All Chapters of Choosing her heart: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
123 Chapters
I watched as Wyatt’s eyes glistened slightly. He tried to blink away the impending tears, but failed as one single drop slid down his cheek. He grabbed both sides of my face, pulling me in for a kiss. I felt tears begin to blur my vision, but I refuse to let them escape. Wyatt needs my strength today. He leans his forehead on mine, taking a deep breath, “It’s time.” Walking through the door, the conversation throughout the room stopped and all eyes turned to Wyatt and I. Both the Elders and Vampire council had brought at least fifteen members each. “Wyatt Reed, Beta of Twilight Woods, please take a seat next to your Alpha, Kai Harlow of Twilight Woods,” Elton, the head of the Elders stated before turning to me, “Felicity Donovan, please take a seat over there,” he stated, pointing to a small bench. The members of the two councils took their seats in front of Kai and Wyatt. “I, Elton Centar, am here representing the council of Elders for Werewolves,” Elton began, "The men
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Howdy (Wyatt POV)
I pulled Felicity into a tight hug, “Let’s go home and celebrate,” my lips brushed her earlobe, and I felt a shudder move through her body. Felicity pulled away from me, looking confused, “Why are we celebrating?” I smiled, “Well, I’d like to start by celebrating the fact that I have the most beautiful, amazing, sexy mate in the entire world. Then, I’d like to celebrate the fact that I’m officially done dealing with the stupid council. And finally, did I say I wanted to celebrate having the literal hottest she-wolf for a mate?” Felicity’s lips tugged into a smile and she closed her eyes, shaking her head. “You speak a very compelling argument,” she joked. “I knew you’d end up seeing things from my point of view,” I winked. Kai cleared his throat, “You two enjoy all of your celebrating. I’m going to go home and spend some quality time with my mate and son.” A bright pink blush tinged Felicity’s cheeks and she gave me “the” look as Kai left us standing there. “I’m not
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Things to think about
I scooped her up, carrying her to the door, but as soon as I slid the glass back, smoke started bellowing out. It was like an instant sober for her, she basically jumped out of my arms. I rushed inside, covering my nose and heading over to stove. I quickly shut it off, grabbing two gloves and grabbing the now blackened food out of the oven. Felicity turned on the water to the sink and I threw all three pans under the stream, hoping to stop the burning. Running around, I opened all of the windows to let the house air out. “I’m so sorry.” Felicity looked at me and just started laughing. “What are you laughing about right now?” She kept starting to speak but couldn’t hold in the continued laughter. “I..... We just.... ran through the house.... butt ass naked..... throwing burnt food.... in the sink.... and opening windows. You.... are literally standing there...... with only oven mitts..... on your hands,” she choked out, still laughing. I glanced down, realizing t
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After Helena told us her dream, my mind has been unsettled. Not necessarily in a bad way, just with so much unknown; it worried me. Is my daughter a future teller? Did she just have a dream because Parker and Kiera told her she was going to be a big sister? She said that I had red in my eyes. Do I make the decision to turn? Do I have to turn because I am pregnant by a vampire? I know that I shouldn’t be looking too deeply into what she said, but my heart says otherwise. “Felicity, we might not share a mate bond anymore, but I can hear your thoughts loud and clear,” Wyatt whispered, walking over to envelope me in a tight hug. I’d lost my appetite to eat as a dull ache spread through my head from the never-ending string of thoughts. He pulled away, “Do you want to talk about it?” “I don’t know. Am I worrying for nothing? Is my brain creating scenarios that are just.... are insane?” He chuckled softly, “Trust me, her dream threw me for a loop. My mind hasn’t stopped chu
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I groggily open my eyes, rubbing away the tiredness that I feel. After blinking a few times, my eyes adjust to the bright rays of the sun shining through the branches on the trees. I sit up, looking around to see if I can find out where I am at now. This is the middle of another future dream. The ground was littered with crunchy brown and orange leaves. The air was cool but not freezing, so it must be fall, which is just around the corner. Pushing myself off of the ground, the sound of leaves crumbling beneath me broke the silence in the forest. I’m in Twilight Woods, I can feel it, I’m just not sure of where. There is an unfamiliarness that settles deep in the pit of my stomach. I walked through the trees for a few moments before my ears picked up the bustling sound of pack life. I followed the sounds and before long, the pack clinic came into view. It was still so surreal walking among life while being completely unnoticed. I was just a fly on the wall in these dreams... but
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‘Are you really going to do it?’ Iris questioned, her voice sounding more like a whine. I chose to ignore her for the millionth time this morning. Her incessant pacing and questions have given me one of the worst headaches I’ve had in my life. My head was already running wild with questions and answers. I didn’t need any other questions. ‘That’s specifically why I’m trying to get answers from you,’ Iris growled. I ignored her once again, choosing to clean the house to distract my mind. My heart felt as if it were torn to shreds, and I couldn't blame her for wondering. I was considering sending her back to the Goddess, essentially cutting her time here on Earth short. I spent what felt like hours cleaning everything. Scrubbing the counters, floors, doors, trim, anything I could think of. “You’re going to scrub the finish off of the floor soon,” Wyatt chuckled sleepily. I had an incredibly hard time sleeping after my future dream. I’ve been up for hours and it's just no
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“Who is this little lady?” Atticus smiled at Helena. “This is our daughter Helena,” Wyatt answered. Atticus looked between the three of us, but said nothing. It was obvious that Helena wasn’t Wyatt’s biological daughter, but he chose not to say anything, which I appreciated. Atticus motioned for the three of us to follow him into his office, “Would you like it if I had my nanny grab Helena so that she can play was some children similar to her age?” I was hesitant, but I have no reason not to trust Atticus, so I found myself nodding. A moment later, there was a quiet knock at the door. A petite, older woman peeked her head inside, “I hear there is a little lady in here that might like to go play,” she spoke warmly. I was slightly shocked at the fact that this woman was a human. “Helena, would you like to go play with some of the kids here?” She jumped up and down excitedly, squealing yes over and over. “My name is Genivieve. If you follow me, we have a very nice pl
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Revenge (Wyatt POV)
I didn’t trust myself to speak the entire drive home. Emotionally, I was drained. I was angry, frustrated, sad, but mostly, defeated. Fuck Atlas and his stupid venom turning me into a vampire. I wish I could drive that stake further into his heart. Fuck Abe and Elenore. Abe was still a free man, though he orchestrated this whole mess. I silently wondered how difficult it would be to pay him a little visit without being noticed. He didn’t deserve to live. He deserved to have everything taken away from him. Just like he had done to Felicity. Time and time again, she’s faced decisions that ultimately end up affecting her at some point down the line. Once again, her life is held in the hands of someone else. Me. Of all the people in this entire universe; Why did it have to be me? I love Felicity more than words could describe. She is everything and so much more. She is my light in the darkness. She is the reason that I feel alive, even without a beating heart. She understand
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Have taken too much (Wyatt POV)
The voice broke me from my thoughts. I glanced up, looking into Abe's angry eyes. “You don’t remember me?” I scoffed.He narrowed his eyes as they roamed over my face with disgust, “Should I?” he questioned, his voice laced with irritation. I chuckled, my mouth turning up into a wicked grin. This asshole couldn’t even have been bothered to pay attention as I took care of Vincent right in front of him. His little minion. I decided now would be the perfect time to utilize my speed and before he could blink, I was standing in front of his desk. As he turned towards where I was standing now, his features changed from anger to fear. I could smell his fear. Hear the racing thumps of his heart. The electric feeling came back and I could sense the blood coursing through his veins. I came here to teach him a lesson. That lesson wouldn’t include feeding from his vile body. I wouldn’t dare infect myself with the likes of this man. I have other plans in mind. “Wh... What do you
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Weight (Wyatt POV)
My hands began to tremble as the weight of what I had just done hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked down at the fresh glistening of blood that coated my hand, wiping it roughly down the front of my shirt. With Vincent, I had to kill him. He'd attacked me and if I didn't fight back; He would have killed me. But today.... I killed a man in cold blood. There was no question on whether he deserved it; He absofuckinglutely did... but it makes me feel dirtied. Stained with the reality that I was now a murderer. I’m not sure how long I remained sitting there in shock. The sound of a phone ringing loudly brought me back to reality. I stood, stepping over Abe’s dead body, and rushed down the stairwell. As I exited the door at the bottom, I nearly ran into someone. The man was wearing a bright yellow vest that said security. Shit. His eyes looked me up and down momentarily before he scrambled for the gun in his waistband. I lunged forward, punching him hard enough to knock him out
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