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CHAPTER 221~3RD PERSON’S POV~“So... what exactly happened?” Geoffrey asked. He and Robbert sat on a bench along a street in Mystic Meadow early in the morning. The street was very busy at this time of the day as coaches and passersby moved around quickly, heading to their place of work. The sounds of murmuring, and the repeated click-clacking of high-heels on the ground filled the air.“My father and I got into a fight, and I beat him,” Robbert replied. He stared at the ground unendingly; his voice sounded a little disturbed, and he looked very unrelaxed. “What was the fight about?” Geoffrey asked, sounding very concerned. His friend looked very down and unwell.“It was about...” He hesitated. He couldn't continue that sentence because he knew that telling Geoffrey about Edith being responsible for the deaths that had been happening recently would ruin his friendship with him permanently—that was the last thing he wanted.He turned to Geoffrey slowly and said, “It was about my ambi
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CHAPTER 222~3RD PERSON'S POV~“Whoa, that was a really long and heartbreaking story. Lord Robbert didn't recover his memory until the day he died?” Mary asked. “No, Mary. And if it wasn't for your aunt, Miss Nicole, I wouldn't have recovered mine. I didn't know that the consequence of healing someone I loved would be to lose my memory of everything that had to do with our relationship—how we met and our life together—all lost. I don't regret saving his life, though; even if I knew the consequences, I would have done the same thing,” Edith replied.“There were times when he'd say he was sure he knew me somehow, or he'd seen me somewhere before, but couldn't remember where or when. He struggled with his memories until it almost drove him insane. I grew very worried about him; for some reason, even though I didn't remember him as a lover, I knew I had to stay by him through his remaining days. He finally died after he brought Anaya home, and there was nothing I could do to help,” Edith
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CHAPTER 223~3RD PERSON’S POV~“What?! You want to kill me because of a boy I don't even know exists? Are you crazy?” Mary asked, sounding very shocked by Herculia's words.“You know he exists, you just don't know that he's into you. I figured he would lose interest in you after what you did to Firgatten, but the fool still hasn't... yet,” Herculia said.“Who are we even talking about?” Mary asked.“I’m not gonna tell you that. You'll ruin my chances of ever getting to be with him. The fact that he was too afraid to confess to you directly gave me hope that I might one day have the chance to be with him. But until today, he still believes he'll meet you again somehow and hit it off. Ughhh!!” Herculia said, sounding very frustrated.“Wow, I'm still really shocked that this side of you exists,” Mary said, looking very baffled.“My girly side? It's a very weak and vulnerable side of me that I like to keep hidden in the deepest, darkest parts of my heart. Everyone thinks I'm this jerk wit
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CHAPTER 224~3RD PERSON’S POV~“You told me things would get better if I changed the rules and became a nicer person. Nothing changed,” Cynthia said, crying profusely with her forehead resting on the table. “Hey, I didn’t think it was this serious. It seems there’s someone who wants you dead, whether you’re a good person or not. We're going to have to report this case to the alpha immediately so he can send his warrior wolves to investigate,” Marie said, trying her best to comfort her.“No! Please, not the alpha. He’ll take my position as assistant head maid away from me for my own safety. If that happens, my enemies will finally get the chance to treat me like I treat them—like pests,” Cynthia said, raising her head quickly. She leaned forward and said softly, “You have to help me, Marie. I’ll do anything you ask of me; just help me this once.”“Hmmm,” Marie pondered on her words for a moment. This girl in front of Marie was nothing short of a proud little demon, and she disliked he
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CHAPTER 225~3RD PERSON’S POV~Clarabelle walked around the gardens with a large basket filled with laundry hanging from her right arm. She greeted the maids who worked on the rose bushes with a radiant smile on her face, and they all responded likewise. Clarabelle wasn’t in her usual maid’s uniform today; today she wore a short red dress, tied an apron around her torso, and wore a colorful piece of cloth around her head. She walked over to some lines on the garden’s far end and gently placed her basket on the ground. She began humming as she picked up the white sheets in the basket one by one and threw them over the lines. Ever since the war ended, Clarabelle acted a lot differently than she did before. Before the war, she was a lot more vibrant and energetic, and enjoyed laughing a lot, but now she barely spoke and loved to spend time alone. She quietly did all her chores alone and went to bed alone.As she stared at the white sheet in front of her, a memory flashed in her head.
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CHAPTER 226~3RD PERSON’S POV~It was very early in the morning at the Mortimer mansion. A cold wind blew through its dark passages, and a deafening silence washed over the entire building, creating a very unsettling and eerie atmosphere. The bell hadn't been rung yet, so all the maids were still in their rooms, sleeping—except one.Cynthia walked slowly through a passage in the building with a lamp in her right hand. Her face looked very unsettled, and her heart raced with fear. This was her third time carrying out her morning inspections, and she wasn't even focused on that at all. All that kept going through her mind was that a monster would jump out of the darkness at any moment to take her life.She turned in different directions as she walked slowly. She suddenly heard some footsteps behind her, and she quickly turned around. She raised her lamp to increase the reach of its light beam, then spoke softly.“Hello, is anyone there?” Her voice echoed for a few seconds before vanishi
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CHAPTER 227~3RD PERSON'S POV~“Cynthia, I'm so glad you finally opened up to me. Now I can see that you're not the cold-hearted person I thought you were. You're just a sad and lonely little girl, just like I once was,” Marie said softly. She kneeled in front of Cynthia, holding her hands in an attempt to comfort her. “I understand that you had to resort to being this way to avoid getting hurt again, but sometimes it's better to just talk about these things with someone who's ready and willing to listen to you.I used to keep all my problems to myself; I used to carry so much on my shoulder that it slowly ate me up on the inside, but when I became friends with Christine, Clarabelle, and Gabriella, everything changed. I became a lot happier and felt safer than ever,” Marie continued.“Marie, you were lucky to meet the people you met in this mansion. They forced you to open up, even when you didn't want to. I, on the other hand, met people who were just like me—people who didn't care
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CHAPTER 228~3RD PERSON’S POV~A black luxury car drove into Steven’s mansion in the evening. The car had tinted windows, so the people inside could not be seen, but the warrior wolves who guarded the gates knew who the owner was, so they just let them pass as soon as they arrived. The car stopped at a parking area in the garden, and the door at the driver's seat slowly swung open. Alpha Derren stepped out of the car slowly, looking around the gardens. He wore dark shades and a black turtleneck sweater with long sleeves. He wore black silk trousers and shiny black shoes. He walked over to the other side of the car and pulled open the door. Maria stepped out of the car in a long black dress with a gown that split open from the waist down to her lower shin, revealing her black jean trousers and black high heels. Her locks were tied together in a ponytail, and she wore black lipstick and light makeup. The dress sparkled with small traces of gemstones randomly placed all around it.Alph
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CHAPTER 229~3RD PERSON’S POV~Lunaris and Maria stood in front of a large mirror in the restroom. Maria washed her hands in the sink below, and Lunaris fixed her hair and make-up. They were both silent and avoided looking into each other's eyes, even while staring at the mirror.“Are you having fun?” Maria asked with a smile.“Yeah… I think I am. Although I haven't really gotten to see as much of the city as I would like to,” Lunaris replied, smiling back.“Well, if you're not satisfied with tonight's outing, you can always come back for a proper tour with Steven. He also hasn't seen the city properly either, so I'm sure it'll be a wonderful experience for the both of you,” Maria said, turning to her.“I guess so,” Lunaris replied, and they both went completely silent. Lunaris stared at the sink as the water poured over her hands, and Maria just quietly stared at her. “I know you want to ask me a question; you don't have to be afraid about it. I don't bite, I promise,” Lunaris said
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CHAPTER 230~3RD PERSON’S POV~Steven and Lunaris walked back to Derren and Maria. Lunaris carried the large teddy bear in her hands, and Steven’s hands were in his pocket. His eyes were focused on the ground, and his face was expressionless. As they approached Derren and Maria, he slowly raised his head.Steven's and Derren's eyes suddenly made contact. As if communicating with each other, they both smiled. “I think it's time we moved on to the next game,” Derren said.Steven nodded, then forcefully collected Maria's stuffed deer from her. "Here, Lunaris, you can have this one too,” Steven said with a soft smile, turning to Lunaris.“Hey, that's mine!” Maria exclaimed angrily. Derren stepped in front of her, saying, “Don’t worry, Maria, I'll handle this.” He turned to Steven and continued clearing his throat and folding his arms against his chest. “You better hand over that stuffed animal or I'll...” He got stuck; he couldn't remember his lines. “You will what?” Steven asked.“I’
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