All Chapters of Devil’s Saints: Taz: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
352 Chapters
Chapter 131: Honeymoon
It’s what every man dreams of for a honeymoon. A bride six months pregnant with twins and on bedrest. – EvieWhile the clubhouse was in full party mode downstairs, the bride and her two grooms were upstairs. Evie lay between them with her swollen feet propped on their legs. There was a soft knock on the door and Isaac stepped inside.“How are you feeling, little Eves?” he asked his daughter as he looked at her ankles.“Not very little.” She admitted as she struggled to sit up.There was another knock on the door and Doc entered with Dr. Barkley. The three men spoke for a moment and then Doc left. He returned a moment later with his backpack. “Going to check your blood pressure and all that stuff.” Doc said as Ink rolled off the bed giving the other man room to work. He checked her vitals and then reported them to the two doctors.“You’re going to have to stay off your feet and come lay down if you feel tired.” Dr. Barkley advised. “That’s not a problem.” Tank said as he also stood u
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Chapter 132: Christmas
I can’t think of the last time I had all my kids at Christmas. Best. Christmas. Ever. – DixieTank deposited Evie in the recliner that a couple of prospects moved into the kitchen. Dixie chased the men out of the room and soon it was filled with feminine laughter and conversations. With Dixie and her daughters and Nessie and her girls working in the kitchen, they quickly turned out enough breakfast burritos for a small army. Or a clubhouse full of bikers. As soon as Katie took the last tray out to the dining room, they shifted gears. The pork and beef roasts were quickly shredded. Nessie wasn’t sure that they would need to smoke six of each, but Dixie had insisted. Evie talked her mom into making her a plate of street tacos. On the second plate, Dixie told her she would just have to wait for the tamales. Grumbling, Evie ate her second helping, approaching her food coma limit. By ten, the tamales were cooking and Evie was asleep in her recliner. Dixie laughed as Tank carried her to
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Chapter 133: Birthday
I love you both, but get these babies out of me. – EvieThe new year came and her family all went home. Cade’s birthday passed with Evie still on bedrest. Valentine’s Day passed in much the same way.Early one morning in mid February, a pain ripped across Evie’s back. Within minutes, her men had her loaded up in the gray charger and headed to the hospital. Athos followed in the blue charger with the installed car seats. And the hospital bags. Because neither of the expectant fathers thought past getting their woman to the hospital. Within an hour, the whole club knew that she was in labor. It wasn’t long after that when Dixie landed at the municipal airport. There were definite advantages of Tammie being a pilot with her own plane.Siobhan drove them to the hospital and they all went to the maternity waiting room on the fourth floor. Before noon both boys were born by C-section due to complications. It was the same complication that would drive the two brothers for the rest of thei
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Chapter 134: Remote Learning
I don’t care what you do during homeroom. Just check in with me. Let me know what you’re having for lunch. – Evie Evie was an unconventional teacher. She was aware of this, and did not care. Her students scored high on tests. Not just in her class, but other classes and the MCAS, the Massachusetts standardized test.It was no surprise that when classes went virtual, hers continued to be unconventional. Today classes resumed after what she had referred to as longest spring break in her entire life. Three weeks. Taz’s daughter-in-law still had family in Europe. So did Nessie and Siobhan. They both had already lost family members. Doc, a few nurses and one doctor were sharing a three bedroom apartment. They were rotating through the rooms on shifts. Evie thought that there six or seven of them all together. They were working extended shifts and trying to minimize exposure to family members. Especially those with kids, elderly and at-risk people. Everything was topsy-turvy in the wo
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Chapter 135: Parent Teacher Conference
That depends. Which dad are you going to call? – CamdenMiss Jackson sat in her colorful kindergarten class at the only adult sized desk. At the knock on the door, she looked up to see a man who had tattoos on almost every visible inch of skin. The twins both looked up and smiled. “Boys.” Ink said and they both turned back to their coloring. “Miss Jackson.”“Mr. Reagan?” she asked standing up and offering a hand. “One of them.” He confirmed accepting her hand. “I’m Ink, Tank and our wife are on their way.”A look of confusion crossed the teachers face as another biker entered the room. Both boys looked up and at the cocked eyebrow, they slumped down in their chairs. “Miss Jackson, I’m Tank.” The larger man said offering her a hand. “Where’s Evie?” Ink asked. “I’m here.” Evie said walking in with a very upset two-year old Monica. The tiny brunette reached for her dads. Tank was the first one to take her and she settled against his chest and began to suck her thumb.“Sorry, she has
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Chapter 136: Freshmen
Mom, how come I’m the only girl? And the only single? – MonicaEvie sat at her desk as her last class of the day found their way in. She had kept her chalkboard paint but the other colors had changed over the years. Currently, it was teal blue and cream. The last two kids into the room were, of course, her oldest sons. “Boys, sit apart.” They both paused and looked at her and she simply cocked an eyebrow at them. With a simple “Yes, ma’am” from each of them, they sat on opposite sides of the room.David sat in a chair next to Nash O’Malley and Camden sat behind Tobias Lowery. Every year there were more and more kids from the club in her classes. Soon, the next generation would be occupying the desks in her room. She wasn’t sure that she was ready for that. It was bad enough that Law's daughter would be starting high school next year. And Athos and Michelle’s oldest would start the same year as Monica. And God save the high school boys that decide to date any of those girls. Moni
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Chapter 137: Help
Aunt Siobhan, I need help. – NessieIt was three seventeen in the morning. Siobhan looked from the bedside clock to her phone wondering who was calling her at three seventeen in the morning. The number did not look familiar and it had no name popping up either. It was from France. Who did she know in France? “’Allo." She mumbled. “Aunt Siobhan?” came a whispered response. She sat up in bed waking up Toad in the process. “Aye.”“It’s Nessie. I need you to call mum and have her send me my American passport. I’ll call you back with where ta send it. I’ve got to go.”The line went dead and she immediately called back the number. A woman with a thick French accent answered. “My niece just called me from this number.” She said and the woman explained the situation in halting English. “Thank you.” Siobhan whispered as she ended the call. “Babe?” Toad asked placing an arm around her shoulders. Siobhan curled into his bare chest and began crying. He wrapped his arms around her and leane
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Chapter 138: Safe House
Bury her deep in the safe house network. I don’t want anyone to be able to find her, even if they know where to look. – WerewolfIt had been June when Nessie reached out to Siobhan. It was now Boxing Day and she discovered that she was back in Australia. Her minders had brought her here once before, shortly after they snatched her off the street in Germany.The big hairy guy who had introduced himself as Werewolf said that it would be a few months before she could go to her aunt in America. She needed time to heal and disappear. Time to heal, her soul and body. She had been in a hospital style room that she later discovered was in a basement of a castle turned hotel. They had performed surgery to set her broken arm with pins and removed the small tracking device. Once her doctor, an Italian employed by Werewolf and his company, had cleared her for travel, they moved her. Often. Nessie had objected to decoys, afraid that someone would get hurt because of her. Havi, her decoy, told h
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Chapter 139: Devil’s Saints
May the saints bless us as we do the devil’s work. – Club MottoWerewolf stood by the nondescript SUV and watched the small charter plane come to a stop. There were a few snow flakes that drifted in the breeze. Thankfully she arrived before the snow did. But just barely. The door opened and the stairs were lowered. The girl who stepped out had learned how to disappear. Carl and Randy had taught her well. She would also know how to defend herself.He watched the young woman in the baggy jeans and plain black hoodie. Her tell tale fire red hair was confined under a dark scarf beneath the hood. Large dark sunglasses covered the top half of her face. The bottom half was just as nondescript as the rest of her. The only makeup she had requested was basic foundation, waterproof mascara and a light lipstick. She accepted the plain gray duffle bag from the attendant and gave him a slight smile. Basic kindness would blend with the rest of the day. Rudeness would make her memorable. Plus, sh
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Chapter 140: Call
You were our longest assignment. We both miss you. And your cooking. – RandyAfter six months with the two men, it felt strange not to go through their regular routine. It had been just over a week since they parted ways in Hawaii. The minders that she had on the yacht kept their distance. In fact, she was not sure that she even had them. She was just another member of the crew on a chartered yacht cruise. It had taken six days to reach California. She was certain that it could have been faster, but it was booked to be a leisurely cruise. And she got to cook for newlyweds.Nessie had never cooked on a ship before. For a week, she was the head chef aboard the Lady Ashford. Now, she sat on the bed in the room on the second floor of Sinner’s Shack. It was the clubhouse for the Devil’s Saints, her uncle Toad was president of the motorcycle club. What she knew of bikers came from movies and TV shows. She was not seeing the drug trade or arms that were portrayed on the screen. The men we
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