All Chapters of If I Could Turn Back Time: Chapter 461 - Chapter 470
674 Chapters
Chapter 461
After hearing that, Chad climbed to the top of the dragon and grabbed its horns."Let's go!" Lord Fifth exclaimed, and their massive bodies immediately began to burrow forward.As Chad and the two dragons left Mount Gentleman, the mountain began to collapse.The entire Mount Gentleman collapsed inward, lowering the summit by more than ten meters.Chad could smell the earth underground but could not see anything because it was pitch black.Chad returned to the surface 20 minutes later. He was surprised to find himself at the entrance to the air raid shelter behind Temple Road.Chad emerged from the shelter and discovered his entire body was covered in soil."These underground paths are only suitable for the dragons. I think I'll take the car next time!"Lord Fifth poked his head out the entrance and said, "This was for your own safety. Check your arms. Do you see any draconic patterns?"Chad examined his arms and discovered that the wounds from the dragon bites had already heal
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Chapter 462
"Uncle and Auntie? Where was this?"The photo stunned Liam.Chad looked at him, puzzled. "Liam, haven't you heard about what's above the skies?"Chad fixed his gaze on Liam as he spoke, curious about his reaction.Liam inquired in confusion, "Above the skies? More sky? What else could be up there?""So you really don't know!"Chad was surprised to hear that.He had recently met many people who were aware of what was happening above the skies, and he assumed Esther knew as well.How could Liam, her son, not be aware of that?"I understand! What lies above the sky is simply outer space. What else could it be?"Chad shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but it's definitely not what you think it is."Chad put the confidential letter away and made a dismissive gesture.Liam understood Chad's request to leave and said helplessly, "Take your time reading it; I'm leaving! These days, even the police believe in the occult. What is happening in the world?"As he listened to
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Chapter 463
However, Chad suddenly felt as if he was falling into a bottomless pit. Then, everything in front of him became brighter.He could hear the wind in his ears and smelled flowers and grass. The air was very fresh.When Chad opened his eyes, he was taken aback by the scene before him!Chad was speechless and in awe as he saw a towering tree reaching for the sky.He could see that the top of the massive tree appeared to be expanding into space.He looked down from above and saw the tree roots were spread all over the ground.Rumble!Clusters of armored vehicles advanced toward the giant tree.Soldiers in exoskeleton combat suits armed to the teeth were marching on foot.Zoom!Fighter jets flew low in the sky, leaving lengthy trails behind them."Son, why didn't you bring the medicine box? How are you going to save the people?"Chad's eyes quickly reddened when he heard a familiar voice. That was his mother's voice.When Chad looked back, he noticed many more wrinkles on his mo
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Chapter 464
After the shock, Chad began to consider the authenticity of the visualization.Chad suspected his parents of lying to him. They were concerned for him and did not want him to be in such danger.So Chad returned to his bedroom and called Weldon to prepare to go to the hospital to see Coco.Ten minutes later, at Bloomington Hospital.Chad saw Coco. Aside from some superficial wounds and fear, she was not seriously hurt.The military brought her in, so the hospital took it very seriously. They arranged for Vienna Shamma, a renowned neurosurgeon, to treat her."Just rest for a few days, and you'll be released. Don't worry about the hospital bills; I'll handle it." Chad assured Coco. He was about to leave when Coco hugged him from behind."Chad, don't leave. I'm scared!"Chad patted her head and said, "I see an old friend out there. I'll be back in a moment.""Okay," Coco reluctantly released Chad.Outside the ward, Chad met Vienna, a well-known neurosurgeon. Her graceful beauty a
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Chapter 465
"What happened 23 years ago?""They threatened us with the apocalypse. This was something that began 50 years ago."Chad asked, "Was it the reason for the decline of the Mystics and the theft of the Mystic Hexa Techniques—"Grayson said, "They were just a few insignificant figures who weren't even on the level of earthbound immortals. How could they have succeeded in stealing the Mystic Hexa techniques?"You're underestimating the Mystic arts' thousands of years of heritage. Have you ever wondered why they succeeded?""Why?" Chad had a vague answer in mind, but he still asked."Those things!" Grayson sighed and scratched his head with a wry smile. "About 50 years ago, the Hacniane military, Mystics, and martial artists banded together to shoulder everything. Seventy-eight Mystic immortals and over a hundred peak martial artists banded together to fight the enemy. "Because of this, the Mystic Hexa Pirates were able to break into the book depository and steal the techniques."Ch
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Chapter 466
Chad did not expect Grayson's reaction to be that intense. "This is a formation diagram, alright. This can't be a coincidence!""What are you talking about?"Grayson exclaimed excitedly, looking at the pendant in his hand and shouting, "This damn thing is a formation base! Where did you get it from?"However, Chad was perplexed and murmured, "How could she have this?""Who? Who gave it to you? Speak up!" Grayson was extremely agitated, to the point of shouting."Follow me!" Chad did not hesitate and went directly to the neurosurgery department.However, when he opened the door to the office, he discovered Vienna lying in a pool of blood. Her neck was wide open.A passing nurse noticed the scene and screamed, "Argh! Murder!""Damn it, this is trouble!" Chad cursed under his breath before closing the door and turning to face Grayson."There's something fishy about this."Grayson clutched the pendant tightly and gritted his teeth. "Who's she? This is the formation base. How did
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Chapter 467
As Dr. Odele spoke, he took a tissue from his pocket but accidentally pulled out something else.Chad had seen too much of that recently, which made him even more concerned.It was a participation badge.It flashed by quickly, but Chad saw it clearly and could not be mistaken.It also puzzled Chad. How many people had visited the battlefield above the skies?Chad felt that Dr. Odele knew who the murderer was.He asked, "When Vienna was in Europe, was she working at the Guild of Eternal Life?"Dr. Odele looked at Chad and shook his head. "I'm not sure. She never mentioned it."However, based on Dr. Odele's expression, Chad thought he knew something but was keeping it to himself.So Chad tried again. "Before she died, she gave me a pendant. It's evidence now. If need, I can—""No!" Grayson unexpectedly interrupted him. "We can't hand this thing over. The Special Operations Department will take over now. The scene has been sealed off. I'll make a few calls right now."Liam look
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Chapter 468
"Thank you, Marilyn, for coming with me. We'll take your car tomorrow."Matilda and Marilyn made their arrangements. Then, Matilda took her phone and searched online for information about the Guild of Eternal Life.She wanted to know about the Guild of Eternal Life and why they would invest in her.Another thing that surprised her was that even though she lost her position at Bellenuite, she was still invited to the Gerd family's charity banquet in Pine City.That charity banquet was one of the top five in the country and was also Matilda's best opportunity to raise funds for the new company."Found it. The Guild of Eternal Life was founded in 1799 in the British Isles in Europe. It's a medical organization dedicated to helping humans achieve eternal life…"As she looked at the information on her phone, Matilda thought of Professor Kaynes.Matilda reasoned that Kaynes must be working behind the scenes based on the assistance she had previously received!According to the letter,
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Chapter 469
There were two cities between Bloomington and Pine City, putting them over 500 kilometers apart.Since it was nighttime, there were few cars on the expressway, except for large trucks carrying logistics.At dawn, the convoy arrived at Pine City's well-known Serenity Academy!It was said that a famous scholar founded the academy a thousand years ago. Since then, many notable figures had graduated from the academy and served as officials and generals.Next to Serenity Academy was the Gerd family's Serenity Hotel, the country's only seven-star hotel.Chad spotted Horace Gerd after the convoy arrived at the Serenity Hotel parking lot.He was a thin, elderly man with gray hair, a lively spirit, and a friendly smile. His behavior was very elegant."Mr. Wiles, we've arranged everything at your command." Grayson saluted and thanked Horace. "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Gerd!""You're welcome. My father may be retired, but he was once a prominent figure in government. He always p
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Chapter 470
Grayson jumped up when he saw the old man. "Old God of War, what are you doing here?"Old God of War?Chad looked at the old man, surprised, and politely asked, "Greetings, God of War. May I know who wants to see me?"Grayson glared at Chad. "Are you stupid? Don't ask too many questions. Just go."Then, he pushed Chad.After nodding to Grayson, the old man led Chad away.The Serenity Hotel's top floor featured a complete set of super suites that resembled palaces.The entire suite was over a thousand square meters and extremely luxurious. After the old man brought Chad in, Chad was searched twice.When they entered the suite's living room, Chad noticed two elderly men chatting on the sofa."He's here. Let's ask him directly. Can you cure this illness?" Chad recognized the two of them after hearing their voices.Sir Holt or Kevin Holt and Riker Gerd!Kevin smiled and waved at Chad, saying, "Come over here and sit. Let Mr. Gerd look at you!"Chad addressed them. "Sir Holt, Mr
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