Semua Bab A Deal With The Billionaire CEO: Bab 131 - Bab 140
273 Bab
Damien 131I was not expecting to see my wife when I got down from the Limousine. Even more, I was surprised to see her with Emilio, her estranged father. I saw a look etched on Isabella’s face that was filled with questions and accusation at the same time. I wondered what she had been told. What baffled me the most was that Marcus, the husband of the woman I had been I the vehicle with was here with my wife. What was going on?“It seemed like everyone is here after all,” Rose said. I ignored her and went to where Isabella was.“What happened? Where did you go?” I asked.“Why is she in the car with you?” Isabella asked me, referring to Camilla.“I have no idea what role she is meant to play in our lives but she is involved in all these somehow,” I told her, helpless. But she had not answered my question.“You still have not told me why you disappeared all of a sudden, I believed that you were kidnapped,” I told her, throwing Emilio a dirty look. He regarded me with a steady and cold g
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Isabella 132.I was disturbed by Camilla’s presence. I was concerned by her newfound position of power. I realized that I never had an inkling of the kind of person to was. I could not deny that I was worried about how closer she was to the whole thing because I mistook her for an outsider of the company. I could not forget the way she had glared at me when she saw me nor could I forget how she was eyeing my husband like a piece of meat. The joke was on her because Damien would never fall for someone as cruel as her. I was glad for a moment that I was with child, but it seemed dangerous to let her know that I was pregnant.I adamantly waited outside the entrance of the mysterious meeting, dying to know what was so important that someone like Camilla was allowed in and not me. I was loyal and proactive. What the hell was she? She had wrong taste in men, and she worked with con men and pedophiles. The more I thought of it, the less it made sense to me. Renaissance was a massive box of m
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Damien 133.I had never wanted to knock out someone so bad until I met my wife’s father. Never had I met someone who was so meddling. He came out of nowhere to save the day and all of a suddenly wanted to play dad. The way everybody thought that they could just come into my life and start making decisions for me. The drive to our home was filled with an uneasy silence from Isabella.After Emilio had basically forced the truth out of me and I was appalled by just how much he knew about Renaissance. I needed to find out how he knew what he knew. Just who the fuck was Emilio Montenegro? The more Jackson drove towards the house, the more I dreaded the impending conversation I was going to have with my wife.The things that I had heard in that meeting filled me with rage and despair. What hurt me the most was that mother had been present and stoic all through. She was quiet throughout the meeting and if I did not know better, I believed that she was part of those who were against me.Senat
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Isabella 134.There was a nervous pit in my stomach as we got closer to home. Jackson the jovial bodyguard was grim with worry as he drove the car and looked at the rearview mirror almost every time. Her would glance at the side view mirrors too every chance he had. He was in ultra-watch dog mode and I was confident that he could spot anything that stood out of place as he drove.I looked over at Damien, who was looking moodily out of the window. He was not really looking at anything because it was the only way he could avoid any form of conversation with Jackson still present.We both quickly and silently walked into our apartment without saying a word to Jackson. It was a really long hard and bad day and his funny or snarky comments were not going to cut it. I had believed that we would at least make it into the bedroom before we fell apart, but we could not even make it to the staircase before we both erupted.“I can not believe that you willingly went with him, behind my back,” Da
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Damien 135.I was left with a myriad of emotion as soon as my Cara left me. I had seen the look of sadness on her face and without even realizing it, my words had caused her more sadness than I intended. Why could she not see that I was only looking out for her? If she thought that this was a game, then she was sorely mistaken.I had seen how dangerous and depraved some business could be and who they had hired when it comes to protecting their nefarious agenda. I was not going to risk her life by letting her into the dark secrets of the business world. I was so hurt and I knew that she was right. Her feelings were valid and if truth was to be told, I had let Vito had his way for so long because deep down I had been hoping he could at least reach out. Do something to make amends but he had been cold, unrepentant and unremorseful.I would give Isabella the space she needed. In time she would soon come to realize and accept that this for the best. I was still armed and restless. I had a
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Isabella 136.I might have not thought my actions through because as soon as I sent my resignation letter to Renaissance, things between Damien and I began to get strained. I looked out the window and saw a long Royce pulling up close to the house. Damien was still down stairs after we had our fight. I saw my two worst enemies step down from the car as soon as the driver opened up the door for them.Natalia and Camilla were two ladies who had made life a bit unbearable for me during the times that I was an employee under them. To make matters worse, Damien used to date one of them and even almost married her, twice. However, it did not work out but I believe that Natalia had not yet taken the hint that Damien had moved on.I saw the two women saunter happily into my home to break the news of my departure to my husband. The truth was that I did all these on purpose. I needed Natalia and Camilla to distract Damien while I got the truth from my dead beat dad. I knew that he would never l
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Damien 137.I had heard enough of what these two insane women were talking about. I hated how they both looked at me as if they knew something I did not. I hated that I did not know any of their angle or what ever the fuck they were up to. As soon as my wife resigned, things have been rather confusing. Natalia had a problem with letting go and it was beginning to get on my nerves. Camilla was not who I thought she was and I kept feeling like I had been played for a total fool.“Just who the hell are you, Ms. Valdez?” I asked. From then, on, I had decided to play their game. It was the only way to ease my way out of this. I just hated the method that I had used on to get my way.“I am the woman who is going to bring you to the very dark places, Damien,” Camilla said with a cold professional look etched on her face. It disturbed me a little bit because of how sure how very sure she sounded.“You don’t mind explaining the terms, dark places, do you?” I asked.“It is better to show you, t
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Isabella 138.The drive was a slow and long one. Emilio said that the key was to blend in and my husband was probably looking for me as of now."He knows that you are gone by now, he is going to be very upset," Emilio said as he drove."I can not believe that I am doing this to him," I said more to myself than to Emilio."You want answers and this is the only way to get them," Emilio said with a shrug. "I believe that this moment or situation is going to test your love for each other," He added wisely."What do you know about love?" I asked him in disdain."I know about love enough to know that dishonesty and secrets will end it quickly," Emilio replied."Was that how close you and mom were?" I asked. "defying every odd just to be together," I added."Your mother rode with me till the very end, Isabella, even on the verge of death," Emilio said with intense pride.I could tell that Emilio loved mother with all his heart. So how did everything go wrong?"You said something about Damien
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Damien 139.I knew that there was no point in trying to search for Isabella because she was long gone. I was alone in the house with Natalia who was my ex. We had tried to make it work but then I realized that I wanted something different. She is still hung up on me and I do not know what to do.The second person with us was Camilla Valdez. Apparently, she was part of Renaissance and I had no idea. In fact, it was safe to say that I had little clues about the company that I worked in.I took a deep calming breath but it did nothing to calm me down."And so it begins," Natalie said with a happy smile."Whatever game you want to play, I want to part of it," I warned her. She shrugged where she sat."The game has already begun, Damien, it does not matter if you want to play or not," Natalie replied."This is how it starts," Camilla said wistfully. "She is not going to stop going behind your back, you sealed your fate the moment you refused to tell her all your dir
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Isabella 140.I held the man that I hated so much with love and care. It surprised me so much that the silence that followed after we stopped embracing was long and a bit awkward.We had a quiet tea together while I looked around some more. His house neither felt like a home nor an apartment. It looked like a more like a rented Airbnb. It looked temporary."How is he treating you?" He asked in a neutral but respective manner."Overprotective," I said.Father looked genuinely surprised when he heard what I said."As he should be," He answered stoically. But I could see that my answere had changed something in him."He wanted to punch you out when he first saw you," I told him."Please do not remind me," Father said with a small chuckle. "I was caught by surprise, that is all," He added.We went silent again. Something was gnawing at the back of my mind."About earlier, when I told you that I did not want to hear anything about you and mom, I did not mean that. I was just very angry,"
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