All Chapters of The Blood Moon Ascendance : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
197 Chapters
Chapter 31
Unknown POVWhen I woke, I nearly leaped in shock. I had tried to keep half awake through the night in case some wild beasts got hungry, but I had fallen into deep sleep somehow without even knowing it. Sighing, I leaped down from the tree and returned to my human form. I thanked the goddess I had passed the night safely, though I slept deeply. I followed the sound of water to a clear stream which I used to rinse my mouth and wash my limbs. The water was a little cold from the recent snow, but it wasn't enough to bother me. After that, I chewed the mint leaves I had wrapped in the folds of my turban. It was time to continue the journey. I couldn't stop the excitement from building in me. I was so close to my dreams now. I had always dreamed about finding a mate, and now, it was about to happen. I just needed to cross the forest and I would be in the capital city. Changing my mind, I wolfed out and ran into the thick forest. Luckily, I didn't encounter any beast big enough to engage
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Chapter 32
Unknown POV"What?" I asked in confusion. "You heard me," the lady repeated, her eyes still searching every face that passed within miles of us furtively. "Wait…one is executed for speaking the truth in this pack?" I asked in shock. The lady didn't reply. She threw her face away and tapped her feet on the floor impatiently. I could see she was tense and nervous. She hadn't been when we started walking, so I wondered what got her so tense and nervous all of a sudden. Just as the silence started getting awkward, the lady said"Well, if you don't have anything else you want to know…" And made to walk away. "How about your pint?" I called out. "Worth less than my life, stranger." she called back. I sighed, but I was getting intrigued. This little pack was getting more and more mysterious. Seems a lot of changes had taken place here that my alpha was not aware of. He would appreciate it if I got him some useful info, so I was determined to get the full picture of what was happening
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Chapter 33
Mia's POVI stood before the tree, sizing it up. It was taller than the ones I was used to, but Maya had said it was time to move on to higher levels, so I guess I have got to climb it."Thinking of ways to back down, you wimp?" Maya taunted from the top branch. Her voice carried down with the wind, giving it a kind of distant halo in the morning air."You know that tactic never works on me, even if it works like hell on Martha!" I called back.Her laughter carried down. "You know that sentence is a lie, even if you have been saying it for two months!"I sighed, irritated. She was right. I keep saying that every time she insults or mocks me, but the truth is that she rarely insults me when it won't hurt. She always picked the right moment when I was feeling frustrated, or very likely to snap, and used the insults to push me to new feats.I wasn't about to tell her that to her face though, even if we both know that. Ignoring her repeated jabs at my inability to transform, and my being
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Chapter 34
Mia's POV"Are you sure?" She asked, the corners of her lips twitching. I immediately got suspicious. "Yeah?" I replied cautiously.Maya smiled sweetly. "I need an answer dear. That doesn't count for one." I cocked my head as I contemplated her. What new horrors did she have in mind? I must admit that Mason's training was always boring, but they were never as tasking as Maya's. And I always knew what to expect. But not Maya. "What do you have in mind?" I asked suspiciously. The sweet smile remained firmly in place and I got even more suspicious. "Oh, the usual. The good old running to build your stamina that you've been used to." Maya's sweet smile betrayed the mischievous undertone beneath it.I instantly knew there was nothing usual, or good, or old either about the running. Maya had a knack for turning the most basic activities into grueling challenges. My previous experiences with her made it clear that her version of "running to build stamina" was more likely a marathon thro
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Chapter 35
Maya's POVI listened to Mia speak, and didn't know what to tell her. She had valid reasons to be riled up. It turned out that the previous night, she had had a little chat with Mabel, who didn't think she was doing her absolute best.The fact was, Mabel was too hard on Mia. And sometimes, I am tempted to think that I am too. Maybe, I am. But we're all anxious about her, and us as well. She is the only hope we've got if we ever have to redeem our loved ones.All of us in this branch of Sulfur Hands have had our loved ones corrupted. It was another kind of pain, watching our loved ones in a fate worse than death.Our only hope of them ever recovering was in the savior prophesied. So, we're naturally hard on her.I made up my mind to let up on Mia for the next few days though. She needs it. Though the prophecy had clearly stated she wouldn't have a wolf till the blood moon, she still couldn't let go of the mindset that she was inferior to us that already had our wolves."Sorry dear," I
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Chapter 36
Mia's POVWhen I came out, they were walking towards the chasm. As I watched, they transformed into their wolves and leaped over the chasms. There was something suspicious about the way they looked back to the cottage before bolting away and I instantly decided to follow them. It seemed I would be needing those stealth tricks Maya taught me sooner than she thought. Just as I reached the chasm, I had second thoughts and went back to get those claw gloves they had made me formerly. Who knows, but I might be needing them.Curiosity and a sense of exclusion washed over me when I returned to the chasm and couldn't find them. Why must they keep protecting me like I was some weak stick that would snap at the slightest touch? And worse, they insult my intelligence by thinking that I don't know about all the time they sneak out on some assignment or the other. I had always let them get away with it because I had always felt, despite my indignation, that I might be a burden. But not today.
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Chapter 37
Unknown POVI thanked the lady for her troubles, then walked to the counter."You want more milk?" The bar man asked me in that grating tone. I smiled."I might. Depends on what you can do for me.""Sometimes, I'm lame. And sometimes, I'm blind. Depends on how far your purse is," the man replied without even looking at me.I dug in my sack and found a small horn, which I slapped on the counter. His face lit up, and I finally had his attention."That's a fat purse alright. Are you looking to buy the pub?" he asked me. There was amazement and awe on his face."Nah. Just your time, and network," I replied.He looked at me, confused. "What do you mean?" he asked me.I smiled, then leaned on the counter. "I need to gather some information. Apart from Mia, do you know if there is any other lady that was rejected by her mate this past few months?" I asked him.The bartender's eyes widened with surprise. "You're asking about rejections? That's rare. Most folks are interested in the alpha king
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Chapter 38
Damian's POV"This is going too far!" I lost my cool and yelled at Hazel. Alpha King Hazel. I had to remind myself he was more the weak prince I had known, and easily manipulated to turn dark. He was now the alpha king, with all the authority to do whatever he wanted. I could still remember how I had manipulated him into turning into the worst version of himself. That day he declared his luna and finally became a bona fide alpha king. When I had spoken to him that way, it was for the purpose of using him for the greater purpose of the Silver Hands. I had planned to use him as our tool for conquest, and to further our ideals. But Hazel had quickly gotten out of hand, and not even his father seemed to be able to reign him in. He had gone about, inciting the commoners against himself. I hadn't wanted him to be kind to the commoners in the first place, but he was supposed to be able to control their fear of him, use it to our advantage. Instead, he seemed intent on just creating ch
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Chapter 39
Mia's POVThe first sensation I felt when I woke up was the excruciating pain in my fingers. I winced and tightened my lips, stopping a scream from erupting just in time. Gingerly, I sat up, taking care to avoid leaning on my fingers while pushing myself up with my palms. I walked out of the room and opened the door across mine, where Maya and Mason stayed. Standing at the door, I could see Maya where she was still sleeping peacefully at the other end of the room. I felt pain burn in my heart. There were scratches on her face and other visible parts of her body, and a shallow gash on her forehead. Even as I watched, she turned in her sleep and her eyes tightened in a wince. She must have pressed on one of the many deep scratches that filled her back."Sorry," I muttered to her, though she couldn't hear me. If she hadn't been trying to protect me as she fought the Corrupted, she wouldn't have ended up in this state. When she turned and winced again, I walked across the room and l
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Chapter 40
Mia's POVMason looked down at me in surprise. "Really?" he asked, disbelieving. I couldn't blame him. Mabel had pressed on me many times to take The Oath, but I had always shied away. "Yes," I replied firmly. He looked into my eyes for a long time, as if trying to determine if I was joking. I held his gaze, trying to let him see how desperately I needed The Oath to be my strength now. "Have you thought this through?" He asked me. I nodded firmly, and he sighed. "Oh, well. I can't discourage you. It's what we've always wanted. If you're sure about it…" his voice trailed off. I nodded. "I'm sure about it," I said in a firm voice. He sighed again. "Well, we need to wait for Mabel to return then. She went to her shack, you know that's where she keeps some of her more precious potions. She sent me on to administer these ones in the meantime…" he waved the bunch of herbs in his hand. "You can help me do that while we wait for her," he finished. I was a little bit disappointed that
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