All Chapters of If I Could Turn Back Time: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
670 Chapters
Chapter 481
The three dignitaries were stunned as they looked at Chad.Chad felt very awkward. "Why are you old men looking at me? We've already divorced!"Kevin suddenly laughed out loud. "That's it. Just call me old man."Rustin laughed happily. It was as if Chad was calling them old men as a form of recognition.Riker felt slightly taken aback as he smiled and said, "What an interesting kid!"Kevin smiled and said, "Alright then! We'll leave those from the Guild of Eternal Life to Chad!"Chad wanted to reject it, but Grayson said, "Marilyn came with Matilda. Those with invitation cards can bring two guests with them!"Chad had no reason to refuse. He had to be with them for his sister's sake."Fine then! I'll take care of Matilda!"After half an hour, that secret meeting finally concluded.Chad was the last to leave. He found a secluded corner and called Archibald. "Archie, mobilize all Roggan members in Pine City. Those from other locations are to hurry here overnight as well—all of
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Chapter 482
Chad ignored Matilda, giving her a sideways glance before taking Marilyn's bag and saying, "Give me your bag. I'll help you get a room so you can rest.""Chad, there's no need! I came with Matilda. I'll stay with her so you don't have to spend more money!"Marilyn hid behind Matilda, forcing Chad to face Matilda.At that moment, Matilda glared at Chad and said coldly, "Are you pretending not to see me?""No!" Chad coldly said as if even one more word was a burden."Ha!" Matilda scoffed, "Are you just not bothered with me?"Chad told her, "I was already at Pine City in the morning. You just called me too late.""Is that so?! Why don't I believe you?!"Matilda deliberately raised her voice as she looked at the three beauties in the distance, growling, "It looks like you've had quite the appetite after our divorce! Three of them! Aren't you worried you'll sprain your waist?!"Then, Matilda pulled Marilyn away, leaving after they quickly checked in at the front desk.Very quickly
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Chapter 483
"But you're no match for me. If we were to fight, you'd die."Chad did not want to continue the fight because it was pointless, but Luke pounced on him again, even more viciously than before.Even though he was weaker, each of his moves was difficult to counter.Chad eventually lost his patience and decided to stop avoiding.So, he used the Mountain Fists for power and performed the Roggan locking technique."Argh!"Luke let out a pig-like scream. After falling to the ground, he could no longer control the broken bones with his muscles."You fiend! What have you done to me? Why won't you fight me fair and square?"Chad looked at him coldly and said, "Physical strength is one aspect of being strong, but it's not the only one. You can't beat me!"Luke still refused to accept it. He struggled and roared. "I refuse to admit defeat. Again!""How will you fight me like this? Will you use your teeth?"Chad looked at him indifferently before instructing Cynthia and the others to go
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Chapter 484
Linda was stunned when she heard Jade reveal the identity of the murderer."That's impossible! How could it be him? This can't be true!"Jade did not explain it; she simply said calmly, "I've said everything I needed to say about Luke's situation. Please accept my condolences."Jade exited the ambulance, straightened her clothes, and whispered something into Linda's ear. Linda's expression changed dramatically, and she angrily said, "Thank you, Madam Jade. I'll take care of the rest!"Jade smiled and walked away with her hands behind her back.They did not realize that a homeless man who stood not far from the ambulance had witnessed the entire process. Furthermore, this homeless man was a skilled Roggan member from Pine City who could read lips.The homeless man waited until the ambulance and Linda had left before pulling out his phone and making a call."Sir, I have some information to report..."Chad entered the Serenity Hotel and met Archibald, who had arrived."Ah, I see.
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Chapter 485
To enter the palace, one must first bow to Riker.Chad noticed the female guests on the other side were doing the same thing, dressed in scholar's robes and gauze caps. Except they held round fans in their hands.He asked, "Why do I feel like this banquet will be very plain?"Grayson rolled his eyes at Chad and asked, "Would you dare to indulge in pleasures at the Palace of Serene Wisdom?"Chad chuckled awkwardly, then followed Grayson to Riker.Grayson respectfully bowed and said, "Sir, your efforts are appreciated!"Chad mimicked his gesture and replied, "Sir, your efforts are appreciated!""You're here. Come inside!" Riker laughed and gestured politely, and Chad and Grayson entered.Chad was astounded by the palace's layout when he stepped inside.The palace was filled with the scent of ink, and the furnishings were very simple, even bare.However, it was a vast space, with antique cultural relics and many ancient books and classics on display along the walls.The most co
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Chapter 486
After an opening speech that lasted over ten minutes, Horace mentioned the main goal of the charity banquet."This charity banquet will raise funds for medical treatment for impoverished people living in remote mountainous areas. Donations from everyone will be sent directly to those in need by the Hacniane Charity Association. "Furthermore, every month after that, we will publicly announce the specific use of the funds and invite everyone's oversight."Then Horace began describing the many impoverished areas in Hacniane and the difficulty people had getting medical treatment.Finally, Horace said, "So tonight, I kindly ask all of you to be generous. Now, I declare the banquet has officially started!"As he finished speaking, a group of young people dressed in scholar's robes entered the Palace of Serene Wisdom with trays."Luxury leads to frugality, not the other way around. As a result, a gentleman lives frugally to manage his family and govern the country, bringing peace to t
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Chapter 487
At that point, Horace took the stage and smiled. He said, "Ladies and gentlemen, the banquet has ended. Please welcome tonight's chef on stage. Let's thank her with applause!"A round of applause as a slender and beautiful woman took the stage.The chef's uniform she wore indicated her occupation. She smiled as she entered the stage and welcomed the audience's applause."It's her! Raine Gurn, the renowned expert in beauty and medicinal cuisine!""Holy crap, I can't believe this! She made those dishes. I'm glad I ate them. I would've regretted it otherwise.""I thought the Gerds were being stingy, but it was a medicinal cuisine. What a surprise!"Several newcomers exclaimed emotionally, relieved they had stayed.Matilda, who worked in the cosmetics industry, had heard of Raine Gurn, the master of medicinal cuisine for beauty.According to legend, she made tens of millions of dollars yearly simply by creating medicinal cuisine for dignitaries and celebrities.Matilda frequently
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Chapter 488
"Boiling the radishes for too long resulted in some loss of medicinal properties. There was a problem with the bread; it would be preferable to remove the Coix seeds."Chad unexpectedly began by pointing out Raine's flaws, and his tone was extremely harsh.Matilda could not help but roll her eyes after hearing that. How dare Chad give Raine cooking advice?However, when she looked at Raine, the woman smiled and nodded, saying, "Thank you for your guidance, Master!"Wait a minute! Master? Chad was Raine's master!Matilda only realized that when Raine addressed Chad as Master for the second time.Meanwhile, Chad continued to look away from Raine, instead focusing on the large screen at the podium, which displayed the items up for auction."Now that you understand medicinal cuisine, I'm no longer your master. I'm just the one who introduced you," Chad said, slightly disappointed."Once a master, always a master. It'll never change in my lifetime," Raine said, feeling a little lost
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Chapter 489
It was clear that everything that could be lost had already been lost.So Chad asked, "Did the pendant also disappear?"Grayson quickly said, "Yes! I didn't expect them to be this thorough."Chad looked at the photos of the Hall of Herbs again, feeling as if it had exploded from within.The entire backyard had collapsed, and the metal box Lawson had given him was likely gone.Chad clenched his fists and stayed silent.However, that only lasted a moment before Chad resumed normalcy and returned his gaze to the podium.Then, Horace walked up to the stage and announced loudly, "I declare that the charity auction has officially begun! I'll be the auctioneer for tonight!"That statement sparked a massive reaction in the audience.Bang! Bang! Bang!Horace swung the hammer and demanded, "Please look at the big screen!"After the venue had quieted down, a documentary began playing on the big screen.The documentary depicted impoverished people and their living conditions throughout
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Chapter 490
When Horace heard Chad's bid, he returned a grateful glance.In his opinion, selling the first item with only one bid would be the worst possible start to an auction.Whether the opposing bid was high or low, the effect would be similar to if it had gone unsold.Chad's actions alleviated Horace's embarrassment.So, Horace shouted, "Guest number 13 bids 1.05 million dollars. Is there a higher bid?"The woman who had just bid 750,000 dollars was Luna Queen from Autumn Mood Jewelry.She looked coldly at Chad and noticed he was sitting with three other attractive women.'It appears this greenhorn is simply trying to show off in front of the beautiful ladies. He will probably not bid again if I raise the price,' she thought as she raised her paddle again. "One point one million!"There were no rules in the charity auction, so they could add any amount they wanted.Luna would have added a dollar if it had not been so embarrassing to do so.Horace did not even bother to say the pric
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