All Chapters of Choosing her heart: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
123 Chapters
Bigger plans
“You shouldn’t summon me unless you are exceptionally serious,” a deep, velvety voice spoke within the darkness. It took my eyes a few moments to adjust before the voice materialized into a man. Another man appeared beside him only moments later. I recognized him instantly. His long black hair, slicked back on his head. His body draped in a black cloak while still showing off his impressively large frame. Hades. I didn’t recognize the other with him, but he was equally as impressive. His hair was shaved on the sides and longer on the top. His body was covered in tattoos that peeked out from beneath his black cloak. I pushed myself off of the ground, standing before them, “How can you be so sure that I am not serious?” He chuckled darkly, “Most of you say you’d sell your soul for something, but not many actually mean it. What makes you any different?” I closed my eyes, allowing a flash of images to flood my brain. Wyatt laying in that hospital bed. “I’d give anything
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Called in a favor
“What do you mean?” She closed her eyes, “I may have asked my brother for a favor." Selene rolled her eyes, but I didn't find a hint of irritation towards her brother, "He had another lost soul on his hands that I was interested in taking.” I furrowed my brows, thinking silently that this woman must have gone crazy. Have I driven her mad? Am I the first wolf to finally push her over the edge? She chuckled, glancing around the vast open space before her eyes landed on an empty space and another wide smile played on her lips. Just then, I saw something moving in the distance. When it got closer, I felt my heart skip a beat. The air was instantly sucked out of my lungs and my eyes flooded with tears. “How?” I choked out. I was starting to get up when Wyatt tackled me to the ground. He wrapped his body around mine as if we were welded together as one. I couldn’t see through the blurring of tears, but I felt him peppering my face with kisses. “Is it really you?” He le
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The dream was real
I groaned, pushing myself off of Wyatt’s bed. My whole body hurt and I felt like ice had crept into the depths of my bones. My eyes found Wyatt's face the same way as it had been before I'd fallen asleep. His skin still held an ashy hue. The heart rate monitor still showed a flat line, despite brain activity. But now I knew the answer as to why.If I had never been to Selene’s kingdom, you would never be able to convince me that the dream I just dreamt was real. When Wyatt woke up, he would wake up wolfless. A vampire. Dex was gone, his soul now tethered in the kingdom. I should have realized what was happening when I felt Wyatt’s ice-cold skin. Though the goddess said that he almost lost his fight, I was thankful to her for giving him another chance. My heart constricted painfully remembering the way that Wyatt looked at me after finding out that he would be living his life as a vampire. A gentle knock at the door broke me from my thoughts and Kai’s head popped in. I mot
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Don't want to be this way (Wyatt POV)
As soon as I stepped over the threshold of my hospital room, I ran. The ache in my head grew with every passing second. My legs carried my faster than I ever imagined possible. I could see everything passing me like I had HD vision, but I knew I was moving at speeds that wolves could never. Twilight Woods was quickly in the past as I kept moving. Kept running. I don’t even know if my feet were on the ground any longer. Honestly, I didn’t care. ‘Dex, please. Please give me anything. This can’t be real. You can’t be gone.’ My head was deafening silence. Nothing. Not a grunt. Not a whine. Not a single smart-ass remark. I abruptly stopped running. Looking around, I was still in the forest. Thick lines of trees filled the space around me. Walking up to one, I slammed my fist into it, hearing a sickening crack, but not from my bones. The tree snapped, splintering down the center. It fell with ease, smashing into the ground. I heard birds escaping the area, fluttering and
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To hell with the bond(Wyatt POV)
As I approached the house, I could smell Felicity. Not the same way that I used to though. Her scent was more alluring. I could almost taste a strawberry milkshake on my tongue, but it was the scent of her sweet blood that lured me closer. I felt saliva pool in my mouth as my body basically forced me into the house. Walking through the house that I'd called home, I followed her scent to the bedroom that we shared. Lying in the bed, Felicity was curled into the fetal position. The dampness on her cheeks glistened, and beneath the glow of the moonlight.... I could see how red and puffy her face was.I felt physical pain in my chest listening to her sniffling and hiccupping in her sleep. When I left the hospital, I wasn’t thinking about anyone but myself and how much this changed my life. I feel like an asshole. If Dex were here, he would have told me I was the biggest asshole. And he would have been right.I walked over, sitting gently on the bed next to Felicity. I gently brus
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Pure bliss (Wyatt POV)
I reached up, freeing her hair from the tie that held it together, letting it flow freely down her back. I laced my fingers through her curls, pulling her face to mine.Her lips parted slightly and our breaths mingled for a moment. I dipped my tongue along her lower lip, sliding it slowly, before pulling her lip through my teeth. She moaned quietly as her tongue plunged deep into my mouth, spreading an unfamiliar warmth through my body and straight to my painfully hardened length. Our tongues danced, fighting for dominance. I savored the way that she tasted. I’d missed it and never wanted to taste anything else. I could live solely on strawberry milkshakes forever and die a happy man. I could hear her heart beating erratically, like a melody in my head. Pulling away from her mouth, I kissed slowly down to her pulse, flicking my tongue over the sensitve skin. I lifted her up, grasping on to her butt and squeezing gently. Her legs wrapped tightly around my waist, and I could sme
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Not sorry (Wyatt POV)
“What did it feel like to you?” She took a deep breath, “Like your body and mine were connected. I felt my climax building, but when your fangs broke my skin, I could feel yours too.” “Did it hurt?” I silently prayed to the goddess that it didn’t. I never wanted to hurt Felicity. She lifted her head off of my shoulder, “That was the most amazing feeling in the entire world. There is nothing that I could describe to compare it to. It was more intense than when you marked me.” I breathed out a sigh of relief, “Thank the Goddess.” She giggled, “Thank the Goddess.” For someone who’s heart no longer beat, I felt alive. I felt like someone had electrified me. “Are you sure you want to do this? With me?” She hung her head, shaking it slowly, “Wyatt, I love you, but you can be so stupid sometimes.” I put my hand to my chest in mock sadness, “I am deeply offended,” I paused as she lifted her head and quirked a brow at me, “I just want to make sure I’m not robbing yo
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Necessary talk
“I will talk to Kiera. Parker is going to have to work through this on his own. He’s had issues with Wyatt for a while now and I’m not sure that’s ever going to end,” my voice lowered as I muttered, "Especially now."We left Kai’s office, heading home for the night. I knew the air in the house was going to be thick. The way Parker has been acting was out of line. Part of me wonders if he didn’t even try to heal Wyatt when he was in the hospital, but the other part of me knows the man that I'd fallen in love with all those years ago would never rob Wyatt of a chance to live. If for nothing other than me. I hated thinking that way, but something is going on with him and I’m not sure how to fix it. When we walked through the front door, I could hear Kiera and Parker arguing from their room. Hushed whispers sounded angry between the both of them. Sighing, I walked through the house and banged on the door. No need to waste any time when Wyatt’s life was on the line. Again. Parke
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Water under the bridge
Parker squeezed my hand, turning towards me, “You’re right, I’m sorry. It wouldn’t be fair to her to continue holding a grudge over Wyatt for things that are entirely out of his control. Thank you for being the level-headed one,” he shook his head with a smile."What?" Parker chuckled, "I just never thought I'd say that." I smiled, “Whenever you need me, I’m here. We may not be mates any longer, but we will always be family,” I narrowed my eyes, "But I've always been the level headed one between you and I." Parker sat up abruptly, letting go of my hand, and looking out over the water. His eyes glanced down at his hands before returning to the expanse of water. I was confused, but sat up next to him, listening to the gentle roll of the waves. “Is it weird, for you?” he asked, turning his head towards me and breaking the silence. “Is what weird?” “You and I...” he whispered. His hazel eyes glittered beneath the sunlight as they roamed over my features. “I wouldn’t say
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Meant to be
I watched from the kitchen as Wyatt played with Helena in the living room. I don’t think my heart will ever get used to the feeling of seeing them together. She was stumbling around in what I would call a “baby” run while Wyatt crawled around on his knees, chasing after her. Her giggles and laughing screams filled the room. I glanced up at the clock, my stomach twisting painfully. In an hour, we would be meeting with the Elders, and they had decided to bring the head of the Vampire council here with them to discuss Wyatt’s fate moving forward. It had taken almost six months for them to coordinate a time for both to be present here in Twilight Woods. Not only will Wyatt's Beta position be up for discussion, but his murder of Vincent. And the vampire must decide whether or not he should be punished for killing a sire. I was so fixated by the slow ticking of the clock, that I was nearly knocked down when Helena launched herself onto my legs in an attempt to escape the “Daddy
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