All Chapters of Devil’s Saints: Taz: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
352 Chapters
Chapter 141: Flat Pancakes
Siobhan, can yeh bring me a few things? I want to cook. – NessieKnuckles rolled in with the other brothers that worked as bouncers around three that morning. It had been closer to six when he finally fell asleep. Now, at a little after two in the afternoon, he was starting to function as a human. Coffee would take him from zombie to human.He had been at the Clam Shell for about seven months and really enjoyed it. Most of the female staff at the bar were lesbians. Although they were fun to flirt with, he knew it wouldn’t go any further. And if he wanted something more than just flirting, there were plenty of willing club girls. Like the one that sucked him off this morning. He smiled at the memory of those lips around his cock. And his cock twitched in his jeans. Yeah, he thought as he made his way to the kitchen, going to have to have a repeat performance. Knuckles entered the dining hall and was assaulted by a sweet scent. After pouring himself a cup of coffee in what he hoped w
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Chapter 142: Kitchen
I need something to do. I can’t just sit on me arse. – NessieNessie had been at the clubhouse for just over a week. The guys were great; bending over backwards to help the president’s niece in anyway they could. The old ladies were also great, accepting her into their group and activities.Even the club girls were kind to her. Although, Siobhan did have to explain their role. Nessie just shrugged and said that they seemed to enjoy the arrangement.In the first few days, her aunt took her shopping for more clothes and items for in her room. Siobhan wanted her to have a room close to theirs. Toad refused and put her on the other end of the second floor by several of the brothers that worked security and as bouncers. Siobhan argued about it, but Toad refused to budge. He simply said that she would be safe there. When she asked if he would put their own daughter there, he didn’t hesitate when he said yes.“I trust my men with my life. If we had a daughter, I would trust them with her li
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Chapter 143: Shopping
There are worse things to do, prospect. Want to scrub the toilets at one of the strip clubs? – KnucklesKnuckles grabbed a prospect as they passed in the hall and told him to bring one of the vans around. The younger man grumbled and found himself shoved up against the wall with his feet several inches off the ground. After a few encouraging words, and possibly what could be considered a threat of violence, the prospect agreed. There was something about him that didn’t sit right with Knuckles. He brushed it off as youth since the kid had just joined and maybe he would grow up in the next year. Thinking back, he tried to remember if he was that insolent in his youth. He decided that he did not think he was. His dad, however, might have a different opinion. By the time Stephen brought the van around, Nessie was ready to go also. Her hair was tied up in a scarf and she wore a plain black hoodie with blue jeans and black tennis shoes. Although she wore other clothes around the clubhous
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Chapter 144: Founder’s Night
Ness, can you cook something to feed about 150 brothers and possibly just as many family members? By tomorrow night? – ToadNessie stepped back and looked at her work. In the past two days she had completely revamped the dining hall. Additional changes would be done in the next few days. The salad bar was cleaned and fully stocked. There was a baked potato bar and taco station. Along the main line were brisket, baked chicken and stew. Steamed vegetables, macaroni and cheese, baked beans and corn were set out, with more trays waiting in the warmers. Also in the warmers were freshly baked yeast rolls, biscuits and cornbread.Chocolate and yellow cakes were chilling in the cooler, sliced and ready to be served. Nessie had recruited some of the club girls to help her. Several were stationed in the kitchen to run the dishwasher and keep the food stocked. They all wore black slacks and gray polo shirts; picked by Siobhan.Looking around at the dining hall, which could hold 450 people, she
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Chapter 145: Wandering Mind
Not all who wander are lost. Except my mind, that bitch is gone. – ZeeNessie was not used to being around so many people. Even when all the Shack brothers were here, it was big enough that it didn’t seem crowded. But now, it was crowded.A few days ago, she had come across a little reading nook along the back hallway. It had a floor to ceiling shelving unit that was full of books. She decided that it must be for the kids to do research because most of the books were various types of encyclopedias, almanacs and anthologies. A desk would be better in the little room than the plush red couch. Nessie would also suggest better lighting than just a sconce above the couch. She came around the corner and found one of the teen girls curled up on the couch. Nessie had seen her around the club, usually with Priscilla, the musketeers or in the gym. The girl with the dirty blonde hair had a knack for disappearing in the crowd. As usual, she wore pajama pants and a tank top.Looking up as she t
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Chapter 146: Friends with Food Benefits
It’s a good thing that you like to cook, because we like to eat. – LighteningNessie was right. The women wanted table cloths. She did away with the old black coffee cups. The men did not want dainty coffee mugs. With her evil streak, she ordered small pink cups with frilly flowers. Toad bellowed at her to quit laughing and get the real mugs. Nessie was still giggling as she handed out the 24 ounce black mugs with the patch embossed on it. A few days later, matching travel mugs were added.Cookie made a few changes for her. He added two service windows between the dining hall and the kitchen. One was to return dirty dishes and the other was for special orders to be picked up. He also made the serving lines permanent. Added two sets of French doors leading outside. Made a more permanent drink station and a separate coffee bar. Nessie planned to turn the front check in desk into a fully functional coffee shop. When the time came, she’d talk to Toad about it. Two days before Founde
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Chapter 147: Wedding Cake
The twins have decided that you and I are getting married at the Shack. Next month. You were right and I wasn’t quick enough. – MiaThe kitchen had become Knuckles hangout especially when Nessie was cooking. He enjoyed her company and talking to her. He loved hearing her accent and he was getting better at understanding her when she was excited. First plate of food was also nice. Tonight, she was putting the finishing touches on the wedding cake for tomorrow. Celt had asked Mia to marry him at Christmas. Her ten-year-old twins decided that they should get married on St. Patrick’s Day, since his name was Celt. Everyone expected him to say no since it was his birthday. He simply said that he just needed to know when and where to show up. The twins had taken over planning the wedding, except for the reception. Nessie told them to take a hike.Literally. Her exact words had been, “Turn yer arses around and take a hike out that door. I’ve got the reception.”Everyone had been shocked a
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Chapter 148: No Reading
Yeh canna read yer own future or yer own palm. Or one tied to yeh. It’s jes the way it is. – Grams to NessieA week after the wedding, Toad went to the food bank and drug his wife into her office. The angry look on his face kept her employees and volunteers from stopping him.No matter how angry he got, he would never hurt her. Her regulars knew this and settled down the new volunteers. Especially after the door slammed so hard that it echoed through out the warehouse. “The feck is yer problem?” Siobhan demanded as soon as they were in her office. “I told him to stay away from her!” he bellowed.“Oh.” She said sitting down behind her desk as he fumed. “He tell you about the kiss?”“He kissed her?” he yelled in surprise. “I think it was mutual. What has you so upset?”“Nessie is avoiding Knuckles and he doesn’t seem to get the clue to back to the fuck off.”“Sit.” She ordered and he glared at her. “My office. You do as I say.”Grumbling under his breath he sat in the chair as she go
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Chapter 149: Dead Men
Why are there so many dead men in the basement? – NessieIt was Tuesday and church night. The weather was cold and rainy so Nessie had fixed chicken and dumplings. “Nessie,” Buck approached her in the kitchen, “Toad wants to talk to you.”Nodding she gave some instructions to the club girls working the kitchen. She then followed him down the hall to her uncle’s office. Inside the office were the officers of the club – Knuckles, Spider, Sledge, Molly and Werewolf were standing around as Toad sat behind his desk. Dom stood in the shadows of a corner.Nessie stepped in and quickly looked away from Knuckles. Buck motioned for her to sit in the chair in front of the desk. She smiled her thanks as she sat down. “I have a strange question for you, Ness.” Toad said cutting straight to the heart of the issue. “What do you know about the basement?”“Yeh mean the dead men?” she asked and the bikers were shocked. “I think there’s six. Soon to be seven, he’s not always there and the others say h
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Chapter 150: Distance
I miss hanging out with her. If I wouldn’t've kissed her, I’d still have my friend. – KnucklesKnuckles kept his distance for a day. Then a week. Then two. Pretty soon it had been a month. They were approaching six weeks.He saw her every week when they had church. The officers and Siobhan made sure he knew what was going on. They kept him informed not only of the Petros situation, but also how she was doing in general. They all saw the looks when Nessie and Knuckles thought no one was looking. They all knew that the club girls no longer went to his room. She had shown no interest in any of the other brothers.Nessie spent most of the time in her kitchen and office. She created a program with Trevor that kept track of occupied rooms. When they had large gatherings, she quickly assigned rooms and keys.The club girls were doing more around the clubhouse also. They had assigned duties and although at first, they objected, they were doing their jobs well and without complaint. Two of th
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