All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Obsession : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
194 Chapters
Chapter 111
Martha’s POVI stayed calm with Jane as I had dealt with men like these before.I could tell from their stance that they had not been in a formal battle before.“You all look like children,” I sighed. “Why don’t you six go back to your seats and leave us girls alone?”They turned to me and laughed.“We don’t even want your silly ass, but for that stuff you said, we’ll deal with you specially,” one of them said.I stood up with Jane calling for me to let her handle it.“No,” I smiled. “I can handle these guys without using my powers.”They didn’t know what I was talking about as they saw me as another wolf.One of them rushed into me with his knife which I knocked out of his hand, punching his nose which broke before I jumped into the air, kicking him backwards.The others stared at me in shock.I knew they would come with force so I fused my body with a little magic which would be enough to hurt them but not kill them.They all rushed into me giving me the chance to let loose a little
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Chapter 112
Jane’s POV“What’s the difference?” I asked. From the tone of her voice I could tell that she was going to start preaching to me but I was beyond that. I didn’t want to hear her preachings. “Nothing,” she shrugged while folding her arms. “Magic is not some cool power you can use for an upgrade. It’s more than that. Magic is a lifestyle. With magic you can create and destroy. With magic you can build and take down. Magic can be beautiful and it can be ugly. You don’t want to have magic with an ugly soul. Take it from me, it is never a good sign.”“But right now I need all the powers I can muster,” I retorted. “You faced off against this monster who could handle you and indigo at the same time. Do you think I’ll have a chance against such a beast when I fare against him?”She thought about it before leaning back in her chair. “Yes, I do agree that in this case you could do much better with magic than with any other power, but you shouldn’t forget that magic comes with a lot of other r
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Chapter 113
Indigo’s POVI walked around the forest. I had parked close to a cabin so it would be easier to locate my bike if I needed a fast getaway. My tracker led me to this desolate forest which looked like it was haunted by ghosts with the fog getting thicker and thicker.I slowly walked into the forest, creating an invisible shield around me just in case I got attacked.I looked at the tracker in my hand which led me to an empty piece of land.The dirt before me looked like it had been tampered with. Something was buried within. I used my powers to uncover the dirt which brought up a few traps around while also bringing out one of the spies I had sent on this mission.The tracker was on his belt.Whoever had done this was somewhere here monitoring me.“You can come out now!” I yelled, tossing the tracker to the ground. “You kind of win after killing my tracker. A stupid move but I’ll respect you for your ingenuity.”The trees around me rustled as I readied myself for a battle just as a man
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Chapter 114
Victoria’s POVA maid entered the room with haste about her. She looked worried.“We have trouble ma’am,” she said.“What is it?” I asked.“The alpha and Luna have gotten word about the location of the children.”Shit! I thought. How did it get to this?“Where are they now?” I hurried to my feet, ripping off the bandage from my eye to look into the mirror and found out it had healed completely.Even my legs were fine.“They are on their way to the pack.”I zipped to the window to see the convoy leaving the pack.“My phone,” I said as she handed me the phone which I used in calling Damian.“Hello,” he said with a lazy laugh. “Why call me now? I told you not to bother me with any of your frivolous…”“This isn’t time to dally around. Sinclair and Jane are on their way right now.”I heard him yell to his men to start plan b.“I’ll meet you at the docks. We’ll sell the children off there,” I sighed, about to cut the call as he stopped me.“This is going to cost you extra, I hope you know t
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Chapter 115
SinclairHe moved faster than a blur which was surprising seeing as no one could move that fast to me.His attacks were predictable. It was very simple seeing as he had no formal training on fight with anyone.I blocked his attacks with ease, weaving and dodging.When I got tired of his stupidity, I gave him a punch squarely in the chest which sent him flying hundreds feet away from me.On a normal day, that punch would have gone through him, killing him instantly, but it seemed like the drug he had taken was enough to harden his body giving him extra stability alongside ramping up his strength and speed.I zipped around to meet up with him while he stood to his feet.He moved around the dock as everyone soon knew that a battle was imminent and started to run for safety.I started everyone on the field while chasing after the creature.He was fast enough to evade me but for how long before the effects of the drug would wear off.I had fought with one of his lackeys before. They maxed
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Chapter 116
Jane’s POV“Don’t you dare, Victoria,” I growled in a low warning tone. “Don’t do anything you’ll regret.”“Is that a warning or a plea?” she laughed. The man grabbed a shovel from the floor of the ship which was on its side, running towards me as he fell in through the window, falling out of the ship.“The next person to die will be you if you don't give me the children,” I threatened as she bought out a small knife with its edges dropping with some sort of liquid. “What are you trying to do?”“What does it look like? I’m introducing your children to the new life of being werewolves.”“Victoria, don’t do it. Please. We can talk about this.”I knew I would not get to her in time before she would stab the children with the weapon. I had to be careful or she would end their lives and no amount of magic would save them.“Please,” I pleaded.“Kneel,” she said.“What?”“Kneel!” her voice took on a harsher tone as the children started to wail.I did as she asked as she laughed noisily. “Th
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Chapter 117
Sinclair’s POVGoing through each room, I searched with my senses on high alert until I heard the wail of my children in a cabin far away from where I was standing.I zipped to the room, entering to see Victoria at the edge of the room with a knife in her hand while she had her throat open and bloodstains all over her body.She had a shocked look on her face like she had not been expecting it. I wondered what her last moments must have been like. What had she seen?That was too bad. She messed around with Jane and got killed by her stupidity.I looked to the ground to see Jane on the floor alongside the children.The witches joined me.“Did you see anyone leave this ship?” I asked as they shook their heads. Whoever had used that large amount of magic had definitely killed Victoria and made Jane pass out.At least we were lucky the children were still very much okay. “Let’s go home,” I said, carrying the children and Jane.***When we exited the ship, I turned to face the witches.“B
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Chapter 118
Ethan’s POVI paced around the throne room while waiting for my brother to show up. I couldn’t believe Victoria had lost. She almost had them. I started to feel guilty within myself for not aiding her in her plans to rid the pack of the Luna and the children.Maybe I should have helped her instead of leaving her to handle everything alone.I took in deep breaths, thinking back on the events that had unfolded.Victoria had kidnapped the heirs and handed them over to the rogues she had connived with. Instead of selling the babies off immediately she had the babies hidden in a neighboring pack which was her first mistake.When the alpha and his team had started on their way to the pack to retrieve the children, she called her rogues and had them meet her at the docks to sell them off.My guard whom I sent to tail her said she had waited for the rogues to show up and when they did instead of her getting rid of the children immediately, she first of all haggled prices before deciding to
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Chapter 119
Ethan’s POVThe alpha was cruel, that I knew now.“She shouldn’t have kidnapped the children but it’s clear since she has taken that path there is nothing we can do but wish her farewell.”We stayed in silence as I started to think of a way to change the topic. It was depressing knowing what would happen to anyone who dared cross his lane. For all I know, he might have been the one to even kill her and instead put the blame on Jane to appear as the saint. What a terrible wolf he was.“So you were talking about insecurity?” he asked.“Yeah,” I nodded. “But it’s clear you have it all figured out.”“I’m still working on it. I just need to find the right people to trust. Even you could be a villain,” he laughed out loud as I chuckled nervously.“Either way, I could aid some of my friends in their problems and they would in turn aid me back. I have friends in other packs who need my help,” I said. His countenance changed from that of intrigue to worry.“Need your help for what, Ethan?” th
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Chapter 120
Ethan’s POVI would use it when the time was right.He knelt down, bending the knee to me as he pledged allegiance to me and promised to be by my side in all my plans.Now I had more followers who were willing to follow me in setting my goals. I couldn’t hide my happiness so I let him in on my plans to take down my brother.He made some adjustments to the plan but seeing as his plans and Victoria’s plans did not work, I was skeptical of taking anything from him.I decided that I was going to do my own thing and use my own plans my own way. When morning arrived, I took men I trusted, men I could bet were more loyal to me than the alpha. Men who had killed for me and would die for me and rode into the desert.We rode for hours on horseback before reaching the gate which had cars lined up with the guards searching through each vehicle.We were waved to come forward and we took the horse lane, approaching them.I unwrapped my face mask as the guard walked to look at me and my men.“And y
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