so lost and scared and alone. I needed to figure out a way to deal with all of this, and fast. Getting back to the pack, I stayed in Ria's room because I was scared of Mark coming to get me. In the midnight, Lowell came to get Ria leaving me in her room. I rolled over the bed and sat up when I could sleep and heading Lowell and Ria's moans were disturbing. I finally got up and left Ria's room because Lowell's room was beside Ria's. I went back to my room and immediately I shut the door. I went over to my bed and covered my head with the duvet.As I lay there, trying
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Chapter 37
37. Eva's POVYvonne's expression turned even angrier. "You're just saying that to cover your tracks! I know you're lying, and I'm not going to let you get away with it!" she snapped. "You took my bracelet, and you're going to pay for it!" She turned to her guards. "Search her! Go through her things and find the bracelet!" The guards started towards me, and I felt my heart pound in my chest. This was getting out of control. I couldn't let them search my things - they would find out my secret!I didn't steal anything. I would never take anything that does not belong to me to be very honest. "I didn't do anything wrong. Stop accusing me of it. Stop accusing me." I shouted.But Yvonne wasn't listening to me. She was convinced that I was guilty, and nothing I said would change her mind. The guards were getting closer, and I knew I had to do something. I had to get out of this situation before they found my secret. My eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape. And then I saw i
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Chapter 38
Chapter 38Eva's POVAs I approached the CCTV room, I could hear voices inside. I hesitated for a moment, but then I steeled myself and opened the door. I was surprised to see that there was only one person in the room - the head of security, Kevin. He looked up when he heard the door open, and his eyes widened when he saw me. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice sharp. I hesitated, unsure of what to say. I had to think quickly. "I, um... I was just curious about the CCTV footage," I said, my voice shaking slightly. "I wanted to see if well," I started with courage so he won't suspect anything. "I want to see if the CCTV footage is working perfectly well. Who knows? That woman called Yvonne might have tampered with it." I announced to him. "Tsk!" He mumbled and stared at me."You think Yvonne would do that?" he asked, sounding incredulous. I could tell he didn't believe me, and I had to keep talking before he became suspicious. "Well, I've heard she can be quite vindictive
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Chapter 39
Chapter 39. Eva's POVHe cuffed my hands to the bed and not only my hands and my legs too. Without lifting a finger, he used his mind control to rip off my dress to pieces. To shreds. I was now bare naked in front of the man I despised mode. The next thing I knew, he pulled down his short and his monster dick doesn't out. He was so erect and hard that when he tries to make me touch it. I was so fucking scared. Is this what I have been taking deep hard into my pussy? I asked myself and I withdrew myself from him for a while. What does he think that he is doing to me right now? He began to place hot kisses down to my neck down to my boobs. He grope them and began to fondle, sucking, lapping my breasts. I didn't like what he was doing to me and I hated it. But my body was responding to his assault. "Stop it! No!" I shouted at him. "This body is mine whether you like it or not. I will do whatever I want with you." Merely saying that, I lifted my body up and but that didn't stop him
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Chapter 40
Chapter 40. "You heard what I said, Eva. We are both going on a trip tonight. Prepare. Your things would be prepared by the maids. Be ready by seven and the plane is already ready by seven thirty." Mark said and before I could say something, he walked away leaving me alone.I stood there in disbelief, trying to process what had just happened. I was supposed to be going on a trip with Mark and his group, but I had no idea why. I felt like I was being used for something, but I didn't know what. I tried to think of a reason why Mark would want me to go on this trip, but I came up empty. I felt lost and confused, and I had no idea what to do next. I looked at Ria, hoping she would have some answers for me, but she just shrugged her shoulders again."You don't have any choice but to go with him. You don't want him to hurt you. He has a temper and little to no patience. I am sorry but he asked me to get you ready." She said. I nodded. She helped me up and took me away from the healer's r
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