All Chapters of The Blood Moon Ascendance : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
197 Chapters
Chapter 11
Selena's POVMy mother's face told me plain as words that something was seriously wrong, even before she spoke. My heart skipped a beat as I thought of everything that could have my mother worried. She was usually never worried, preferring to take everything in stride rather than worry unduly. So, for her to carry such a heavy face, the issue at stake must be very serious. "What's it, mother?" I asked her once she was within talking distance. "Hazel…" her voice trailed off. I could see she was struggling with how to break the news to me. A sense of foreboding filled me. What was it about Hazel? "What happened to Hazel?" I asked her. "Well, he's going to be crowned the Alpha King in less than a month's time!" my mother finally broke the news. I immediately became confused. Coronated as the alpha king? Hazel? How was it possible? "Wasn't he supposed to have a bride before he can be crowned as the Alpha King?" I asked my mother in confusion. "That's the problem. He has a bride!"
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Chapter 12
One month later…Mia's POVI took a deep breath and closed my eyes to calm myself.'You can do this,' I told myself. 'It's been a month. You're familiar with all the people there, and the manners expected of you," When I opened my eyes, Hazel's soft green eyes were looking at me with some amusement. "You won't ever stop being nervous, will you?" He asked me. I blushed a little. "This…this is different. It's the last thing that can come between us. I've got a right to be nervous," He chuckled. "You didn't think so at the coronation ceremony, and that is more important than this in my opinion. You know, it wouldn't really befit the Alpha King to have a nervous Luna, would it?" "No, it won't," I agreed and took his hands. It was time for the final party where I would be declared as his Luna, and introduced to his friends and all the nobility and other persons that mattered. I even heard some alphas from other kingdoms would also come. If that isn't something to be nervous about, th
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Chapter 13
Mia's POVThe hostility in that one sentence had me gasping. I had met with Hazel's mother before now, and we had gotten along pleasantly. But now, she sounded like she would like nothing better than to throw me out of the window. I took some involuntary steps back. But she covered the distance as fast as I created it. "Answer me," she gritted out. "You have not transformed?" My heart beating rapidly, I shook my head. "Are you saying no, or are you saying yes?" she asked. "In fact, don't reply. I want to see your wolf now!" she commanded. There was no time I ever felt ashamed of my inability to transform than at that moment. I wished the floor would just open up and swallow me. "I said I want to see your wolf!" Hazel's mother growled. Hazel stepped forward, but a raised finger from his mother froze him. I could feel the fury cascading from her in waves that threatened to wash me out of Hazel's life. "I…I can't transform, your Highness," I stuttered. She huffed. Without a word,
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Chapter 14
Mia's POVI waited with bated breath for Hazel to arrive at the room. He seemed to be taking too long, which was making me very anxious. The uncertainty of whether he would succumb to his parents' pressure was killing me, so I started pacing the room to get off some pressure. That was when the door opened and Hazel stood there, his face unreadable. For a full minute, I was frozen. We stared at each other wordlessly while my breath kept getting shorter and shorter till I stopped breathing completely. Yet, he said nothing, just looking into my face with that unreadable look. I could have burst with anticipation, and my face was actually heating up from holding my breath for too long. At last, I couldn't endure it any longer"Say something, Hazel! Please?" I begged. He sighed. "I'm sorry, Mia. But I can't have someone who hasn't transformed yet as my Luna. I can't compromise the throne because of love, though I wonder why I should love a liar like you. Why didn't you ever tell me you
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Chapter 15
Xavier's POVI received information that the hunting party would return that day, so I went to meet them. I had left them before the hunt was over, so it was only proper I helped them cart the game home. As it happened however, we had to sleep the night outside the capital city to avoid wandering the forest that bordered the city at night. It was a dangerous thing to do with all the fresh meat we carried on us. The next day, we walked into the capital city, and immediately smelled the excitement. The air hung heavy with it. Something had obviously happened. Something huge, and exciting. "What's up?" the hunt leader asked me. "Dunno. Everywhere was calm when I left," I shrugged in response. "Your guess is as good as mine." I was just as confused as he was. Just then, a man passed us. We stopped him and asked him what the problem was. "Well, Prince Hazel declared his luna yesterday,* the man replied. Was that it? I felt my heart break. So, Mia was really gone. Every of the rites
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Chapter 16
Selena's POVThe sunlight filtering in from the window woke me up, but I didn't get down from the bed. I stretched myself, feeling pleased with the world. With my eyes still closed, I replayed the events of yesterday in my head. Everything had gone smoothly. Perfectly, in fact. I didn't know it would be that easy. I chuckled at the memory of Mia scampering from the table with cheeks as red as blood. The weak peasant! In the end, she had no spine. None at all. I wished I had seen her pine for Hazel in what would have been their bedroom after she had run off, but I had to keep Hazel in the ballroom long enough to make her worried, so I had missed that. But still, I relished in the knowledge of her pain. And of course, I had trailed after Hazel subtly, so I had seen everything that transpired, though they didn't know it. Oh! How I loved the uncertainty on her face when Hazel had left without saying a word after his mother's tirade. She had seriously feared losing Hazel. And that's
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Chapter 17
Hazel's POVThe castle was abuzz with activities once again. Only three days ago, this same buzz had been there as we prepared to declare Mia Luna. Now, the buzz was here again, but for Selena. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. To be honest, I didn't know what to feel anymore. I was happy, for finally getting the crown and becoming the alpha king. And I was happy to be offered a seat in Silver Hands without even soliciting for it. But the condition had been to get married, and that was what had me worried. My father had told me I had to get married before I could become the alpha king, even though it was not a tradition and I was of age. And now, Silver Hands had offered me a seat in their circle without being asked, and their condition too was for me to get married. A lot of people sure want to see me get married. Why would that be? That was what had me so worried. But there were no answers, so I put it out of my head and concentrated on making sure this Luna Declaration C
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Chapter 18
Xavier's POVWhen I woke up again, I was in my human form. The place was dark, and from the wetness on my clothes, dank too. My hurt hurt like mad, and my head hurt even more.Goddess! I sat up, rubbing my head to alleviate the ache. It barely succeeded. I looked around the place. It was small, had no windows, and an iron bar door. Obviously a cell. What was I doing in a cell? At the thought, the events of…when was that. Yesterday? I wasn't sure how much time had passed while I was unconscious. But I could now remember what happened before I got here. I had wanted to fight Prince Hazel. But wolves had leapt out of his carriage and tackled me. They must be his gaurds. I sighed. I had put up a good fight, but I was simply outnumbered. And they were vicious too. Would have ripped out my throat if Hazel hadn't stopped them. Instinctively, my hands went up to my throat. There was a deep gash there. It was already healing, but that didn't mean it wasn't painful. I groaned as pain sp
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Chapter 19
Hazel's POV Who would have thought that the latter would be so naive to think I wouldn't notice the half baked plans he made. Although he almost made it past me, it appears all his efforts were futile. As I looked at him with the knapsack over his shoulder, I knew I had toavoid a fight at all cost. I couldn't afford wearing torn clothes for the ceremony, not after the taunts from other alpha kings. But thankfully, it just happened that I totally caught him off guard. Looking at his body that laid there on the bare floor, I could almost feel his pain, his body was riddled with scars and his clothes soaked in his own blood. Even now he was grunting in pain, thanks to me. I seriously would've loved to avoid such a situation but as the case appears I can't really let my heart decide for me as the Alpha king. I must be prepared to make decisions as a true alpha, else my Dad would lose trust in me.His trusted me this much to pass on his position in the first place. I looked at Xavier wit
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Chapter 20
Elena's POV I watched as Hazel came back, revealing the ear he'd cut off from Xavier. I didn't need anyone to tell me who it was. Of course I knew it was Xavier. I could tell from his smell alone and I was the one who had helped him escaped. But apart from even all these, I was familiar with every inch of his body from all the time I spied on him, wishing from afar that he could be mine.That's why my heart raced rapidly upon Hazel's arrival and worse as he revealed what he had with him. I felt like throwing curses. But who would I throw curses to if not myself for actually loving someone who had no eye for me. Now I have might put myself as well my whole family in trouble if they were to find out that it was me who had released the prisoner. 'I have to leave this place as soon as possible. If I stay any longer, I might get caught'While still thinking of what to do next I could hear Hazel's voice as he ordered for the guard who was meant to guard the prison to be brought to him. S
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