All Chapters of A Deal With The Billionaire CEO: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
273 Chapters
Damien 111. Drama in the Air."Ladies," I said. "It is a long flight and I do not think that it is a good idea to start a battle, we can all be mature together," I said glancing at Jackson who was watching with the whole thing play out with a smile on his face.I squeezed Isabella's hand, gazing into her eyes with a pleading look. She had been through a lot because of me and she was also carrying my child. I did not want anything or anyone causing her harm or stress.Isabella relaxed and leaned into me. She was marking her territory and I knew that Natalia was fuming inside but I did care."Jackson," Isabella called my body guard slash assistant head or resources for Renaissance. I was curious about what she wanted to say."How many times has Blue Mountains done business Renaissance?" She asked."More than a couple of times, in fact we have a contract from them currently," Jackson replied with a smile then his face transformed into one of abj
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Isabella 112 Home away from Home.Natalia was frosty throughout the flight and it was probably because she could not get Damien to herself for an alone time. I knew that Damien fought her off every day at work and I knew why he did not want to let me know.He was worried about me and the baby, so he tried to shield me away from the drama that was his entire life. It was hard to believe that we were still together after everything we had been through.He had rescued me when I had been kidnapped by my now deceased ex, he had rescued me from the literal clutches of his father Vito who almost killed me by putting his hands around my neck and squeezing the lift out of it.I had saved his life when he had been drugged with a lethal dose of meth. He was this close to overdosing and dying. What pissed me off the most was that Natalia was trying to take advantage of him while he had been dying.Damien did not know this because I had been too focused on saving his life and I had forg
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Damien 113.My Cara always had it rough ever since she was a child. I still remembered how we used to play together at the public park and how fearful she was of everything. We had been fast friends when I realized that she was just very shy.Her dad at the time was always being dragged out of the house by the cops every weekend for battery and assault on her mother.Belladonna Montenegro's funeral was underway and my Cara was inconsolable. I tried everything to take her pain away but it was never enough.When the news of her mother's passing was brought to her, she had loudly broken down on the floor of her new room and cried in a heartbroken throes of agony. She blamed herself.It was one of the habits of hers I had tried to curb but it was of no use. I did not even know the cause of death. When I heard her wailing from the living room, I had been in an angst discussion with my mom. I ran upstairs and barged into her room to see her curled in fetal position on the rugged floor
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Isabella 114.Belladonna Montenegro. Mother. Wife and beloved daughter.I read the words engraved on the tombstone in disbelief. It was so unacceptable that my mother was gone. When the orderly in charge of her care told me that she had died peacefully in her sleep, I found it hard to believe.Every waking moment of my mother's life had been a battle for survival. From an irresponsible husband and father who frequented jail like it was his place of work to fighting a brain disease that turned her senile and forgetful.It had been one problem after the other and all through it all, Belladonna never complained nor did she ask anyone for help. She toughened up through her trials and tribulations. The tears flowed freely as I watched her shiny mahogany coffin being lowered six feet into the ground.It dawned on me that I was never going to see her again. Not in this life.I was held by the shoulders by Damien and his mother. Who all wore black. Even Natalia and her
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Damien 115.Mother had been livid when I showed her the graffiti on my wall. A black skull with a black crow perched on it. She had grabbed the phone off my hand and glared at the image displayed on it."Vito sicced those bastards on you?" Mother asked in disbelief and pure rage."It would have been different if I was at home but I had just been returning from work," I had told her."He is going to pay," Mom said with a dead serious tone."It is alright mom, you do not have to do anything," I tried telling her."This is not up for debate, Damien, end of discussion," Mom brusquely replied and got up from the couch.I watched her pace back and forth the living room with a scary scowl on her face. I was already regretting letting her know about me and dad."Why would he do that to you, his son?" She mused loudly."It has something to do with some numbers that he told me," I told her. "It happened when those soldiers came to take him away," I reminded her."After all those years, he still
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Damien 116. Deadbeat father in law.It was horrible when they finally laid Belladonna to rest. I felt Isabella lean against me for support as she cried. She looked away from the grave and turned into my chest. It felt as if she did not want all these things to be real.But Alas, it was. One by one they all left us. The well wishers, the sympathizers. Who could blame them? They were still alive and there was still time left for them."Do you want to be alone with her?" I asked, already eyeballing a mad hiding a camera inside his long coat. He knew that I was watching and yet I could feel that he was still taking pictures.I saw his be-spectacled brown eyes daring me to do something. After all, it the cemetery was public property and he could be here if he wanted to. He was daring me to do something."I do not know what to say, Damien," Sha said helplessly. It drew my attention back to her cry."Anything that comes to mind is fine, Isabella, as long a
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Isabella 117.The days that went by after the burial were a painful blur. I was fooling myself if I believed I could go back to work after everything. I wanted to shut the world out and hide away.However, Damien would not let me. He was there through the pain and agony. He was patient and I admired his patience. He forced me to eat, he forced me drink, he forced me to bathe and when there was no life left in me, he forced me to live. He was a patient man and he was there for me.An August visitor came to visit while I was still grieving. It had been so unexpected. But I deducted that it was about time that she reared her head up."We have to prepare for the great ball," Ava said one morning as I prepared for work."The annual end of the year gala for Renaissance, I totally forgot," I exclaimed wearily."It is not your fault, Isabella, you have been through enough," Ava said kindly."I and Grace were working on it with Jackson," I recalled loudly."Well, it is
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Damien 118.The silence that followed was uneasy and loud. What Natalia was saying was out of the question."She was never an employee in the first place," I reminded Natalia."Well she would like to be," Natalia said."This discussion does not concern me," Isabella said in a dry tone and stood up. "I will be in the car," She added and stood up."I think it does, sweetheart, you are in charge of the end of the year party my mom is always so crazy about, and Camilla wants in," Natalia replied."I am not working with you, ever again," Isabella looked directly at Camilla before storming out.I was about to stand up before mom stopped me."Let her go, She needs to calm down," Mom said so with great reluctance, I sat down. This whole thing was making me upset.Mom sat back and scrutinized Camilla and Natalia with a suspicious gaze."Look, Ava, I know we do not get along but clearly you of all people should know about second chances," Natalia said."The problem is if
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Isabella 119."Are we being followed?" Damien asked in a calm tone."Negative," Jackson said as he drove us to the office."Who were those men?" I asked Damien as my heart began to slow down."If I guess right, friends of my dad," I told her."Vito is behind this?" I asked in disbelief. The last time I saw Damien's father, he was in an impromptu conference meeting and he had been silent and sullen.He had refused to look me in the eye through out the duration of the meeting and yet he would not hesitate to resort to his violent ways."What does he want from us this time?" I asked in a weary tone."Not us, me," Damien answered. "He believes that I have something that belongs to him," He added."And he will resort to anything to get it back," Jackson added as he pulled over in front of the curb that led to the office lobby.Damien followed me to my floor and would not leave until he was satisfied that office was safe. It was almost ridiculous but it calmed him dow
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Damien 120.Jackson was on the same floor as Isabella so I walked to his office. I entered without knocking only to find one of his female coworkers on his laps, kissing him. The lady jumped up with fright and hastily exited the office."Ever heard of knocking?" Jackson asked sarcastically."Is this what I pay you for?" I asked."Nope, but it comes with the job," Jackson said. "So unless your wife is actually in danger, I do not know what you want from me," He said."I need you to hunt someone down for me," I told him."Who made the mistake of crossing you today your highness," He asked."Isabella's father.""The stranger at the funeral?""Yeah. He is becoming a real problem," I answered. I showed him the pendant that was sent to Isabella."He sent this through a courier but there was no return address," I told him."It seems like daddy wants to hang around for a while," Jackson said as he took the silver necklace off my hand and closely examined it. "This is ori
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