All Chapters of A Deal With The Billionaire CEO: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
273 Chapters
Damien 141.I waited for my wife in the dark. I had sent the maids home immediately after Natalia and Camilla left my home. I needed to be alone so I could ruminate on what to do. I was angry all through the day because Isabella had disobeyed me.How could she not see that I was trying my best to protect her? I had to do something about Emilio telling her things that she did not need to know. She had also been right about Vito. It disgusted me to refer to him as my father but he had to go.He had put the life of my wife under threat for the third time and he had to pay with his life. However, with the current development happening at the company, it will be too hard to get to Vito without garnering suspicion.It was fully dark before Isabella came back but my anger had dissipated into a sad acceptance. I heard her first before I saw her. I had been meaning to call someone to fix the creaking door that led to the house but I never really made time for the
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Isabella 142"I have done things, Isabella," Said Damien, with a haunted look etched on his face. "Things that I am not very proud of," He added hauntingly.From where I stood, I could feel his despair as he spoke to me, afraid to meet my eyes. Was that why he was being so demanding and bossy. It did not suit him to be so haughty around me. In fact it was the only thing that repelled me against people.My curiosity had brought me here and I knew that despite what Damien was saying, there was no going back.Who was Damien Moretti before he became a business man? Why was he so quick to dismiss his past any time it was brought up? What was he hiding?"Why are you so afraid of your past, Damien?" I asked him."I am not afraid of anything, Isabella," He retorted tightly."You know that your past is catching up with us, Damien," I told him. He could only sigh in return."I will protect us when the time comes," He said."Like you protected me when your father happen
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Damien 143.We slept in separate rooms for the first time. I knew that couples had their disputes and I have had my fair share of them but with Isabella, this fight was different. It hurt when she looked me in the eye and told me she had no trust for me again.It seemed like ever since I was called upon to lead Renaissance, it had affected my relationship with Isabella greatly. A string of unfortunate events took place when I woke up this morning.The first one came in form of a call."They are transferring me, Damien," Michael said as soon as I answered the phone. I was still in the throes of slumber when my phone rang."What?""I have been pulled off the case," He said. "It seemed like I was too close to home," He added.Strings were being pulled to stop him from asking questions and revealing heavily kept secrets of the company. There was only one person who came to mind the more that I thought about it. Camilla Valdez."It seems like this is the end of t
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Isabella 144.I woke up with his scent in the room but I knew that he was long gone. I was alone in the house except for the maids who dutifully went about their work. I had no idea what today was going to bring nor what drama it would entail.I got off the bed and entered into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I did not bother about my bath because I was currently jobless and I had no where to go and no friends to visit.I left the bathroom to get to the kitchen downstairs only to find the last person I had wanted to see impatiently tapping her high heeled shoe tip on the marble floor. The maids did well to stay out of her way."What are you doing here?" I asked her."I should be asking you the same question, you have no reason to be in this house," Natalia retorted."I am still married to your ex, so I get to stay here," I sarcastically replied. She had no reason to know about my pregnancy."Right! I forgot he proposed," Natalia said distatefully."Why are you here? Damien already lef
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Damien 145.After numerous camera shots and fake smiles with fake compliments, I was finally able to have a seat with the senator. He seemed to be in a good mood as he joined me on the table that had been set up for the both of us."It's the launching of a new restaurant and as part of the campaign process, Senator Kelly is doing the honor of launching the place," Camilla had filled me in with the details."It still does not explain why I am supposed to be present," I told her as the SUV moved through the traffic."Renaissance is sponsoring his second term in the office and the restaurant is part of Renaissance. We are branching out to the world of cuisine," Camilla replied.My phone buzzed with a message and I looked at it."You sent Natalia to my place knowing fully well that I was not home," I said to her."I wanted her to get along with your wife," Camilla said with a playful shrug. I had no idea what she was up to.I had sent a quick messages my mom. I did not trust Natalia and I
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Isabella 146I was not really close with my husband's mother but I was glad that she was here and I particularly loved the fact her presence made Natalia leave. I wondered how it got so bad between the two of them.Ava was the actual executive officer of Renaissance and I did not even know that until it was too late."How have you been?" She asked me."It is my first day of being a complete house wife, so I do not know how to feel at the moment," I told her."I wish we had met under different circumstances," Ava said to me as she sat down.We were both quiet for a while when she said that."Why?" I asked."Maybe your relationship with Damien would be easier today," She replied. "Because our family is a warsome one, even from the womb, we were fighters," She added.I could be a fighter too if only your son would let me help him. I thought to myself."Why does it have to be that way?" I asked. "Why does he have to fight to be with me?" I demanded from her
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Damien 147.Everything was a painful blur as I had lost count of how many hands I had shaken today."Your vote counts, so vote Kelly so you can count for something great!" One of the campaign managers said with earnest conviction. It was sad to watch."When is this going to be over?" I asked with gritted teeth as I looked around."Bored?" Camilla asked."Out of my mind," I replied."This is mostly what you will be doing, Damien," She said."Attending parties filled with old bored people with too much time and money," I said."Meeting important people who have the power to bring about real change," Camilla."You sound just like them," I said to her. She merely shrugged."How do you like it so far?" Senator Kelly Holland said as he looked around with pride."A lot of people," I said."Yes, and they all came out to see just me," Kelly beamed."This is not really my scene if I am being honest," I told the senator."It was not mine either until I found myself here," He replied with a shrug
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Chapter 148: Isabella's Revelation**The weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air as I sat alone in our dimly lit living room, the soft glow of the lamp casting long shadows across the walls. Damien had been acting strangely lately, his once warm demeanor replaced by an air of tension and secrecy that left me feeling unsettled.Damien and I had come home together after his public tryst with the senator."He was the one who wanted you out of the company, somehow, Isabella, you are involved in all these and it started with your parents," He told me. "Most especially, Emilio, he knows way more than even a Renaissance employee does about this company," He added.When we got into the house, we went into our separate rooms. We had not yet amicably solved the issue of me seeing my father.I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that there were secrets lurking just beneath the surface of our seemingly perfect life. And try as I might to push aside my doubts, they continued t
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Chapter 149: Unraveling Truth~DamienThe weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air as I sat alone in my study, the soft glow of the desk lamp casting eerie shadows across the room. My mind was a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions, each one vying for dominance as I tried to make sense of the chaos that surrounded me.Ever since Natalia's unexpected visit earlier today, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. Her cryptic warnings and veiled threats had left me on edge, a sense of foreboding gnawing at the edges of my consciousness.But it wasn't just Natalia's ominous words that troubled me. It was the nagging suspicion that there were secrets lurking just beneath the surface of my seemingly perfect life, secrets that threatened to unravel everything I held dear.As I sat lost in thought, the sound of approaching footsteps broke the silence, pulling me from my reverie. With a sense of trepidation, I rose from my seat and made my way to the door, my
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Chapter 150. IsabellaIt was a relief to know that Ava was staying with us. It had not been easy with getting along with Damien ever since I showed him the file that Emilio gave me. We had both seen the content of the flash and it was horrific to watch.I had seen clips of an underground medical facility with patients behaving erratic."Damn," Damien could only mutter.The most shocking one was the one that depicted men in yellow hazmat suits dumping corpses into the back of a truck. Those were the failed experiments Emilio was talking about."They are using people like lab rats and dumping their bodies away like pieces of garbage," I said out loud just to make it make sense to me but it only terrified me the more that I thought of it.Damien had a focused grim look on his face as he watched with severe silence. I admired his composure as he looked on. There were flash footages of men and women who were in straitjackets. They all looked sickly and unkempt.One of them shat himself whi
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