All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Obsession : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
194 Chapters
Chapter 121
Ethan’s POV“But she’s abusing her privileges and she needs to know her place. At the same time, she needs to be removed from that position. She also caused the death of Victoria, one of the lunas in the palace. From my sources, the alpha okayed the death of the woman and Jane executed her.”“What?! Who does Sinclair think he is to kill off his Luna for that… that thing!”“I don’t know. But I overheard her speaking with the alpha over something and that’s why I’m here.”“She was not a smart girl, that one,” he sighed. “Is that all you came over to see me for?”“You refused an audience with me,” I sighed, a bit mad that when I had called to see him he had outrightly refused to see me.“I get many people trying to see me daily, forgive me if I dumped yours in the trash.”He was very arrogant, this one. I hated him already but I needed something from him so I would accept going with him to this fight. When that was over, I’d take him out.I exchanged glances with Damian when the alpha wa
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Chapter 122
Ethan’s POVThat was a brave move and I was ready to give him the details.“I thought we were a joke to you,” I smiled.“Please we have gotten over that, now can we actually get to the part where you help me?”I decided to be of help to him and explain everything to him. I didn’t have the full details of their plans to attack but I told them how my brother loved to attack packs and this put the fear of Sinclair in him. When I was done explaining everything to him, he looked at me with a straight face.“I want to take them down,” he said. “And I’m going to need your help doing it.”“That’s a win-win for me. If you can easily take down my brother and Jane, then you have my support. I’ll be with you and your army with mine throughout the time. Make sure this counts as I am already going against my family for you. I don’t feel like dying anytime soon so make sure this counts. Don’t fail me.”“Don’t worry, I won’t fail.”His confidence was high but I knew my brother. Sinclair had gone thr
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Chapter 123
Sullivan’s POVI thought of every heavy thing I had pulled but nothing heavier than the car came to mind, yet this little girl was pulling ships with anchors as big as cars.What was she eating to have that kind of strength? When she was in the pack, she didn’t even have strength to come against me or anyone, and somehow she was this strong. This was something that I needed to find a way to counter before I could defeat her.“What are you thinking about?” an elder entered the hall.I wiped everything out of my head to smile at him.“Nothing,” I said. “What are you doing here?”“I saw the strange men you wanted an audience with leave, so I knew it was my cue to get in. We aren’t done with our meeting as the other people are still out there waiting for you to call us. Is anything the matter?”“Nothing is wrong. You can wipe away the silly thoughts you’re having.”“I can tell you’re worried. You can talk to me.”“I’d prefer if we kept this conversation out.”“Why not? Is it because of Ja
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Chapter 124
Sullivan’s POVI leaned over the balcony to see the people running about their days.That was it! I thought to myself. The idea I had been trying to perfect this whole time had finally appeared.I was going to invite her over to the pack.I would invite her first before she would even think of invading.That way, I would catch her off guard. But I needed to do this when Sinclair was not around. If she appeared with her children, then I would be killing two birds with one stone. Although I doubted she would appear with her children.But knowing how stupid she was I was sure she would appear with the children.I would kill her and the children, leaving Sinclair mentally unstable with Ethan finishing him off and taking over the pack. At this point I felt like a genius. I could see my past self clapping for me and calling me great names for my wonderful ideas.With an evil grin on my face, I entered my study and picked up my phone to call Ethan to narrate my plans.“Or maybe I’ll just wa
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Chapter 125
Sullivan’s POVI didn’t trust him but I knew he wanted me alive for his own plans to work so there was that.“How do I know I can trust you?” I asked with a sigh.“Oh you stupid alpha, I brought you the intel didn’t I? I tried to warn you countless times but you shut me down. I could easily leave you to die. Why are you being difficult right now?”He was right. I had been paranoid ever since I heard about Jane trying to attack me and the pack.I had kept the peace up for years and now I was about to be involved in a war I didn’t plan for.This would ruin everything for me and my peace streak. This would be dangerous as people would choose sides with her.They would see her as the savior who was returned and I would have to kill her before anyone found out about her existence.I inhaled deeply, telling Ethan my entire plan which he surprisingly didn’t see anything wrong with.We agreed on the plan and he sent me her private number before cutting the call.I stared at the number I had,
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Chapter 126
Martha’s POVA day after her awakening, I got her in shape, doing some irregular and high intensive exercises to free up her bones.Unlike wolf powers, magical powers weren't reliant on physical force alone but also mental and spatial.It meant we needed her to be at her top physically before we could do anything. So whatever she had in her body that was distracting her from reaching the top of her peak, we needed to cut it out.She trained with indigo as well, the woman making sure to bring out the military side of her training.But this was nothing to the young wolf. She took them all.She moves effortlessly like a well oiled machine. She was faster than normal wolves and she was always eager to be on the battlefield.Sinclair had noticed for days at how fast she was getting and approved of our training.Sometimes he would join but he was an alpha. That Lycan hype gave him the edge over everything. Everyone loved him there first, until he started to pull above his weight grade, brea
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Chapter 127
Indigo’s POVThe chains gave way faster than anything as the beast smacked Martha away leaving me to deal with her.“You want to play fetch?!” I yelled, removing the kid gloves as I was about to beat some sense into her. “Let’s play fetch!”I flew into the air, creating a huge fist with the boulder close by to punch her. She dodged it but not for long as I blasted her backwards with lightning, searing off her skin.“Stop! What are you doing?!” yelled Martha who joined the fight, floating close by. “She doesn’t know what she’s doing. She hasn’t transformed before.”“That’s none of my business. If she wants to be a wolf then I’ll treat her as such.”I let out a burst of lightning on Jane, the ground breaking apart under the impact of lightning.Martha used her shield to come between us as I frowned, stopping the attack.“Move,” my firm voice came off with a little growl. “I won’t ask you again.”But she was not afraid of me and she frowned back. “She needs our help. She is still…”She
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Chapter 128
IndigoThey all looked at each other inside of what to say as I folded my arms looking at the confused wolves.“Where is your leader? Dead or still suffering from a ripped spine.”They found this offensive but didn’t respond harshly to the comment.“He wants to see you,” one of them said just as I shrugged. “Shouldn’t he show up here and ask a lady out himself? That’s very rude of him.”“That wasn’t a request.”I sighed. How did that even get in here? I was eager to know and I followed the wolves out to the pack gate by the outskirts where a few guards sat.I saw them talk to some of the rogues before opening the gates for us to leave.Traitors. They were selling me out. But it was expected when everyone didn’t like the joining of both wolves and witches.We walked on silently without saying anything to anyone through the desert. It was boring and I hummed through the journey.I was too exhausted to fight and I started to wish I had taken care of these people back at the pack. At lea
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Chapter 129
Sinclair’s POV“I don’t think you’d want to join me!” she yelled above the sounds of growls and hoots. “You’re above this class!”Just then, a wolf made its way towards her as I used my super speed to glide to her side, breaking the jaw of the creature while watching it fly off in the distance.“What took you so long?” she asked.“I just found out from a maid you were taken hostage. Care to explain how you got in this mess?”“It’s a long story, but I’ll tell you while we fight.”The rest of the wolves jumped into our faces, ready to bring us down as we did the opposite by bringing them down instead.We smacked them around while she told me all about her escapades with the beasts.By the end of the fight, we had defeated everyone and she was on the floor bleeding from her arm.“Are you okay?” I asked, all the injuries I had gotten were gone and I was back to full health.The woman sighed, holding her torn arm.“Not really,” she sighed. “The man went that way. I don’t think he’s gone th
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Chapter 130
Ethan’s POVDamien was going to be the death of me one of these days. Who did he think he was, bringing up my army to face against my brother?What if he had been killed by my brother and he had tracked him here? That would lead to me and all my plans would be destroyed.I shook my head. I had to end that man or else I would have the worst time of my life handling my brother's rage.Of course with his drug he was on par with me but I was faster and also smarter.My phone buzzed with the caller being Sullivan. What did he want this time?Picking it up, I grunted a reply.“I tried calling but no one picked,” he lamented like I was his wife. “What do I do?”“Should I call the customer care service and ask them why she isn’t picking up? Or wait, let me run over there and talk to Sinclair and ask why his mate isn’t picking up?”That was sarcasm which he didn’t seem to grasp.“So would you do that for me?” he asked as I smacked my forehead. Was he dense?“How are you an alpha?”“Hey, don’t
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