All Chapters of If I Could Turn Back Time: Chapter 471 - Chapter 480
670 Chapters
Chapter 471
"So, you knew about that, Mr. Gerd! Alright! I'll try it at the charity auction."Kevin smiled and said, "Tonight, even if you buy the goods with your eyes closed, it would be hard to buy any counterfeit goods.""All right, I've said everything I needed to say. Let the kid go. We should discuss our own issues."When Riker spoke, Chad stood up and said his goodbyes before leaving.Chad stepped into the elevator and looked at the phone Riker had given him.The money in that phone was unbelievable.Kevin's words echoed in his mind. "Only the three of us are aware of this task. If you're discovered, please contact us directly."Chad smirked bitterly, murmuring, "Even if this kind of thing gets out, no one will believe it!"As the elevator descended, a man and woman entered."Mr. Williams, that guy is here again.""Tell him we don't have any money!""Isn't that bad? Payment for the project has been delayed for three years!"Williams smiled proudly and said, "If we continue to de
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Chapter 472
"Luke, this has nothing to do with him. If I want to find you, I have my own ways!"Quentin pushed Chad away and shouted at Luke.Chad wanted to help, but Quentin pushed him away again, saying, "Chad, don't interfere! You can't handle this. Luke is a lunatic!"Quentin rushed toward Luke, drawing a knife from his pocket."Stop!"Chad moved quickly, grabbing Luke and taking the knife from Quentin simultaneously. However, Quentin was frantic. "I said don't get involved! Just leave!""Too late to leave now!"Luke's proud voice echoed. Over a dozen martial artists entered the hotel lobby.Chad noticed they were all skilled fighters, most likely from the prestigious martial arts family, the Williams family, led by Marshawn Williams.Luke sneered as he approached Quentin, patting his face mockingly. "Quentin, you want money, right? I'll give you the money. If you break one arm, I'll pay you 150,000. Break all four limbs, and I will pay you 600,000 dollars. If you die, I'll pay you 1.
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Chapter 473
When Luke heard that voice, he was furious. Who the hell was that?When he saw who it was, he was taken aback. "Bill Hawthorne? So, you're attending the banquet, too?"Bill dismissed the remark as he approached Chad, saying, "I'm not that familiar with you!"Luke smiled at them and said, "I didn't expect you to have such trashy friends, Bill.""Trashy friends?" Bill looked at Chad and said self-deprecatingly, "Yeah, that's right! Compared to him, we're all garbage!"He was telling the truth. A hundred Bills could not match Chad's abilities.Furthermore, if Bill had not been born into the Hawthorne family, he would not have achieved his success and status.That statement prompted Luke to pause. Could Chad have an unknown identity?However, the woman beside Luke said, "Mr. Williams is from the Williams family. They are among the few families in Hacniane with a more extensive history! None of those families bears the name Jennings!"Those words jolted Luke awake. He looked at Bil
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Chapter 474
Weldon had nothing to do after arriving in Pine City, so he left the hotel and wandered around.He had not eaten yet, so he went to a fried chicken shop and bought a lot of fried chicken to take back to the hotel.However, as soon as he entered the Serenity Hotel, he heard someone call his nickname and responded instinctively.When he saw Chad fighting with someone, he became alarmed and asked, "Mr. Jennings, is everything alright?""I'm fine. I'll leave this to you."Chad saw Weldon and decided not to trouble himself. He was confident that Weldon could handle Luke.It was simply common sense. Anyone who could return from above possessed strength beyond ordinary men!Weldon grinned. He placed the chicken on the ground and said, "No problem!"Luke looked at Weldon and got even more excited, shouting, "You seem even stronger than him! Great! Fight me!"Weldon grinned fiercely and said, "As you wish!"Boom!Swoosh!No one expected Weldon to leave the spot after he finished spe
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Chapter 475
Chad initially thought his sister had gotten lost because of him. However, it seemed like his sister's disappearance resulted from a power struggle among multiple factions.After Quentin had left, Chad looked at his phone. It was 9:00 a.m.After all the commotion, Chat lost the desire to wander around and returned to the hotel to relax.Matilda called at that exact moment. Chad paused before he answered the call, asking impatiently, "What do you want?""What's with the attitude? Can't I look for you for something important? Why aren't you at Temple Road?""I'm outside. If you want to discuss remarriage, don't bother."Matilda was furious. "Who wants to remarry you?! I have something to discuss with you. Where can I find you?""If it's something important, just tell me. I'm out with friends right now, not in town.""Okay, forget it. Go and do your thing. Be safe!"Matilda hung up with a smile on her face.It had been a while since they had bantered like that.When she was dat
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Chapter 476
"Madam Jade, sorry for the trouble!" Upon hearing the old lady's words, Terry respectfully expressed his gratitude.Jade waved her hand and said, "It's nothing! I've been the Williams family's attendant for 40 years, so managing your affairs is no problem."Terry said with great respect, "I apologize for allowing you to witness this; my son's incompetence has caused problems for the Williams family.""I think Luke is exceptional. Among his peers, few in the whole country are as capable as him!" Jade said, and then her tone suddenly turned serious."Whoever tries to harm the Williams family won't be forgiven. I'll take care of them myself!" she declared sternly.Terry quickly responded, "No need to bother you; I'll handle it.""Very good! Then I'll retire to the hotel." Jade left the hospital.Terry saw her off and returned to the ward. There, he found his wife, Linda, applying medication to their son's severed arm."You're back. This is the Shaw family's miraculous bone regener
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Chapter 477
Kevin glanced at him and chuckled. "Terry! Is your father doing well?""Thank you, Sir Holt, for your concern. My father is doing well," Terry replied respectfully. Then he greeted Riker, Rustin, and the others.However, Hansen had yet to show any intention of sitting down. He went straight to the young man and said, "Terry, let me introduce you. This is the extraordinary genius I mentioned—Chad Jennings!"Boom!Terry felt like his brain exploded, leaving him completely dumbfounded!He had considered many possibilities, but he never expected the young man to be one of the two who injured his son.Still, he forced a smile and said, "Oh, really? Nice to meet you!"Chad nodded with a strange expression, clearly aware that he had just injured Terry's son. Hansen pulled Terry to a seat and made a toast."Today's guests are all important figures. Terry and I arrived late. So, we'll punish ourselves with a drink!"Terry cursed inwardly. Hansen was quite the troublemaker.However, he
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Chapter 478
Terry thought that was embarrassing enough, but the real embarrassment came next.When Chad took the phone, his first words almost made Terry spit out blood."Old man, I thought you forgot about me!"Terry almost exploded in rage and tried to beat Chad up!That was his father, whom he had to refer to respectfully when he met!However, Chad immediately referred to him as an old man! Did he want to die?Yet, Marshawn laughed heartily and replied, "Only you would dare to call me old man. I'd fly over there and give them a good smack if it were anyone else!"It was evident that Marshawn liked Chad a lot, perhaps even more than Luke.That strengthened Terry's resolve to kill Chad. After all, the taller the tree, the harder it would fall.If Chad were so outstanding and loved the limelight, then Terry would not hesitate to eliminate him.At that moment, Marshawn said, "Oh, by the way, Chad, your eldest nephew and brother are there too. Did you know that?"Confused, Chad asked, "My
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Chapter 479
What a father he had! Terry had just mentioned that his father was in good health, and then his father said he was recuperating at home.That left Terry sandwiched in between, only able to force a smile and endure the teasing from those people.More than ten minutes later, Hansen finally hung up, but Kevin suddenly changed his expression and said, "Alright, the banquet ends here. Those unrelated, please leave!"As soon as he spoke, a group of plainclothes officers appeared and swiftly escorted Terry and the others out.What surprised Terry even more was that Chad stayed behind!Among the ones escorted out were three mayors and Michael, while Hansen remained.Hansen was experienced and controlled Karamon, a conglomerate at the level of a financial empire, so he had the qualifications to stay.What about Chad? He was too young; what qualifications did he have to stay?Was he really an unparalleled genius?Terry thought so and wanted to ask the people around him, but when he look
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Chapter 480
Jade listened to Terry's request and pondered for a moment."It's not a big problem to get rid of them, but have you considered what it will do to the Williams family?"Terry lowered his head and said gloomily, "I know! But—"Unexpectedly, Jade interrupted him. "It's enough that you know. I'll take action, but not now.""When?""After the charity banquet ends.""Alright, I'll wait for your good news!""Goodbye!"Jade was decisive and succinct, clarifying her intentions before leaving immediately.Meanwhile, Terry felt deflated, collapsing onto the sofa. He was already in his 50s and had developed a style of dealing with people and affairs from his upbringing.Terry was clear about his grievances. Anyone who offended him would die, and he would never forgive even a friend who betrayed him.For Terry, there was no such thing as grudges because enemies would meet their end before the night was over.Even though he feared those influential figures, Terry had to make those who o
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