All Chapters of If I Could Turn Back Time: Chapter 451 - Chapter 460
674 Chapters
Chapter 451
Zach growled, "The mob suddenly attacked the police, injuring and killing many people, and rescued a major criminal, too!"Chad asked, "Is it Winston?""How do you know that?" Zach asked in astonishment."I'm not asking about that. Do you know which direction they ran off to?" Chad asked."They went south! And they abducted Mr. Yaseer, too! These guys kill without blinking an eye. We can only hope to enforce a city-wide lockdown to quickly get them out of the densely populated areas before they act again!"Chad approved of Zach's approach. After all, those people were either martial artists or Mystics. The consequences would be terrible once they started killing indiscriminately.A police officer reported, "They left urban areas from the south, and they left Mr. Yaseer behind. We've dispatched drones and other personnel to monitor their escape route."Chad suddenly felt that something was amiss.Winston should not be fleeing so urgently. With Hector's connections, he could have
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Chapter 452
In the video, Coco hid in an abandoned room and recorded herself. She said, "Chad, I've been kidnapped and imprisoned in the temple outside the southern city on Mount Gentleman. Please come rescue me, argh!"The video abruptly ended with the sounds of someone snatching her phone. After a loud slap, it cut off abruptly.Due to improper development, Mount Gentleman was an abandoned tourist area outside the southern city. The road leading up the mountain was destroyed; that was the first time anyone had ventured there in years.Winston and his group had fled in that direction, and Mount Gentleman was their best hiding place.Quickly redialing Coco's number, Chad received no answer.Zach immediately wanted to mobilize the police forces, but Chad stopped him."Wait, Mr. Jovy, those people aren't ordinary folks. Sending the police will only increase casualties.""This isn't the time to consider casualties. As the mayor of Bloomington, I must do something."Zach's thoughts were differ
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Chapter 453
Normal people breathed 15 to 20 times per minute, while martial artists generally breathed once per minute."This is the person he wants, so don't get any ideas. Mr. Jovy has been with quite a few women lately. Go look at the others.""But they're all taken, or I wouldn't have come.""Then go wait in line. This one has been set aside."They had caused such a significant disturbance in Bloomington, so they would definitely be surrounded. Yet, they seemed fearless.It greatly puzzled Chad. Additionally, the mention of someone in Saffronesia made Chad think of Balaro.Chad did not rush in to save Coco because of that. Instead, he planned his escape route along the walls toward the temple's main entrance.However, as soon as he arrived at the main entrance, he heard gunshots from the temple!Then he saw Riker holding a fully automatic rifle and starting to massacre those martial artists.In theory, ordinary professional soldiers would have less than a ten percent chance of covertl
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Chapter 454
The engineers skillfully placed explosives and detonated them before continuing the process to the next room. Any martial artist who tried to stop the engineers was shot dead by Riker.At that moment, Riker alone commanded the scene, making Winston and the others dare not to show themselves."You old bastard, that's enough!"Finally, Winston stepped out. He was enveloped in a visible golden light, with a crown behind his forehead.Riker was surprised but coldly said, "So you've become an earthbound immortal after all. No wonder you dared to touch my granddaughter!"Winston retorted angrily, "I admit that Kelly was an accident, so I didn't touch her!"Riker aimed his gun at Winston and said coldly, "You didn't touch her just because you said so? I'm supposed to just believe you? Do you think I'm a fool?"Bang! Bang! Bang!Riker opened fire immediately after he said that! Winston did not expect the elderly man to be so decisive. Despite being on guard, Winston was grazed by a bul
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Chapter 455
Bang!The claw smashed the ground, resulting in a large pit. Riker suddenly appeared above the wolf's head. His slender body descended, and his feet stomped fiercely on the wolf's head, shattering it into countless pieces of flesh.Following that, Riker vanished again. His body moved at a terrifying pace like a sharp blade, slicing the giant wolf into countless fragments. Chad believed that a giant wolf fragmented like that could not be restored.However…Just as Riker paused, the scattered flesh on the ground wriggled and began to reassemble itself. Koi chuckled strangely. "Is that all? This won't kill my puppet!"Even though Riker's face was expressionless, Chad could sense his surprise. Chad's thoughts wandered. How powerful would Koi be if the giant wolf was so difficult to deal with?"Eighty years ago, we met on the battlefield for the first time, and you ended my killing spree." Koi proudly recalled their first encounter."At the time, you were definitely too strong for me
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Chapter 456
Riker's body swelled, and he transformed into a sturdy young man standing 180 centimeters tall!When Koi saw Riker's expression, he burst out laughing."That's it! Eighty years ago, you looked exactly like this!"Chad was shocked to see Riker appear younger, as if he were only 20 years old.Then Riker said, "It's time to use all my strength. It's not over yet!"Two additional immortal crowns appeared behind Riker's head, one golden and one red.Chad was taken aback, and the dazzling light coming from Riker nearly blinded his Clairvoyant Eye. It was incredibly powerful!Was that the strength of someone who excelled in both disciplines?Riker's posture took Chad aback.It was the Mountain Fists!"Brat! Tell Lawson that his senior didn't shame him!"Chad was shocked by Riker's words.He had not expected Riker to be Sir Lawson's senior.Riker then vanished, followed by Koi.Chad used his Clairvoyant Eyes to follow the light emanating from their bodies, barely keeping up with
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Chapter 457
As Monte uttered those words, his body's hair grew rapidly, and he transformed into a monkey with a pointed mouth and cheeks."Keep it up for 15 minutes; that'll be enough!" Winston glanced at Monte and said, then watched as the Corpse Herb burrowed into the hall's underground chamber."No problem!" Monte grinned wide, resembling a monkey.Chad was taken aback when he discovered Monte also had crowns behind his head. Clearly, some unknown powerful force had penetrated Monte's body in a way similar to infusion, or his strength would not have increased so rapidly.Prior to invoking the gods, Monte was someone even Doug could handle.Monte eventually led a dozen men to ambush Doug and force him into an air raid shelter.Monte's strength had grown terrifyingly.Monte's high-pitched voice said, "You better not attack, or you'll regret it!"Riker smiled contemptuously and said, "Someone, bring the gun!"A sniper emerged from a nearby thicket just then.Riker took the sniper rifle,
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Chapter 458
Chad noticed Hector's confident demeanor and could not help but think that the old man's appearance was way too timely.Would the head of the Gerd family accept his proposal?After all, those families would be an ideal match for marriage.However, with that, Doug's desire to avenge his daughter would be impossible.Chad did not expect Riker to refuse."What will you do if I disagree?"Clang!With the sound of a sword unsheathing, an ancient and slender short sword flew over and hovered by Hector's side."In that case, there's nothing I can do. Winston is the Jovy family's last direct descendant. I'm still willing to kill a few people for him."The room fell silent. Riker was clearly struggling.He was not concerned about his own death, but what about his family?Like the Hart family, the Gerd family relied on a legendary figure to support their family.Without such a figure, the family would undoubtedly be suppressed.Furthermore, Chad was surprised to learn that Hector co
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Chapter 459
The massive fireball dissipated, exposing Winston's pitch-black skeleton inside.As the skeleton fell, the mountain wind scattered it into powder.Doug smiled as he landed ahead of Chad and Riker."It was a close call. Breaking through to ascension wasted some time!"That voice belonged to Lord Fifth of the Python family. Lord Fifth released the binding as Doug's figure swayed, allowing Doug's voice to be heard."Thank you. Without you, I'd still be desperately looking for my enemy!"Chad's emotions were mixed then, and he did not know what to say.Doug smiled as he looked at the rainbow-colored clouds in the sky."It's about time. Our family can finally be reunited."As he spoke, a beam of light descended from the clouds, enveloping Doug, his daughter, and the two dragons.The father and daughter's physical bodies gradually dissipated, transforming into colorful light streams.Meanwhile, the black and white dragons entered the rainbow clouds.Then, two massive dragon skins
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Chapter 460
Five kilometers from Mount Gentleman, in a wasteland.Hector climbed out of the deep pit in a sorry state, stripped of his former dignity as an immortal.As soon as he emerged, he looked toward Mount Gentleman.He spat a mouthful of black blood before reaching out and catching the flying sword as it fell into his hands.Winston was undoubtedly dead; he could no longer sense his great-grandson's aura.That sent Hector into despair. He founded the Pernier Group to leave it to his great-grandson.Even though he had reached the pinnacle of becoming an earthbound immortal, his time was running out, and his great-grandson had died."Do you want to live forever?"Hector heard a voice behind him and turned around to see a ghost!No, it was one of those things from above!Those ghostly things were the primary cause of the Mystics' sudden decline 50 years ago."What price do I have to pay?""Simple. Collect the formation diagrams for the Path to the Zenith and rebuild it to guide the
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