All Chapters of The Blood Moon Ascendance : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
197 Chapters
Chapter 41
Unknown POVAs I walked to the city's edge, I felt as if I was being followed. I looked back several times, but couldn't find the source. So, I transformed into my wolf form and started running. But still, the feeling persisted. I knew better than to distrust my feelings. As the alpha had told me, if I had trusted my feelings ten months ago, that thing wouldn't have happened. It would be a putting I distrusted my feelings again this time and led the Silver Hands to the lair of the Sulfur Hands in this pack. I would never be able to forgive myself, and I don't think any other Sulfur Hand would be able to either. It would be such a catastrophe. So I decided to turn back and walk to the pack. Perhaps, I will go watch the execution and try to do something for those poor souls. Perhaps, I would lose whoever might be trailing me there, if indeed, there was anyone. Or, they might get tired and decide to leave me alone. So thinking, I turned back and without shifting back into my human f
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Chapter 42
Mia's POV "Claws?" Mabel asked, disbelieving."I want to see them," As she spoke, she came out of the room and stood hands akimbo, looking at my fingers with curiosity. "My fingers hurt," I replied before I could stop myself. Then my hands shot up to cover my mouth. Mabel just stared at me, the disbelief on her face and the curiosity have given way to an expression of I-knew-it-could't-be. Without a word, she turned to walk back inside. Somehow, it hurt more than her usual tart comments. I had never really tried to get the claws out after they slid back inside, so I didn't really know how it works. How do I slide it out? I thought frantically. My fingers burned when I looked, the claws were there. Without pausing to wonder how I did it, I stopped Mabel from entering the room. "Hey, look," I called out. She turned, and satisfaction washed over me as an expression of shock came over her face. She turned to face me fully, and inspected the claws, tapping her fingers against them.
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Chapter 43
Unknown POVAs I ran, I peeked my senses for any signs of being followed, but I saw none. Soon, I was in the forest. I knew for a fact that there was a Sulfur Hands lair somewhere here, and that finding it would be very difficult. If it was so easy to find it, the Silver Hands would have put a stop to their disruptive activities a long time ago and Alpha King Hazel wouldn't need to execute anyone. Luckily, I don't need to go searching through the whole forest by myself. The number of wild beasts in here alone was enough to make sure one never reached one's destination if one ever derailed from the footpaths. To find each other around an area they know, Sulfur Hands always used the environment to form special signs and symbols that would easily be misunderstood by another Sulfur Hand. The symbols always pointed to a particular safe location where they could meet. He would scatter the signs, what we call "signposts" around a wide area to increase the chances of them finding it, then
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Chapter 44
Mia's POVA boy emerged from the tunnel, and I froze in my tracks. It didn't take much to guess this was the same guy Mabel had just sent me to go aid Mason in misleading. How did he get here then? Did he somehow encounter Mason and forced him to reveal our location? That seemed likely, especially as I couldn't see Mason anywhere around. I wasn't ready to lose another person, trying to protect me. Anger exploded in me and I rushed forward, determined to end him before he took another step. But just as I started rushing towards him, howls sounded from the tunnel entrance and a horde or Corrupted emerged. They were in all forms; wolves, humans, and everything in between. Their very pale skin, and their red eyes with black pupils identified them as more dangerous than the ones locked in the chamber underground. These are intelligent Corrupted, able to fight cooperatively and follow orders to the letter, as far as the orders were specific enough. I froze in my tracks, my heart poundi
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Chapter 45
Selena's POV"You are failing us," my mother said, disappointment in her voice. The words stabbed into my heart, causing me more pain than she cared to know. "I am really trying. Believe me, I am. He's just too stubborn nowadays," I told my mother, trying to stop the irritation from leaking into my voice. "Or maybe, you're losing your edge," my mother replied tartly. "You're losing favour in his eyes. Do you give him…" She leaned close and whispered some obscene words. Then she leaned back and looked at me knowingly. "You do know alphas have high libido, don't you? It won't bode well for your relationship with him if you keep denying him that,"I almost couldn't keep the irritation down. Whoever told her my bed activities with my husband was her concern? And how dare she insinuate that I was subjugating my alpha? "You keep your nose where it is in your face, and out of my business," I replied coolly and stood to go. I mean, if this was the reason she summoned me all the way from
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Chapter 46
Selena's POV As I watched Hazel execute the men, I shuddered. When had he gotten this cruel? I had pushed him into cruel acts to help him get his mind off Mia, but he had quickly spiraled out of control as the power got to his head.My mother had only been partially right. Because right now, I had about as much control over Hazel as she did. Which was none. But still, Hazel had been very loving the first month we mated, so perhaps, he had feelings for me in his heart. My mother was right. They had been the ones to pressure Hazel's parents into pressuring him, so Silver Hands could remove me if I didn't meet up to their expectations.And that, for me, was unacceptable. I just could not go back to life outside the castle. So, perhaps, it was time to work on those feelings he might have developed in our first month of mating. Biting my lips as he executed the second person, I made up my mind on what to do. Smiling as the plan formed in my head, I went to Damian's pub for a vial of aph
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Chapter 47
Mabel's POVI felt his body freeze up with fear as my grip on him tightened. Fear? Corrupted knows no fear. Only pain, and more pain. But still, I didn't relax my hold on him. His skin was normal after all, no red eyes and all the other markers. And he spoke coherently. Yet, I detected corruption in him. The newly adapted moonstone in my hand glowed, showing that corruption flowed through him. Of course, I had just managed to put that feature together a few days before after repeatedly failing experiments and never had the opposite to test it before now. Which means it might be reading wrong. But still, better sorry than late. "Who are you?" I growled again, tightening my hold. My claws digged into his chest a few millimeters and I felt blood at their tips. The guy froze even more. Then suddenly, there was a surge of energy from his body and I was thrown off. I flew backwards and landed hard on the ground. I sensed Mia spring up from the ground rather than see it, and I felt a c
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Chapter 48
Mia's POVI absolutely hated his guts. And his pompousness. And his feeling of self importance. Who did he think he was anyway? Some god came to save us? The way he said that he's the one in the prophecy, as if we should applaud him. At that moment, I had felt like throwing him my cup, but I knew just how Mabel would take that. In fact, just staying in the same room with him was stifling. I might explode if I stayed any longer in there, which was why I left. The anger still billowing in me, I ran upstairs to my room and picked my flute. I needed to calm down, and it always helped me do so. I started playing a tune, one I composed the day I got angry at Xavier for stopping me from dating a guy. As I played, I felt myself finally calm down. "Mia," I heard a faint voice call. I rushed out of the room. "Mia," the voice came again. I rushed into Maya's room and saw her sitting on the bed. Her face was pale and she looked very weak and frail. I hugged her lightly, taking care not to
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Chapter 49
Selena's POVI cowered back as Hazel stood over me, his imposing figure made even worse by the expression on his face. It was one of absolute anger, rage, and despise. The air in the room grew thick with tension, and I could practically feel the storm brewing within him."What did you just say?" he growled again, his voice a menacing low rumble.My mind raced, searching for a way to diffuse the impending explosion. I stammered, "I-I just meant, my lord, that they missed your presence at the Silver Hands meetings, and I thought you might want to attend the upcoming one."He sneered, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. "Is that what you thought? You think I care about those meaningless meetings? Or do you think I've forgotten the manipulative games the Silver Hands play?"I swallowed hard, fear tightening its grip on me. "No, my lord. I simply thought it might be in the pack's best interest—""Best interest?" he interrupted with a harsh laugh. "You dare speak of the pack's best interest a
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Chapter 50
Mia's POVI was tossing in my bed, worrying about Maya. I had just gotten back from Maya's room, where I had gone right after I helped Lycidas settle into Martha's room. I had been eager to share some more gossip about the pompous fool, but the sight of Maya blew everything right out of my mind.She had been extremely sick, and some of her wounds that Mabel stitched had opened again. The skin around the wound seemed to be decaying. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing again.Once more, my selfishness had made things go south. If only I had let Maya recover…but no! I just had to excite her with the news of Lycidas.Lycidas.How I hated that name. My hands clenched as I thought of how his face had glowed as he talked about finding his mate, Mia. The love they would share and all that, which seemed to favour him more than it did Mia, though he didn't seem to realise.Surely, I couldn't be his mate, could I? My palms clenched at the thought. I simply couldn't be the mate if the guy that
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