All Chapters of Mr Maynard's Divorced Wife Is A Celebrity: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
156 Chapters
121 : You're intruding
"Wh-what do you mean Olivia?". Maynard croaked."You are a man and you can't keep cooking for me like this let me help you out once in a while". Olivia said and his heart rate relaxed."Am not complaining..""What's that on your hand?". Olivia asked suddenly interrupting Maynard.It was a cut while he was busy in the kitchen, Evelyn came in suddenly and it startled him which led him to cut his finger but of course Evelyn was too self absorbed to notice and Maynard didn't care about the cut so be let it be."Don't bother cooking for me if you are going to cut your self". Olivia said coldly, more like her mood suddenly changed. She left to. the wardrobe and took out a first aid kit and treated the cut accordingly."Thank you". Maynard said with a smile.Although he was being scolded but he felt warm inside knowing that Olivia cared about him."No need to thank me. It's the least I could do, after all you cut your self trying to prepare breakfast for me". Olivia replied curtly.She ma
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122 : Let's have a DNA test
CHAPTER 122:- Let's have a DNA test.Evelyn immediately became flustered. "What are you talking about Olivia?". "You know exactly what am talking about Evelyn ". Olivia replied sarcastically."I can't just let you and Bryan stay here without solid proof so we are going to the hospital tomorrow to conduct a DNA test on Bryan and I"."What is the meaning of this? are you doubting my words?". Evelyn flared up ."Yes, I am. You claim Bryan is my son so what is wrong with me confirming it after all I may not be the only man you slept with that night". Maynard retorted."Are you calling me a slut?..""You said it yourself, not me!" Maynard said sarcastically." I see... it's that lazy wife of yours that is getting ideas into your head, uh". Evelyn said shaking her head in realization."Don't you dare insult me. you are taking the DNA test whether you like it or not, except if you're wrong and only just playing games". Olivia said sternly."And who the hell do you think you are to make tha
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123 : Indeed his son
Maynard came downstairs to find out that Evelyn and Bryan weren't ready yet."What are you two waiting for? get dressed let's go to the hospital". maynard bellowed."Calm down, it's too early and Bryan haven't had his bath yet.Besides I need to prepare breakfast because I don't know how long it will take and I don't want my baby to starve". Evelyn explained."You have one hour to finish whatever you are saying ". maynard instructed and sat on the couch operating his phone and not sparing them a glance.Evelyn heart rate quickened. She was really scared of the results for the DNA test that's why she delayed on purpose but it seems like Maynard was hell bent on confirming the truth.She went about her business not wanting to annoy Maynard anymore.About an hour later, they were done and were on their way to the hospital.The car ride was silent except for the sound coming out of Bryan's tablet. he was playing a game.Evelyn hands were sweaty as there reached the hospital and she felt a
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124 : Extra Burden
Evelyn sat in front of the mirror, brushing her hair when suddenly, her phone rang loudly. Looking at the caller, she trembled in fear and didn't pick it up. The caller was pretty consistent so she picked up after the third call."Why the hell didn't you pick my call? Are you avoiding me now??" the person growled angrily over the phone. Evelyn's heart quickened in pure fear and she stuttered as she tried to defend herself."No-no, why will y-you think that? I can never avoid your call even if I am asleep". she said laughing nervously."Oh, really?" ."Y-yes". Evelyn replied swiftly."So why did I have to call you three fucking times before you picked up? you know I hate delay". the caller yelled suddenly and Evelyn held her chest in fear as she took the phone away from her ear but even with that her ear made a weird ringing sound because of how loud the voice was."I am really sorry, I was in the bathroom so I couldn't pick it up on time. it wasn't intentional I swear." Evelyn pleade
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125 : Learn to accept your son
Maynard was at his mini bar drinking but he was lost in his thoughts."Ever since my marriage with Olivia, it has always been one problem to the next and I am the cause of all it.I just wish I could change the past so that I will never hurt her again". Maynard muttered to himself as he downed a glass of whiskey.He felt really sad and wished he could turn back the hands of time."Maynard! Dinner is ready. Come eat before it gets cold!!". Olivia yelled from the dining.Maynard dropped the bottle of whiskey and went to the dining table and Olivia began to serve him.When he saw her, he felt guilty and turned his face away.Olivia soon sat down and began to eat but she noticed that Maynard wasn't."What's on your mind?". Olivia asked tenderly."I am sorry Olivia. I am sorry for making you pass through all this pain. if I hadn't been such a jerk from the start none of this will be happening right now". Maynard apologized, looking all sad and guilty.Olivia dropped her fork and said. "St
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126 : The next day
Evelyn woke up early the next morning and began to cook just to spite Olivia but Olivia didn't give a damn about her, instead she ignored her existence and began bringing out the ingredients she intended to use and started her cooking.Evelyn felt intimidated by the sweet aroma from Olivia's food and began to cough deliberately."What is wrong?" Olivia asked with a frown on her face."What did you put in that food of yours? its choking". Evelyn said with a mocking smile as she kept coughing."Bitch". Olivia muttered and continued with her cooking.Evelyn gave out a mocking laughter and yelled out to Bryan to come downstairs to eat as she dished out her food but Olivia's food needed to stay on heat a little more so she stayed in the kitchen to watch it.After going to the dining room to place the dishes on the table, she hurried back into the kitchen, brought out a handy mirror from God knows where and began to touch up her face.Olivia was shocked but the sudden action and began to
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127 : A thorn in the flesh
She arrived in her room and felt like tearing the whole place down. These past few days has been like she's living with her co-wife or something. Who was she going to talk to? she picked up her phone and dialed her sister, Lucy's number. She picked up after the second ring."Olivia! I was just about to call you". Lucy's cheerful voice sounded like a ray of sunshine and it calmed Olivia down a bit."How are you?". Olivia asked drily."Wonderful!!! Lucas is simply the best. I am loving my life. What about you? How have you been? what about the baby?". Lucy asked several questions at the same time."Umh... the baby is fine but am not". Olivia replied sadly."oh my gosh! what's wrong? is Maynard not treating you right?". Lucy asked with a gasp."No, No, No, Maynard has simply been the sweetest husband ever but... something unexpected happened"."Which is?"."Maynard has a six year old kid with another lady"."What?! that bastard. how could he do that to you?". Lucy exclaimed angrily."it
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128 : Just a few days
"Enough with the little act Evelyn! I can't stand it anymore, I need to get out of here". Olivia said in annoyance and walked out with Maynard following behind. She felt really annoyed with Evelyn's little drama of being pitiful. What the hell does she want? Is it to ruin her marriage completely just like Vernes did? More like the past is trying to repeat itself, but in a more difficult way and with a different person."God!!! that woman isn't going to be the end of me. Did you see how she turned the situation around just to make her look like a victim?". Olivia complained bitterly.Maynard just Shaked his head sadly. He was fed up by the constant drama going on all the time and was beginning to have an headache. Maybe he's not man enough to handle the situation as best as he could. If he really is Maynard Sanchez and the man of the house, he should have come up with something to send Evelyn away."The atmosphere in this house is truly suffocating!!". Olivia muttered pacing around in
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129 : A feeling of loneliness
Olivia placed her suitcase in her car and drove out of the compound .After much thought, she decided to check into a nearby hotel. When she arrived at her assigned room, it gave off a very luxurious feeling. The room was painted in a beautiful white and golden colour.a small chandelier was on the ceiling which was simply exquisite and the bathroom was to die for. It was so big that it was no different from the one at home and it reminded her so much of home. When she sat in the bed, it was so soft that it made her want to fall asleep immediately and the view from the glass window was simply captivating. you could see the city from there but when she lay down on the bed, a wave of loneliness washed over her and she began to yearn for Maynard's comforting hug but she snapped herself out of it.Evelyn was disturbing her mental health as long as she was still in the house, she will never be truly happy.Her thoughts drifted to Bryan, Maynard's son and an unconscious smile graced her li
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130 : Do not push your luck
Lucy's cheerful voice sounded over the phone and it actually put a little smile on his lips. Her bubbly personality reminded him so much of Olivia. It has only been few hours and yet, it feels like eternity without Olivia not around."Hi, Lucy. Are you busy right now, can you spare me few minutes of your time?". "Nope! so to what do I owe the honor today?". Lucy asked."I was wondering. Do you have any idea where Olivia is?". Maynard asked awkwardly. He realized how ridiculous the question sounded. Like how would Lucy who is not in the country right now, know the whereabouts of Olivia. But they're sisters and she might have some idea."Why are you asking me? isn't she your wife?". Lucy asked amused by the sudden question."I... actually don't know where she is". Maynard replied scratching his head in embarrassment."What?! you are joking right?". Lucy asked incredulously."We had a little misunderstanding and she moved out of the house. Actually, it wasn't a misunderstanding tho, bu
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