All Chapters of A Deal With The Billionaire CEO: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
273 Chapters
151 Damien.I had seen enough to know that it was time to take charge of Renaissance. The company was filled to the brim with secrets and conspiracies and I was on a mission to unravel the mysteries surrounding my place of work. It had been a mission of mine to make Renaissance a symbol of hope for the modern world.This dream came from the time I left the army. I had followed orders without question. They liked me because I obeyed. But there was a problem and that was what made me quit. Politics. I had taken on a case of internal corruption within the army and when I began to unravel the level of illegal activities the big men at the table had pulled me off the case.All my life, I had always had something to prove to everyone. Vito, Ava and even Natalia but after that day when the Major had casually told me to drop the case because it would make the men at the top look bad, I had become disillusioned about following orders.When mom at told me that I was a chosen candidate for the s
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Isabella 152.I heard him knock and call my name. But I was not in the right frame of mind to see him at the moment. I did not want to say it but it was beginning to feel like I made a mistake with Damien. I should not have ignored all the warning bells that showed me just what a bad idea it had been to had said yes to him.I had been pulled into a world that I no longer recognized by a man who had never been honest with me right from the start. If he truly cared about me as he claimed, he would stop all further involvement with Renaissance but he had been even more determined.I curled into a fetal position as I replayed the footages that I had seen over and over again in my head. I tried to make of sense of it all but I just could not get it. Was this how people made money nowadays?What bothered me the most was how long their operation had gone on without the authorities ever finding out.I was feeling claustrophobic the more I was inside so I went into the bathroom and had a cold
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Damien 153.I knew that I must thread carefully after everything had been revealed to me. I could not thank Michael enough for his great service he rendered to me. Now, I was sure of where I was going and what needed to be done.I did not know for how long I sat in the study but the more I kept scrolling, more I was enthralled by the things that I read and the pictures that I saw. Names, security numbers, dates of births and deaths which came with a lot of names. Victims.The ones that Isabella was worried about and the reason she was refusing to talk to me. While I understood her concerns about my involvement with Renaissance, her naive solution of me leaving the company was ridiculous. It was either she did not believe that I could transform Renaissance or she was afraid for me.I took a long look at the various places of interest and the medical facilities where the secret experimental tablets were tested on anyone unfortunate to have come across Transcendence.One thing was clear
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Damien 154I was buried deep in papers and reports, truth hunting when a call came through the office land line. Absent mindedly, I picked it up."What does she want from me, and why is she looking for me?" Vito snapped at me.I did not understand why he thought we buddies and he could call me any time."Hello father," I said quietly. "How nice of you to check up on your only son," I sarcastically added."Do not get snarky with me, boy, why does your mother hunt me so?" He demanded."Well, for one reason you lied to her, cheated on her with another woman and brought the military police to our home, thereby ruining my childhood," I said to him as I leaned back unto the chair."I think it's time everybody got over that," Vito snarled. "And your mother pushed me into the arms of another woman because of her crazy attitude," Vito added.I was appalled by how unremorseful he was by the whole thing."And I guess that I should get over the fact that you almost killed my wife too," I told him
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ISABELLA 155.She made her way over to us after she coldly dismissed the man who was on the verge of tears. She sauntered slowly in her stylish dress and took her time to get to our table. I felt a little bit uneasy by her presence.I was curious as to what was on her mind because I myself had a mouthful for her but now that I was just getting to know just how dangerous she was, I was not interested in any altercation. If she was going to come for anyone, it should Natalia. That was her rival not me.However, I knew that she had a vengeful grudge against me after what had happened with Robert. Camilla had loved Robert so much but it was an unrequited love because Robert had been dating me back then.It had been soul crushing when I found out that he was involved with Camilla. After the horrible revelation, everything that had happened, everything that followed had been crazy.It was not hard to see that she blamed me for the suicide of Robert."Mind if I jo
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Damien 156."I think that it's about time you and I spoke, Mr. Moretti," Emilio said as she stood directly in front of me."How long have you been waiting for me?" I asked him."Not long," He replied with a nonchalant shrug.Emilio Montenegro was the estranged father of my wife and also the one that caused the strained relationship between Isabella and I. He believed that my wife deserved to know the truth about the company that I worked for. I on the other hand, fully disagree because of the imminent danger it could potentially bring to her."I am surprised it took you this long to seek me out," I told him."Trust me, I wish I had come sooner," He replied."Where do you want to do this? We could talk in my car," I suggested."I am not interested in getting in that contraption that you call a vehicle," Emilio replied with disdain in his voice. "There is a coffee shop nearby, walk with me," He said and turned away from him.I surpresed an angry sigh and follow
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Isabella 157.I remembered the weight of Damien's secrets that had pressed down on me like a suffocating blanket, smothering me in a web of lies and deceit. As the wife of a renowned CEO, I was no stranger to the dark underbelly of corporate intrigue. But nothing could have prepared me for the truth that lay hidden beneath the polished veneer of the Renaissance.I sat alone in our spacious living room, bathed in the soft glow of lamplight, the silence of the night wrapping around me like a comforting embrace. But despite the tranquility of my surroundings, my mind was anything but at peace.My thoughts drifted back to Damien, his handsome face etched with determination as he embarked on his crusade to cleanse the Renaissance of its corruption. I admired his strength and conviction, his unwavering sense of justice. But beneath the surface, I sensed a darkness lurking, a shadow that threatened to consume us both.I knew that Damien was keeping secrets from me, that there were truths he
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Damien 158For the first time in weeks, my wife and I slept together in a room. It was blissful and then we got naked. It had been spontaneous and slow. Isabella took her time to explore my body with her soft small hands. I wanted to go crazy with lust.I had missed the feel and touch of her body on mine and deep down I hoped that she missed me the same way that I missed her. She caressed my chest and slowly trailed her hands down my stomach. She viciously tore away the clothes I had on me as we had a feel of one another.When this was happening, we were in the kitchen. I was down to my boxers before I realized that we were still in the kitchen. However, Isabella did not seem to care about our current location. Her hands were already on my waist band.I could not even tell how we got to the living room but we somehow groped our way to the couch.I did not relent myself, I pulled of her soft shirt and silky bra. I gently fondled one of her breast while I used
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Damien 159.I left Isabella's home with a secret security detail. They were a special type of protectors and they were experts at being discreet when doing their job. I hired them so they could secretly keep a tab on Isabella.The drive to the office was grim and I was always lost in thought as I heard a hunk from an angry driver before I realized that I was on the road.Last night with Isabella was magical. We did it again this morning. Then again in the shower. I had reluctantly left for work as I was beginning to get aroused again.I ruminated on the unforgettable talk I had with Isabella's father last night at the coffee shop. He knew too much about Renaissance than I did and I even suspected that he knew even more than Camilla herself.I recalled Emilio walking out of the coffee shop, his ominous warning echoed in my mind. "Protect my daughter with your life or I will take it,“The gravity of his words had hit me like a freight train, leaving me paraly
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Isabella 160.Last night had been magical. I still felt happily sore from the abundant love he showered on me in the living room. I almost did not let him get to work this morning because I had missed so much of his touch and warmth.We had risen together and had our bath together. Under the hot shower, we made love after we had a morning quickie. I just could not get enough of this man and it scared me. Although the last night had been filled with good sex, I had trouble sleeping because of the situation we were currently in.In the dark last night, I had laid in bed next to Damien, his steady breathing a comforting rhythm in the darkness, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at my insides.Despite the warmth of his embrace, despite the intimacy we had shared just moments ago, I felt a cold dread creeping into my heart, suffocating me with its icy grip.His assurance had done nothing to ease my fears and I also suspected that he was still hiding something from me. When
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