All Chapters of The Blood Moon Ascendance : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
197 Chapters
Chapter 21
Hazel's POVI walked through the large hallway heading to my father's study room to know what he had to tell me. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of praise he'd throw at me. To my surprise, he wasn't in his study room which left me asking where he could be? As I was still wondering, I heard a voice call my name albeit with a low tone as though whispering. Turning to the end of the hallway I could see my Dad gesturing me to come, I didn't know if it was only me though, but most of my father's behavior these days I was beginning to find them quite weird. Maybe I had been too carried away with the whole ceremony and with the recent happenings that I had failed to notice my Dad's strange behavior thesedays. Like, he seemed to be turning into a devil. I never knew how ruthless he was, but his instructions these past few days showed me he was more ruthless than I had thought.I didn't really mind at first and even now I doubt if I do, but I just want to be sure that everything is ok
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Chapter 22
Mia's POVThere was so much pain in my heart I thought I might faint from it. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. My parents had never shown me much love, but the rejection still hurt. I wasn't expecting them to welcome me with open hands, especially since the only value I ever held for them was my prospective mating with the alpha prince. But I wasn't expecting them to reject me so cruelly either. I wasn't expecting them to throw me out of the house to fend for myself. I had spent the last two days in the shed, having nowhere else to go. But my father found me out this morning and almost throttled me. I had no choice but to leave.Where would I start? I don't expect I can ever feed myself just from working on people's gardens. And even if I could, they had banished me from the pack, warning me severely never to come back. My feet was already sore from running. The capital city was far behind me now, and the forest that bordered it loomed in front. The area in between was barre
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Chapter 23
Mia's POVIt was night. I had already gotten tired from walking and running alternately the whole of the evening, and now, I was not so much walking as stumbling forward.The moon was already out. It wasn't a full moon, so I need not worry. Not that it mattered as I am not even sure I have a wolf. The forest was still far off, which didn't do much to help my hope. At this time, I had totally succumbed to the idea of the spending the night out in the open. There was no other choice. I was out in the middle.of nowhere, no shelter, no nothing. Perhaps, the one good thing I could think of was that I was still in my dress for Luna Declaration. It was thick, and might ward off cold a little. But even that comforting thought was driven out when my stomach rumbled. That was when I remembered that I had lot eaten for more than a day now. The first day I slept in the shed, I had managed to sneak out some food from the kitchen while no one was home. But my luck wasn't so good the day after th
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Chapter 24
Mia's POVGradually, I calmed down and the hand left me. I realized it wouldn't do for them to realize I was aware of their plans. If they realize it, then escaping may be too hard. Just then, I thought of something and fear rose in me again. If they were in my head, does that mean they could hear my thoughts? If so, that means they already knew of my plan to escape. 'Think!' I thought to myself. 'You have a fever, the girl said so. You're probably hallucinating,' But the girl, she was a rogue, wasn't she? What if she was lying? I had heard of rogues and their evil practices, trying to use people's wolves to get unnatural powers. So, talking in my head wouldn't be far-fetched.My thoughts swirled in a chaotic mess. I attempted to convince myself that it was all a fever-induced delusion, but the fragments of coherent thought eluded me."They can't be real. It's just a fever dream," I mumbled to myself, but the words lacked conviction.As I lay on the bed, the room seemed to spin, an
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Chapter 25
Chapter 25Mia's POVThe bear growled as it prowled towards me, totally ignoring the girl that lay bleeding some distance away. There was a deep gash on her shoulder blade from which blood flowed out, dripping into the small stream beside which she lay. The scream stuck in my throat as the bear prowled towards me. Fear surged through every fiber of my being as the bear advanced, its massive form casting a shadow over the forest floor. When it was a few yards from me, the scream finally tore out of my throat. With a speed and balance that surprised even myself, I turned on the point of my toes and fled. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, propelling me forward, crashing through the dense undergrowth in a desperate attempt to escape the impending danger. The forest blurred as I ran, my heart pounding in my ears. All I could think of was escaping, and perhaps, if I ran through thick parts of the forests, the trees might slow it down. Branches snagged at my dress, leaving scratches o
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Chapter 26
Mia's POVI woke to moonlight streaming in through a wide open door. I sat up groggily and looked around. The room was unfamiliar, and didn't look at all like a temple. Unconsciously, I heaved a sigh of relief.Now that the danger was last, I realised I wasn't quite as prepared to come under the knife as I had thought. Looking at the situation from eyes clear of danger, death under claws and death under a knife seemed awfully similar. As the tension I woke with seeped out of my bones, I realized I had the mother of migraines. Holding my head in both hands, I fell back on the sinfully soft bed. Normally, I would have wondered which kind of bed was it that was so soft, but my head threatened to split at even the slightest thoughts. Closing my eyes, I took deep breaths and tried to lessen the pain as far as I could. When a shadow fell across me, I opened my eyes. The woman that had saved me from the bear walked in. She was carrying a tray full of dishes. She set the tray on a small st
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Chapter 27
Mia's POV"Where are we going?" I asked Mabel. We had been walking for only ten minutes, but I was getting impatient. And my knees were getting weak. I realized I had not fully recovered from the fever, and would have been better off staying on the bed.But I brought this on myself and I wasn't about to regret it. Besides, Mabel had got me hooked. I had the feeling I was about to get the greatest revelation of my life, and I was sure that I would have been restless had I stayed on the bed. Better to get it over and done with now. "Where are we going?" I asked again when Mabel didn't reply the first time. "You will see," she replied. "Can't you tell me?" I asked, very curious. Mabel turned to face me. "Well, if you must know, we're going to drop off these dishes at my house,""Your house can't be what you're going to show me, can it?" I pointed out. "And after that, we're going to go see your parents." she said as though she never completed her first answer. The sentence hit me
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Chapter 28
Mia's POVMy head turned so fast my neck cricked. The pain shot right into my head, filling it up. But even holding my neck in pain, I still managed to gasp out"My father was the alpha of Blood Moon pack?" Mabel nodded solemnly. "That's right. You're a princess," I took a moment to absorb that revelation. I had been right; this was the revelation of my lifetime. When Mabel had called me the son of Alpha Megan and Luna Jessica yesterday morning, I had thought that perhaps, my parents were the alpha and Luna of another pack and I was their lost child. That was how I had imagined my lift from grass to grace whenever the pain from Penny became too much, after all. But now, Mabel is telling me that they had actually been the alpha and luna of my own pack, the pack where I was mistreated?"What happened to them then?" I asked. "How did they come to this state? Corrupted, is it?" Mabel sighed. "I will tell you when we are in the house. But for now, let's inculcate you into the horrors o
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Chapter 29
Two months laterUnknown POVFootsteps?I listened closely. Yes, footsteps. And it was coming this way. I quickly pulled the lower folds of my turban to cover my face. I wouldn't find it very pleasant if I were caught with my face exposed when I was supposed to be training. But even with the threat of punishment, I couldn't resist indulging myself. Soon, the footsteps came into the room and paused, and I knew whoever it was must be accessing me, trying to determine my level of alertness. "Who is that?" I asked, though my eyes were still closed. There was no answer, but I hadn't expected an answer. Neither did I expect an answer when I called out the second time."I know you're there. Identify yourself!" At last, I sighed. "If you don't identity yourself, you would be forced to fight me," Still no answer, just like I expected. Slipping a knife out of my sleeves, I threw it to the last spot I had heard the footsteps without even aiming. Subtly, very subtly, the person shifted some
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Chapter 30
Unknown POVI stood on a hill and looked down at the Blood Moon pack. From this distance, I could see the whole of the pack, though each city looked about the size of two palms. There were six cities in a horseshoe shape, surrounding the capital city. Between the cities and the capital city was a forest, running the whole curve of the horseshoe and spilling out at the open end into a very dense forest that stretched farther than my eyes could see. I have been told that in that forest resided a branch of the Sulfur Hands that consisted of just four women and two men. It has always fascinated me. How are they able to tarnish the silver in a medium sized pack with such a small number? I would have very much loved to visit that branch had I been left to my own devices, but that was not my destination. My destination was the capital city. According to the alpha, the very first part of the prophecy had stated that I must be completed before I can accomplish my destiny. And that my mate w
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