All Chapters of Devil’s Saints: Taz: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
352 Chapters
Chapter 151: Fates
Luck never gives, it only lends. – Scottish ProverbChurch was going on downstairs. Nessie was curled up on her bed crying. He was leaving her. It was what she wanted, what needed to happen. He would be safe. She didn’t want him to go. The secured land line phone on her bedside table rang. There were only a few in her family that had the phone number. Her mum, Grams and Papa Dean. And it would be early morning in Scotland. She reached over and picked it up. “’Allo.”“Nach. None of that, lass.” Grams Stewart said. “Tell me why yer upset.”“Yeh know why.” Nessie sniffled.“Aye, I do. But you need to say the words. Words have power, lass, yeh know this.”“He’s gonna leave me.” She whispered.“Only if yeh let him."“Yer vision-"“Acht. Visions change. That’s the thing about shadows. It’s not until it happens that it becomes clear.” “Grams, I can’t be the reason he dies.”“But can you be the reason he lives?” came the counter argument from a half dozen time zones away.“What do yeh mea
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Chapter 152: Let Me Hold You
If a man wants to hold you at night, don’t be an idiot, let him. – EvieKnuckles led them to his room where he unlocked the door and guided her in. Nessie continued to hold onto him as he closed and locked the door. Without turning on the lights, he walked them to the bed.He stepped out of his boots just before he shifted her and sat on the edge of the bed with her on his lap. Her canvas slip on shoes joined his boots and he rolled them over to lay on the bed.Pulling her into his arms, he spooned up against her, holding her to him. Resting her head on his upper arm and her hands clinging to his forearms. “Knuckles…”“Shhhh…. Just let me hold you for a while.” He whispered in her ear. Nessie did just that. She lay in the protective warmth of his arms. Slowly she relaxed and her breathing evened out. Knuckles knew when she slipped into sleep. He himself continued to lay in the dark with her until he also fell asleep.At some point, they shifted in their sleep. He was laying on his b
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Chapter 153
Sixty some odd men and more drama than a pack of teenage girls. – PriscillaThree days later, the abusive husband was arrested by the police department. The family was moved in the middle of the night but the guards remained as a decoy. The husband broke into the house and when the cops arrived, he shot at them before attacking one with a knife. The departments new K9 charged the man clamping down on his arm before he could reach the rookie officer. Once the dog was called off, the man was arrested and now sat in the city jail.A few weeks later, three prospects were voted into the club. The same night one of their pregnant girlfriends moved in. Later that week, the new members and girlfriend graduated.Nessie made a feast for them and they each got a cake. Including Megan who had been kicked out of her parents house on her eighteenth birthday. Nessie and Evie were planning a baby shower for the girl towards the end of June. She planned to keep the baby and Nessie knew that Aramis h
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Chapter 154: Pagan
Before they were hunted and killed for their beliefs, they were called healers. Wise women. And even seers. – PaganKnuckles walked into the front office of the fab shop in the warehouse district. The woman at the front desk looked up from her romance novel. She almost looked relieved when she saw the cut.“You looking for someone?”“Pagan.”She nodded and called Pagan over the intercom. Her duty done, she took a drink from her motivational water bottle and went back to her book.Knuckles knew that Nessie was an avid reader herself and thought about asking about the book. The look he got when he started to speak, convinced him otherwise. Instead, he stood uncomfortably in the strange silence. Even the water cooler in the corner knew better than to make any noise. Just when Knuckles considered asking if she knew how long it would be, the door behind her opened. Pagan smiled at Knuckles and motioned him to come on back. The back portion of the building was full of noise. Welders spar
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Chapter 155: Movie Night
Nessie, you got a pot big enough to cook my dad in? I’m still liking the idea of it being hog boiling time. – AngelAfter a night out for Taz, when she and Riffraff broke up, the ladies started a girl’s night. The first night they watched Fried Green Tomatoes.By the second week, there were so many of the women showing up that they moved out of media room and took over the common room at the clubhouse. Several of the club girls volunteered to watch the kids in the dining hall. Nessie helped Riffraff’s daughter and her girlfriend put together a wedding for Taz and him. The same weekend of their big fight, they made up, crossed state lines and got married on Saturday. They had a simple wedding in the garden and reception in the common area. The newlyweds were spending a week at the cabin. It was their getaway from it all. Nessie looked up from where she sat with Siobhan and Becks at one of the tall tables in the common area. It was church night for the men and movie night for the gir
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Chapter 156: Smoker
Yer Independence Day and yer Thanksgiving. That’s what I’m really looking forward to. – NessieIt was tradition. The Fourth of July celebration was always a potluck. Siobhan and Toad kept telling Nessie that she didn’t need to fix anything. The women would make enough food for everyone. The men would take care of grilling. She had never been in America during the holiday. But she had seen clips on the news. Had read about it. Researched the food. Read up on recipes. Sitting between Knuckles legs on her love seat, she had flipped through a collection of recipes on her tablet. “So many of yer holidays revolve around food.”“Probably why so many Americans are overweight.” He pointed out. Turning slightly, she ran her hand over his light gray t-shirt that was stretched tight across his chest. “Not yeh.”“Nope. Not me.” He lightly squeezed her toned bicep. “Not you either.”He kissed her before leaving to go to work as a bouncer at one of the bars, The Clam
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Chapter 157: Company
We’re on our way up, going straight through. Keep our daughter safe. – IsiahNessie was in her kitchen office putting together her weekly food order for the menu she had already made. Reviewing the details, something was keeping her from submitting the order. Something in the kitchen fell to the floor startling her.She walked into the empty kitchen and looked around. Nothing seemed out of place. Turning to go back to her office, she saw it.Then she felt the presence. “It’s not good, is it?” Of course, he did not answer. She left the kitchen, walking past the stairway to the basement, where the seven were unusually quiet. Even the fool in the bar could feel it.Without preamble, she opened the door to her uncle’s office. “Company is coming.”“How do you know?” Toad asked. “The broom that I keep by the backdoor fell.” She said and let out a sigh at his look of disbelief. “I’m tellin' yeh, company is coming. And it’s bringing blood with it.”His phon
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Chapter 158: Babies
We’re having babies! Do you want to see sonogram pictures? – InkNessie sat at the table in the dining hall and looked over at Molly and his large family. She smiled dreamily as she rested her chin on her hand. She had grown up in a large family and missed the craziness of it all. Although she could now talk to some of her family, she missed seeing them. Here, among a bunch of bikers, Nessie was finding herself a new family. One that was about to grow.“That’s one of the most beautiful sounds in the world.” Nessie declared suddenly. “What’s that, babe?” Knuckles asked rubbing her back.“A babies laugh.” She shifted her attention to Siobhan. “What did the doctor say?”“You know exactly what the doctor said.” Siobhan grumbled as she stabbed at the eggs on her plate. “Aye. Around the same time that Evie will have her twins and Mia has hers. Alicia will be a little later.” “Molly hasn’t said anything.” Toad mused.“I don’t think they know.” N
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Chapter 159: Baby Vanessa
Yes. If there’s a chance for another baby to live, yes, I’ll donate her organs. – Robert Lynn“You have questions.” Siobhan said not looking up from the tablet in her hand. “And you say that you don’t have the gift.” Knuckles grinned. Siobhan handed the tablet to one of the volunteers and motioned for Knuckles to follow her. Silently, she led the way to her office overlooking the warehouse of donated food. Flipping the sign next to the door, she waited for him to enter the office. She then followed and closed the door behind her.“What all do you know?” She asked closing the blinds. “She has the ability to talk to the dead. Can read palms and cards. Sees in what she calls the shadows.”Siobhan sat behind her desk and he sat in the chair on the opposite side.He hesitated for just a moment. “Pagan suggested that I go talk to his sister.”“Ciara?” Siobhan asked and Knuckles nodded with a soft yeah. “You should.”She rested her arms on her desk an
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Chapter 160: Blathering Fool
Grams, how do I bind the tongue of a ghost? Yes, I already asked Moira. She said that you can’t. – NessieThe Fool, as Nessie had taken to calling the ghost in the bar, had become more and more vocal ever since Tank had announced that they were having babies. He became so annoying that Nessie began avoiding the front half of the clubhouse. She even skipped girls’ night. Then she started using the freight elevator as another way to avoid that area. He continued to get louder and soon she could hear him in her office. Church was over and the movie was nearly over. Even in her office, Nessie knew that Tank was in the bar. She felt the presence just before he told her how to silence the fool.She was ready to cast him out. And she knew that she had to do something before he became strong enough to hurt the babies. His anger was strong enough that he would. Dropping her pencil on the desk, she stood up and stormed down the hall. The angry look and way she carried h
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