All Chapters of Devil’s Saints: Taz: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
352 Chapters
Chapter 121: Halloween
You get fireworks. Celt gets green beer. But Werewolf and I, we get candy. – Ink“Holy! Fucking! Hell!” Ink gripped the sheets as his hips bucked forcefully. His cock hit the back of Evie’s throat as the odd sensation continued to assault him. Tank sat up in surprise, finding a look of absolute pleasure on his friend’s face. Watching Evie bob her head up and down, he found himself growing hard instantly. “Fuck, pet. I’m going to fucking blow. Don’t swallow.” He gritted it out a syllable at a time. She positioned herself and he came hard and fast. Evie accepted everything that Ink gave before positioning herself between them. He barely opened one eye to look at her as she opened her mouth. Some of the remaining Pop Rocks exploded on her tongue, the come erupting also.“Good girl.” He muttered with a grin. “The hell did you do to me?”She swallowed and then showed him her empty mouth. “Pop Rocks.” She smiled as she laid down on his shoulder and tugged Tank’s arm around her.“Fuck. I’
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Chapter 122: Fourth Year
Promise me, little girl…. Don’t stop living… keep breathing… keep loving… - CadeIn the back of her mind, even half asleep, Evie knew what day it was. She lay with her head on Tank’s shoulder and Ink was spooned up against her. Laying between them, engulfed in their comfort and warmth, she waited for the heaviness to settle in her chest.It did not happen.There was a weight, but nothing like the previous years. Sighing, she shifted slightly, seeking a more comfortable position. Both babies objected by moving also. Tank grunted as he moved away from the kicking baby.“Ian.” Evie whispered and hearing his real name had him waking up quickly.“What’s wrong, luv?” he asked and both babies began to move more at hearing his voice. Eyes wide, he sat up slightly and looked at her belly. “Oh, God! Ink! Raymond!”Ink grumbled behind her and the babies were kicking excitedly. Grinning like the Cheshire Cat, Tank reached over and popped the back of the other man’s head. Evie moved the colorful
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Chapter 123: Pink or Blue
Like I’m missing a bunch of bad ass bikers going stupid over babies. – CeraIt was Saturday afternoon and Evie had just followed her men to the clubhouse. Currently, the plan was to leave the bikes here and pick up another charger wagon. Not even six months along and she could barely reach the steering wheel.Athos would soon be her chauffeur again. This time with a supercharged wagon instead of the Corvette. She was short and felt like she was carrying two baby elephants. Her feet disappeared sometime in the past week. People assured her that they were still there, but Evie had doubts.The driver side door opened and Tank reached in to scoot the seat back. Silently, he undid her seatbelt and then scooped her into his arms. She clung to his cut and buried her face in his chest as the tears continued to fall. As Tank walked by, Ink reached in to cut the engine and grab her bag. Pushing the door closed, he left the key fob in it as he headed inside. He started to approach the group of
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Chapter 124: Thanksgiving
I actually, honest to God, had a mother-in-law who tried to kill me. You don’t scare me. – EvieEvie was asleep in the backseat as they drove up to Ink’s parent’s house for Thanksgiving. The two men spoke softly in the front seat of the gray charger. In the six years that they had known each other, Tank had met the von Burrell family only once.That one time was twice as many times as they wanted to meet each other.Samantha had called and demanded that Ink be home for Thanksgiving. If he did not come to them, they would come to him. So, Wednesday evening they were driving upstate. He would rather be strapped to one of Evie’s crosses and whipped than go home. His mother knew that he would not want her around the club. He liked the club. His brothers and their families. The club bunnies. He really did not like his mother. They stopped at the gate and Ink rolled the window down. “I’m sorry, sir, this is private property.” As the guard spoke, Ink handed over his driver’s license.“My
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Chapter 125: Secrets
Never fuck with intelligence officers. – LawEvie shrugged her shoulders. “Biologically, possibly. Or, since they are fraternal, possibly to one.”“And you want to marry a slut like her?” before he even finished speaking Evie had crossed the remaining distance between them and slapped the hell out of his cheek. “I despise double standards.” Evie hissed. “I don’t share my wife.” The man bellowed. “Maybe not the same way as we do.” Evie smirked. “But assuredly, you do share her.” Her focus shifted to the woman in the high back chair. “Tuesdays at the Four Seasons, right?”The woman paled.“Personally, I am a bit possessive, so I don’t think that I could let either of my men step out. Especially with someone who I have to see every day. But, if you have no problems with him fucking the maids, you do you."Evie smiled sweetly up at her future father-in-law. “Choose your battles if you don’t want your business put out for everyone to know. I am not an adversary you want to go against.”
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Chapter 126: Panic Attack
You never listen. You just judge and condemn. – Caroline DavisEvie sat between Ink and Tank at the large formal table. She had already observed that the kids table in the kitchen looked more inviting. There were multiple servants in the process of serving the meal. The finely pressed uniforms crinkled under the movements.The family wore formal wear. Evie wore maternity jeans and one of Tank’s t-shirts while her men wore their standard fare.No one spokeIt was completely different from what Evie was used to with her family. Older kids would be running around while the younger ones were passed around. Multiple conversations with everybody in each other’s business. Evie snickered as she imagined their reaction to a roll toss that her family was notorious for. “What are you laughing at?” Ink asked quietly in the silence.“Roll me.” Evie said and both men busted out laughing.One of the first meals that Evie and Law had together at the clubhouse he had stood up on the far side of the
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Chapter 127: Mrs. Davis
I want her fired! – Mrs. Davis“You have no right to take my daughter without my permission.” Mrs. Davis said angrily entering Evie’s classroom. This was not a surprise, Evie had expected this invasion all day. Looking up she saw the angry woman in full momma bear mode. Her dark hair was pulled back into a tight bun and fire flashed in her brown eyes. The blue dress and coordinating gray jacket was conservative. As usual. She wore no jewelry other than her wedding band. The woman might know style and fashion, but she did not know how to pull it off.Evie often thought that if she softened her look, she would be much more approachable. As it was, most of the students referred to her as drill sergeant Davis. Caroline had a much more descriptive name for her.Evie sighed knowing that pointing out that the teen left on her own accord would not help the situation. Neither would the fact that she was with other students. Instead, Evie pulled on her experience as a Tomlinson Enterprises
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Chapter 128: Bed Rest
Is it possible to die of boredom? Contact the health department and the CDC. I may be the first recorded case. – EvieIt had been expected. First full pregnancy. Twins. Gestational diabetes. And now her blood pressure was doing weird things. When the doctor ordered bed rest, Evie had been prepared. Lesson plans were ready to be emailed. Long term sub had already committed. Classes were warned ahead of time. Everything was set for the rest of the school year. By day two, Evie was bored to tears. By day four, she had babysitters. Technically, they were nurses and old ladies that came to make sure she stayed off her feet and ate what she was supposed to. Which, in her book, was the equivalent of babysitters. Especially since she was no longer allowed to eat a whole box of cookies by herself. Or a serving of fried potato slices. Certainly not a family order.Becks and Siobhan started dropping by. As did other old ladies. With nothing else to do, Evie started decorating the nursery. Wh
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Chapter 129: Christmas Eve... Eve
Twas the night before Christmas Eve and all through the clubhouse, we mourned two more brothers. – ToadKirsten walked into the clubhouse bar and went straight to her husband. He quickly made the club bunny get up and his wife settled into his lap. Moving her signature lime green box braids off her shoulder, she eyed the other woman. Where Kristen was tall, skinny and dark, the bunny was short, plump and pale. The other woman had light brown hair that lay in waves down her back and pale green eyes that appraised Kristen also.The two women were similarly dressed with short skirt and tight shirt. The bunny wore heels and Kristen wore knee high boots. “She’s pretty.” Kirsten said and Reed agreed with her. “She didn’t go very far, did she?”Reed turned and looked at the bunny who smiled at him. "Nope." He smiled and winked at her.“If I could get your mother to be more like that, I’d be a damned happy man.” Roscoe said. “You like your hall passes.” Reed said. “I do.” Roscoe admitted
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Chapter 130: Wedding
I became a biker but it seems I should have been a priest. Pretty sure bikers have more sex. – TriggToad’s office was commandeered for their use. Kirsten made a few last-minute adjustments to the new corset and old dress. With her makeup done, hair styled and dress on, her sisters handed Evie over to their dads. With a few kisses and tears, they went and found their seats. Katie and Law would be her only attendants.Law offered to wear a dress and heels. His sister declined, afraid that he would look better than herself. “How are you feeling?” Isaac asked his daughter when she stepped out into the hall. “Do you want me to tell you that I feel wonderful? Or that I feel like a beached whale?” she asked with her hands on her large belly. “A beluga whale because it’s white-ish.”“Should we worry that she’s getting specific about what type of whale she feels like?” Isiah asked his brother.“I would worry more if she didn’t feel like a whale. But I would have gone with a sperm whale bec
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