All Chapters of If I Could Turn Back Time: Chapter 441 - Chapter 450
680 Chapters
Chapter 441
That reminded Doug—as a Mystic, he knew Janice had been subjected to Darkness to Light.Chad's reminder also made Doug suddenly come to his senses, slapping his forehead as he cursed, "Damn it! It's been too long. How could I forget about this?""Police! Have you seen these two women?"At that moment, two police officers entered Doug's shop, displaying two photos of women on their phones.Doug was distracted and angrily replied, "I haven't seen them. And even if I did, I wouldn't remember. There are so many people here every day. Who could remember all of them?"Seeing Doug's bad mood, one of the officers chuckled. "Mr. Doug, what's wrong?""Mind your own business! What's going on this time?"The officer smiled and said, "They're missing. They disappeared without a trace. Strangely, these two people were born in the same year, month, and day!"Chad unintentionally calculated a date in his mind.Chad blurted out, "They were both born on the 17th of December 2001…"When Chad me
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Chapter 442
Winston was a young master in Pernier. It would be weirder if he were not a Mystic.His status made him beyond suspicion as well.After all, he was a handsome guy who lacked nothing, especially since he was already an earthbound immortal.Why would he practice an evil technique like Darkness to Light?When Chad saw his name, he felt that the guy was suspicious.Chad felt that it would be stranger if those women's disappearances had nothing to do with Winston."Mr. Yaseer said he's on the way!" After making the call, Sean took his phone back and sighed."They were all small internet celebrities under Sable Media."Chad was almost sure that Winston was involved.Then Sean seemed to remember something and said, "Do you know who reported the case?"Chad shook his head, indicating that he did not know.Sean slapped his thigh and said, "Doreen's daughter, Coco?"Chad immediately called Coco. "Where are you?""Chad, I'm live streaming right now. What's up?"Coco got up from in f
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Chapter 443
However, Liam retorted firmly, "I don't know. I'm not a Mystic!""Fine! Since you claim that you don't know, I'll tell you. This is a Gold Energy Pill!"Chad spoke each word slowly as his anger reached its peak. Even his voice shook. "This pill is revered as an immortal pill by martial artists, and the material for refining the pill is humans, specifically females!"Liam's grip on the evidence bag tightened, and his expression froze. "I'm leaving now. I'll contact you when we have the results!"Chad stopped him. "If you're going to compare the DNA, then forget it. You won't be able to find a match."Liam said, "How do I know if I don't try? And I need to confirm that this pill has human tissue."Could he really confirm it?Chad did not know. After all, the process and principles of refining pills involved extracting the essence from medicinal herbs.After the essence was extracted, the residual dregs would not be included in the pills.However, the Gold Energy Pill was differe
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Chapter 444
Police sirens wailed as they approached the apartment complex across from Bellnuite's headquarters.Chad had told Weldon to follow behind in the car because he feared Winston would become violent.An earthbound immortal was not someone the average person could handle.Even though all the security officers were armed and had the potential to harm an earthbound immortal, they needed first to hit their target.The power of the Mystics could not make someone impervious to weapons, but it could sharpen one's perception.They could anticipate danger and avoid areas where danger could occur.However, when they arrived, Chad saw where Winston lived. He could not help but feel his heart tremble.He lived next door to Matilda, which made Chad concerned about her.Even though they had divorced, Chad, her ex-husband, was concerned about her safety.So Chad called Matilda and asked, "Where are you?"Matilda was in the Digital Tower, looking at the offices.She intended to rent a large sp
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Chapter 445
Chad knew Liam's character well. He was very conservative in critical moments.At that moment, he would not break the rules, so Chad stepped forward and said, "I'll go in!"After he said that, he walked right in, ignoring Liam's attempts to stop him.Chad felt a strange spiritual fluctuation in the room.With his Clairvoyant Eye, he saw various colors of aura pervading the room!It looked like a person's aura had been shattered into powder and scattered throughout the space.Moreover, all the powder light came from one room.Chad approached the room's door and pushed it open. It was still neat inside, but there were things present that should not have been there—a millstone, a grinder, and a blue-and-white porcelain furnace!Those things confirmed Chad's suspicions.Instead of entering the room, Chad shouted, "You can come in now. He's the culprit!"Hearing such a definite statement, Liam immediately rushed into the room with his men.Professional personnel quickly arrived a
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Chapter 446
"Matilda, I'm more suitable for you than Chad. Why do you insist on remarrying him?"Matilda sent the message while Winston was watching beside her."You're a good guy, but I don't like your type. Otherwise, I'd have chosen you back then."Matilda took Marilyn's arm and asked the beautiful agent from the real estate agency, "How much per year? I'll rent it!""Ms. Sachs, Digital Tower is located at one of the best—"The agent just started, but Matilda interrupted her. "I only want to hear the price. You have one chance. Think carefully before you speak, and don't mention anything else."As the founder of Bellenuite, Matilda had experience dealing with such matters.The beautiful agent hesitated momentarily, feeling conflicted for a long time. She said, "It's at least 140,000 dollars for a thousand square meters of a large office space in this location.""Let's go!"Unexpectedly, after hearing the price, Matilda grabbed Marilyn and walked away.The agent did not expect Matilda
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Chapter 447
"Alright! I want to celebrate at the most expensive place in Bloomington!""Okay, I'll follow your lead!"Winston smiled as he accompanied Matilda and Marilyn to the lobby on the first floor.Just as they came out, they saw the lobby crowded with police officers.Winston subconsciously reached into his jacket pocket.The talismans that were supposed to be in his pocket had turned to ashes.Liam took the lead and went directly to Winston, saying, "Winston Jovy, you're under arrest."Winston did not explain anything but looked at Matilda and said with a smile, "Looks like I can't fulfill that promise!"Matilda froze in place, not understanding what was happening.Winston cooperatively put on the handcuffs and was taken away by the police officers. Only then did Chad appear.Matilda looked at Chad and suddenly realized what was going on.She angrily said, "I dislike Winston, but you don't have to play dirty for this! Is there any reason to do that?""I don't know what you're t
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Chapter 448
"How deep is this place?" Chad climbed down the ladder on the well wall, but it seemed to have no end.Weldon said, "The air-raid shelters in Bloomington are well-known nationwide. They say it can accommodate up to 500,000 people, and underneath is a super-large reservoir used to store drinking water."Swoosh!Suddenly, there was a sound of something breaking the wind, which startled Chad. He quickly asked, "Did something fall?"Weldon replied, "Must have been a stone."However, after a long time, there was no sound of the stone landing.Chad exclaimed, "Is it that deep? Why can't we hear the sound of it landing?"Weldon remained silent. Chad suddenly realized the problem.The fragrance of perfume was in the air, suggesting the presence of a woman.Then Weldon said, "Fifty meters!""What do you mean?" Chad asked."I mean, the water reservoir in the air-raid shelter is 50 meters deep. At the bottom, there's often an underground river."Weldon continued to climb down, introdu
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Chapter 449
Both sides were in a deadlock, eager to see who would give in first.With a third party appearing, in the confusion of not knowing friend from foe, no one dared to make a move.However, Monte was decisive. After shouting for their retreat, he immediately prepared to leave.Monte led his men to run up from the bottom of the pit as if it were level ground, disappearing into the air-raid shelter."No!"Meanwhile, Dark Phoenix, who had been hiding in the shadows, saw Monte and his group preparing to leave and chased after them.At that moment, Chad shouted, "Old Dog, are you alright?""Kid, it's you! I'm fine. Just wait for a bit. I'll have Lord Fifth and Miss Sixth bring us up!"Doug's voice could be heard from the bottom of the pit, then two giant pythons climbed out, each carrying a person on its back.Through his Clairvoyant Eye, Chad saw that Doug and the two giant pythons' auras were weak, indicating they were significantly spent.Several people lay in disarray, already dea
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Chapter 450
No! It was not Youlee. She was not even an immortal, let alone a sage.However, no one was a sage among Chad's friends and relatives! Could Doug be mistaken?Seeing Chad's puzzled expression, Doug seemed to understand something and coughed lightly."Don't overthink it, kid. Let's go! Let Lord Fifth and Miss Sixth take us away from here!"A few minutes later, the giant pythons carried them back to the cave entrance. Lord Fifth did not come out. Instead, it went deeper into the air-raid shelter.After Miss Sixth possessed Janice, the original giant python body also crawled back into the air-raid shelter.Chad called Marilyn on his phone. "Marilyn, bring the car over."Not long after that, Marilyn arrived in the car.Doug smiled in understanding when he saw Marilyn; he was sure Chad had no idea.It was evident that Marilyn had something suppressing her strength, or Chad would have noticed it a long time ago.After they sent Doug back, the man stopped them just before they drove
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