All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Obsession : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
194 Chapters
Chapter 131
Martha’s POVDuring her sparring session with indigo, I found how perfect she was getting in controlling her powers and she was getting better as the days rolled by.I was impressed with how she evaded indigos strikes and attacked with hers.The ability she loved to use was lightning, but it could be because her teacher used lightning a lot so she decided to take up the form of her master.I wished her mother was here to see her turn into a warrior. It was the dream of every parent for their children to be greater than they were and watching Jane fight the ferocity of a wolf excited me for some odd reason.She was almost ready to go to her main pack and take over Sullivan’s reign.I could feel it. She could do this without any aid. She was powerful enough to take down whatever army which stood in her way.She had fought against Sinclair, even though she had been infused with the power of magic which increased her strength multiple folds. She had also broken through her barriers using
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Chapter 132
Ethan’s POVI paced around my throne room when Damien walked in chewing an apple noisily.“Will you stop doing that?!” I growled at the rogue who raised his hands in submission and headed to the elders table.I heard him chew on an apple which had me looking at him with a growl.“I’m sorry,” he apologized just as I hissed.“Is there no other place you can go and chew your apple?”“Oh no, here’s fine. I just like to see you plot out things. You seem to have something going for you.”“What do you mean?”He shrugged to his feet. “Well, let’s be honest. I wasn’t born into a privileged home. In fact, I was born into a rogue pack and I have lived as a rogue almost all my life. I fought for everything I wanted. From food to clothing but it didn’t really go in my favor since I was weak and slow. So I decided to use the only thing I had to get what I wanted. “My brains. I created a serum and worked my way through the rogues till I reached the top and with my strength serum I became one of the
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Chapter 133
Indigo’s POV“I don’t know why we were brought into this,” I sighed, looking out of the window just as the car rode roughly through the desert.“Because Jane thinks this might be a trap,” Martha smiled at me.“So we all dressed like wolves because of this shit? Doesn’t it seem a bit too much?”“Not really. Seeing as we can do whatever we want with our magical powers and the wolves can’t. We can attack from anywhere and we have the range and the skies to our advantage.”She was right. I looked at the mountains to see some heads hiding behind it. They weren’t very good at stealth missions. They were easily rogues.An organized pack would be trained for this due to them having free range and the ability to do whatever they wanted to do within their pack.I immediately had the urge to get out of the car and chase the wolves but I would wait until everything went south.Martha used her radio to talk to the team who were all prepared for an attack.And that was when it hit.I felt something
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Chapter 134
Indigo’s POVIf that was how he would play this game then he had another thing coming.I had banked on this being an ambush just as he had banked on me showing up. We both had each other under our own game.“Fine,” I smiled. “If that’s the way we’ll both play this game, then I’m in.”He laughed. “You have no idea the power I possess. I’ll show you what I can do.”He injected himself with the drugs just as the other wolves did the same thing and the effects of the drugs started to take place.This was beyond my fight. And there were only a few people in the pack who could defeat them.Sinclair could due to his astronomical abilities. His speed and strength would be more than enough match for these beasts. The next would be Jane. She was both witch and beast. She would augment her strength with her magical powers and cause damage to the beasts and even stop them from moving with her powers. I could see the generals and the elders causing enough chaos to the enemy.That was when I knew
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Chapter 135
Damien’s POVWas this the end? I thought to myself while zipping around the field. Wherever I ran to, the lightning followed, and she wasn’t even looking at me or for me.She was focused on killing off the rest of the rogues. “Help me!” a rogue called out to me as his lower half had been crushed by a large boulder even I couldn’t lift.He tried crawling out of it just as lightning fell upon him, turning him to dust with the ground showing a little crater of where he was supposed to be.I had pissed off a goddess thinking she was an ordinary witch.Now I was paying dearly for my actions.“Where are you?!” her voice echoed through the atmosphere as she searched for me while vaporizing my army.I looked around. The cover I was under would soon be gone with just a strike.I knew lightning was powerful but not this powerful. She was no longer using normal lightning, but instead lightning that was magical. No wonder its strength was astronomical.She vaporized everything within her radius
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Chapter 136
Damien’s POVThis woman was a big problem to me. I had to find a way to get rid of her healing factor. She was not supposed to be my problem at all.I was supposed to have dealt with her a long time ago and killed her, but here she was, still living and breathing and causing me so much pain.I leaned against a rock with my heart pounding out of my chest. If I got too excited, my heart would explode. I had to keep it calm and steady.She dropped before me looking like I had not even touched her.“My turn,” she smirked, blitzing into me as I did not see that speed coming. My chest exploded on impact with her punch as I flew into the distance, smashing through the reading rubble of a mountain. When I stood up, I found her before me, kicking me away from her, while laughing like a mad woman.Even with her fists she was still a formidable witch. Her magic was nothing to push away. It was a dangerous weapon.All of my teammates were dead through magical lightning and here she was using her
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Chapter 137
Damien’s POVThe pain I felt was so much I knew I would die if I didn’t tell her what I knew.I could feel my body trying to heal up but something was hindering it from doing so. This was it. I was going to die.“It’s either you tell the truth or you join your friends,” she said. “I could let you live but why do that? You didn’t give those children a chance before kidnapping them. Why should I let you live?”“Please, let me go,” I pleaded as she laughed. “So you’d do what?”I pulled back a hand to get out another drug which I pierced into my back, injecting myself with another dosage.It was an overdose but I was desperate. It was either that or I died from the torture I was getting.“What did you do?” she stood up, backing away from me as I felt my body healing at a very rapid rate. I stood to my feet, ready to attack her as my strength got to a point where one step shook the ground and caused mini quakes.I was getting stronger by the second. I would take her out.The witch flew i
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Chapter 138
Jane’s POV“Get her out of the field now,” I said to the witch. “I’ll take him on.”“Are you sure?” Martha was unsure of my ability to handle the threat but I could assure her that he was no harm to me.“You should be worried about him,” I laughed. “I have both Magic and wolf in me. I won’t be harmed by such a wolf who is so weak that he resorts to drugs to ramp up his powers.”She wasn’t convinced but the wolf started coming closer which had the witch backing away slowly.He took a halt, stepping one foot slowly ahead of itself just as it disappeared but I could see its blur coming towards me.“Get out of here now!” I yelled, creating a force field before us as it smashed into it, bouncing off my shield.The man stood back up and walked close to me to bounce off my shield again before it slowly looked at me.“You have magic?” He asked.“And you’re a drug addict,” I retorted, giving Martha enough time to get away with Indigo.“You should know what you’re doing is very stupid, after al
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Chapter 139
Ethan’s POVI doubted the man was telling the truth. There was no way Jane would have magic. What sort of lie was this?I had to believe his brain was scrambled because there was no way he would tell me that Jane had magic. She was a wolf. Wolves didn’t have the ability to use magic. This was wrong on so many levels. How was this possible?I immediately knew this was not going to work out. Killing Jane would take more than just sending rogues. I needed to be precise and stealthy about this. I would have called some of my men to poison her but when I looked back at the past times this had not worked, I gave up and moved on.The only solution to this problem would be using Sullivan to fight against Jane head on.That was the only way this would work.Almost immediately, I called Sullivan over the phone as he picked it to let me know that he was at dinner with his family.“Look, I don’t give a rat's ass where you are, get out of there and talk to me about the plan.”My threat got to hi
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Chapter 140
Martha’s POVI thought of all the times I had faced off against the man. He was a powerful foe. For him to face off against indigo and me multiple times not only showed how superior he was but how crafty he was to show up everytime, prepared to not die.He showed up this time with his drugs. With each time he would meet a near death experience he would fight his way back by using the drugs.I could only smile at his resilience but I wondered why he was still coming after us. We had done nothing wrong to him and we barely even knew who he was so why would he want revenge against the pack?“I don’t even know who he is,” she said with a sigh. “He kidnapped my children and also tried to kill my people. He crossed the line and he paid with his life.”I looked into the room before walking in to meet indigo who had come around.She was awake now. She was no longer sleeping.“Hey, how are you?” she asked which had me chuckling.“You know, for someone who let loose and still lost, I have nothi
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