All Chapters of Devil’s Saints: Taz: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
352 Chapters
Chapter 161: Revelations
She opened herself to the shadows. She would have seen the possibilities for everyone around her. Harry Potter has it right. Chocolate. – GramsKnuckles opened the door of Nessie’s room. Standing in the hallway, Siobhan handed him a bag of chocolate candy and a cup of hot cocoa. “According to Grams, Harry Potter has more things right than the paranormal shows. When she’s feeling better, she needs to call Grams or Moira.”“Okay. She was so cold. She’s in the tub right now.” He said taking the items from her. “Does she have the electric blanket on the bed?”“I put it on. It’s on high.” He said with a nod towards the bed. “What happened?”“She opened a connection to the shadows. She saw the possibilities for everyone. Good and bad. It’s very emotional. Plus, several of them here spoke to her.”“She’s drained.” He surmised. “Yes.” She answered as Nessie called out his name. “Go take care of her.” Siobhan paused and then looked sadly at him. “She won’t
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Chapter 162: Breakfast
Nessie, love of my life, mistress of the kitchen, forget the rest of these idiots, runaway with me and cook for me for the rest of my life. – CookieNessie’s alarm went off at four causing Knuckles to jump in his sleep. She reached across him and turned off the alarm. “What time is it?” he asked pinning her to his chest. “Four. It’s time for me to make breakfast for all of yeh brothers.”“At this hour?” He rolled over to his side and threw a leg over her thighs. “Nope. They can cook for themselves.”“Not in me kitchen! Feck that!” She popped his leg with her hand. “Besides, Cookie has to propose to me.”“Why does Cookie have to propose to you?” He asked tightening his arms around her. “He proposes to me every morning. Sledge every night.” She turned her head and kissed him lightly. “Don’t yeh worry. I always turn them down.”“What if I asked you?”Tears sprang to her eyes. “Not yet.” She whispered. “I’m not ready for that yet.”Running a kn
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Chapter 163: Ciara
An ye do no harm; do what ye will. – Wiccan RedeKnuckles looked at the old storefront and compared it to what he had expected. The brick was an orange shade of red and complimented the purple trim around the windows. The writing on the windows was gold and he was amused by the Ouija board that was drawn on one window asking “Should I buy a new book?” The little triangle thing, he suddenly wondered if it had a name, was pointing to yes.The window on the other side of the door asked “Do I really need another candle?” The magic 8 ball underneath it had the answer of “Yes – Definitely”On the door in elegant script was Botanica Wiccan Bookstore, established 2006 Ciara Goode, ProprietessIn both windows were elaborate and beautiful displays of books, candles, crystals, tarot cards and novelties. Working up his courage, Knuckles got off his bike and walked inside. He had expected the whole place to be dark and broody.Instead, it was bright and whimsic
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Chapter 164: Cancer
Are you sure that’s the name you want? It’ll be your name for the rest of your life. – ToadWithin a few days, Siobhan, Toad and Stephen were headed to Scotland. Toad had agreed to let Stephen go when Nessie told him that the younger man would not be coming home. When he pressed his niece for more information, she shook her head and gave him a sad smile. He didn’t understand it. Probably never would. But Toad trusted the woman. And did his best to honor her wishes. Nessie hugged Stephen close. "Yeh'll find yer peace. It's beautiful back home."She then shocked everyone, including Stephen, when she pulled him down and kissed him. When he pulled away, it was with an understanding. “It’s time.” He said softly as he pushed some hair behind her ear. Nodding she whispered, “Aye. 'Tis. They’ll put yer body in the family crypt.”“Thank you.” He said as he took off his cut and handed it to her. He then took off his necklace and his gold ring. On the
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Chapter 165: Shitting Kittens
How big of a litter box did you get? Toad is going to be shitting kittens when he gets back. – DocThe next day, after Knuckles got up around noon, he grabbed Law and his pickup. They headed to the animal shelter and then the pet store. When they got back to the clubhouse, Law grabbed two newer prospects to help unload his pickup bed.Meanwhile, Knuckles carried sleeping kittens down the hall to Nessie’s office. He had a small following of club girls and old ladies by the time he stopped at her office door. “Hey, babe.” Knuckles said and she looked up from her calendar. “Oh! Yeh got me a kitten!” she said coming over to him.“Actually, I got three. I wasn’t sure which one you wanted.” He said as he shifted the kittens around in his arms to hand them over to her.One mewed at her as Nessie took it and began speaking Gaelic to it. She stepped over and kissed him. The kittens were now awake and squirming loudly between the couple. “How are you going to ke
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Chapter 166: Wee Little Devils
Which wee little devils? The furry four-legged ones? Or the sticky two-legged ones? – SiobhanWithin a week, Toad was losing his patience. It seemed like no matter what, there was a cat close by. And where one was, the other two were not far away. Kids were not allowed in his office. So, the kittens had taken to hiding out on his couch. It wasn’t necessarily the kittens that were driving him crazy. It was the collection of children that seemed to follow them. Where did they all come from? Molly had a good hundred or so. The other Lowery men about the same amount combined. Mia’s twins were around a lot more with one of their uncles. And those were all just one family! Not to mention all the other brothers who were bringing their kids around more. And the old ladies hanging out during the day. What the hell happened to his club?Old ladies were asking the club girls to babysit. Teen daughters of his men were asking for weekend jobs. Club girls no
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Chapter 167: Why The Hell Not
I’m sorry. You want me to come to a meeting in your office? Did I do something wrong? – KaranMonday morning after making sure that the kitchen was cleaned and that the two kids that were dropped off by single dads were being watched, Karan made her way to Toad’s office. Masculine laughter flowed down the hall. Nervously, she knocked on the door frame and the three presidents looked over at her.“Come on in, girl.” Toad said with a grin. “Where’s that boss lady of yours?”“I’m not sure. Last time I saw her she was three kittens deep in Knuckles arms.”“How are you three kittens deep?” Trigg asked. “As in my son, Knuckles?” Brute asked at the same time. “The office yeh little devils.” Came from the hallway. “Oh, just follow Sinner.”“Follow Sinner?” the two presidents from the other clubhouses both asked as three kittens ran into the office followed by Knuckles with his arm around a beautiful red head woman. “Don’t worry, Toad, they’re about to
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Chapter 168: Arrival
I told yeh, company’s coming. – Nessie During the first week of October, the presidents and Karan went and looked at several locations. A large warehouse. A former office building. Two large houses. Empty lots. An old school. And a church that moved to a newer building. There were all kinds of rumors going around all three clubhouses. One was closing. A new one was opening. The Shack was moving to a smaller location. When they met for church that week, the brothers were all told about a special meeting at the Shack on Saturday afternoon. Before any of the bars and clubs opened. On a day when no construction was done. After the shops closed. And wives, girlfriends and kids were to come also. Several of the moms objected when they were told that some of the Shack girls would be watching the kids. The three presidents stepped in and smoothed things over. After breakfast, the kitchen moved straight into making lunch. They did this on occasion, but not very
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Chapter 169: Mitzi
Bitch needs the shit knocked out of her. – James“You can’t prove any of what you just said.” Mitzi said as she approached her daughters. “No?” Nessie laughed as she untucked her shirt. “Actually, I can. Yeh want to know why I haven’t fucked him yet? Cameras. There’s cameras in me room. And now they are in his room since I spend some nights there.”“And why would you need cameras?” the older daughter sneered.Nessie turned around and lifted her shirt exposing her back. The cuts and burns from Bradley and his lessons had healed. But the myriad of scars remained. “Ness.” Siobhan and Toad both said.Knuckles knew what they were seeing. The scars were placed so they could be hidden. No one would know that Bradley had burnt and carved his name in her skin. Not unless he wanted them to know. But Knuckles knew.And now his whole family knew.He passed the cats to Scrapper and Riffraff. Then he quickly stepped up to Nessie, pulling off his cut as he mo
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Chapter 170: Votes
You’re really serious about this, aren’t you? – EvieAfter lunch, the kids were taken to the main common area where the Shack girls kept them entertained. The older kids took over the media room and streamed movies. Several of the kids from other clubs lost against Molly’s older girls at the pool tables. After they promised not to play for money. Meanwhile, the three presidents proposed a new business venture that all three clubs would benefit from. “In the last few years, we’ve become a little tamer and a lot more family oriented. I don’t know about the other clubs, but mine is expecting six babies next year.” Toad said. “And holy fuck the cost of daycare!”There was a light murmur, especially among the women. Afte Toad said that, Karan came back in and tried to disappear into the background. “Nope, Karan, get up here.” Trigg called motioning for her to join them. “How many of you knew that she was doing online classes for childhood development and
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